Chapter 175 : Marcel Helped Plan The Structure..

Start from the beginning

Monique just stared out the cabin window silently.

Travis put his arm around Monique, "It's going to be okay, darlin'. You'll just see. Anyway, I'm gonna have myself a nice lotta explainin' to do when I don't show up home tonight, and so will you!"

"I did leave my beloved a brief note. I didn't want to worry him as he's so unwell, and I knew there was no way he would let me go if he knew. I'm surprised you insisted on accompanying me so quickly. I knew you were the only person who would understand. It is no mystery why Genevieve treasures you, Travis." Monique said.

"She does... And, I ain't even the looker of the family!" Travis said with a warm, ironic smile.

"That's not true, Travis! All of you, with your unique and unusual looks are all special!" Monique said.

"Everyone knew that out of all us Adamski boys, the looker was always Merrick! You proved that. So, you ain't really in a position to deny it, missy. Just like how the looker in the next generation of his, is Nathan." Travis said with a smile.

"Hey! All of my sons are gorgeous, fine young men! Any girl would be proud to bring one home to their mother!" Monique said.

"I'm just joshin' you, Mon. You've always known that I've always been there for you. You can help explain it all to Evie when we get home. You and her are as thick as thieves and my excuses will sound better coming from a fellow countrywoman of hers. You two can natter away in French while I climb outta window."

Monique just giggled as she leant towards Travis, and he smiled off into the distance as he held her close.

~ X ~

Lennon tried to pull the shutter back up, but it was locked in place, tight. He tried forcing it up, but it was useless.

"FUCK!" He shouted as he kicked the shutter in pure frustration, bending and warping the steel slats slightly.

He gripped it again, trying to force it back up against the hydraulic, but even he couldn't force it back up, even one millimetre. Lennon pulled out his phone to find he still had no network or Wifi.

He then saw a biometric pad on the far side of the shutter. Some had keypads too, but this one only had a biometric pad.

Walking up to it, he placed his hand against the glass, and he heard the hiss of the hydraulic release. He then gripped the bottom of the shutter and started to force it back up. Walking into the hall, he noticed the shutters down as he looked for a radio.

All he could think of, was that Chéri was potentially trapped somewhere, and was probably frightened. His heart ached and his first instinct was to find Chéri, then deal with the situation.

~ X ~

Meanwhile the group from the canteen had reached the end of that segment of the complex with nowhere to go but a cleaning room, as the keypad had been strangely damaged, blocking their way into the next compound.

"Hav...are you there?" Mateo asked into the radio, but there was no answer. Mateo just kicked the table before he sat down.

"Javier must not have a radio." Ethan said.

"Hav always carries a radio. He just doesn't keep it on all the time. But, I'll bet he'll turn it on as soon as he realises the phones are down. But! we don't know what kind of situation he's dealing with right now. Remember, his pregnant wife is probably stuck somewhere. So, we need to organise ourselves just now! Follow orders and make some decisions." Mateo said.

Daiquiri pressed her back against the wall and started to slump down to the floor, "Are we gonna run out of air? We're now trapped! We're so fucked..."

For The Love Of Chéri (CHAPTERS 1-112 REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now