Chapter 150 : Eco Condoms!

Start from the beginning

Spangna shook her head, "He's not like that in real life. Also, if he's shouting at someone, then they really deserve it. He has a strict three strikes policy."

"Really? Well, he must be a good person to be with you, Span, because you're the sweetest girl ever. Normally the house starlet is a horrible, and bitchy bully! But you lift girls always have!"

"Thanks, Lexi." Spangna said tearfully.

At that moment, the other side of the large room, Lennon walked into the canteen and saw Ethan sitting at the table, eating cereal.

"Hey! Ethan! How are you?!" Lennon said as he leant on the table.

Ethan just stared up at him, blankly.

Lennon smiled, "Got any alien news? What do you think of 'storm area 51'? Or have you got any new gossip about Chéri's ugly boyfriend? "

Ethan stood up, holding his bowl, "Oh? You! Lennon! You've played me for a mug! You're a wolf in sheeps clothing! A degenerate sodomite!" He ranted as he shoved Lennon.

"Listen, listen! Ethan! Buddy..I never set out to mislead you, but things just evolved and I couldn't stop it! It became funnier to hear you slag me off about a load of fictitious antics that I never even did!" Lennon said.

"All this time you've been getting into bed with that un-natural creature Chéri, and pretending to care about my problems!" Ethan said, getting progressively louder.

"Nah! I do care about your problems! You've raised important issues! I want to help you, and your girlfriend!" Lennon said back.

"No! Thank you, Lennon! I've seen what happens when YOU help people! Leave me alone!" Ethan said as he shoved past Lennon on his way out, "I can't believe I trusted you, and I even told you about the shape-shifting reptilians!"

"Dude... come on! I'm just a normal guy like any other..please..." Lennon said after Ethan, but he just left.

Lennon felt deflated that Ethan had written him off entirely, purely based on his sexuality. He knew he had misled him to a certain extent, but everyone was in on the joke too.

This was the second large fallout with someone over the discovery of his homosexuality, and it made him feel a little withdrawn, in this country where he had felt so liberated. Lennon felt desolate that yet again, his sexuality had caused him problems.

Lennon turned around to see Javier leave the food queue with two paper bags rolled down at the top.

"Hav! Hey! I ain't seen ya since I got back from America! How's it goin' buddy?" Lennon said.

Javier didn't even turn around, just said quietly, "I'm not your buddy."

"Hav.. How's Suzy?" Lennon asked.

Javier turned around and pointed right into Lennon's face, "Suzanne, and I, are fine. Mind your own business, and stay the hell away from my wife, okay?!"

Lennon looked around awkwardly, and then smiled, "Like, what?!" He asked, not taking it very seriously, as Javier practically squared up to him, even though Lennon towered over him

"You heard! I fuckin' mean it." Javier said.

Lennon giggled slightly and shrugged as he looked away, thinking it was a bit comical.

Javier suddenly swung a punch at Lennon, catching him right on the jaw. Lennon swayed a moment, absorbing the punch with relative ease even though it hurt, and snapped him out of his belief that Javier wasn't being serious, "What... THE FUCK?!" Lennon said.

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