247 » the mikaelsons

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this is a bit different from what i usually do, and more of a drabble tbh but i like it, hopefully you will too !!


Imagine being best friends with the Mikaelsons since the beginning

  "Always and forever."

  Those words meant a lot to you, in so many ways, even after a thousand years, the meaning never stopped being all the same. The first time those words were spoken to you, was when Niklaus Mikaelson made you a little wooden toy, against his father's commands, and he sneaked it to you in the middle of the night. And that toy, you still carried to this day. The words were repeated to you throughout your childhood, all the way to the moment when you and the Mikaelsons were forcefully turned into vampires and after the fall of many, only you, Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah stood by each other's sides. And in that moment, you vowed to support and love each other, always and forever.

  It was more of a family than your real one. You had lived in an unhappy home, and when you ran away as a child, you were taken in by Esther and you grew close with all of her children. You were almost one of the siblings, really, and loved just like the rest of them. Tragedy wrapped the family in its hold eventually, and you, and the three remaining siblings were forced to run, for years. But at least you did it together.

  Your favorite place was New Orleans, and like the rest of them, you adored all about the city. From the lovely music to the endless nights you loved to dance away with Elijah, you enjoyed your stay profoundly, and it was a shame you ever had to leave. You built a home there, and for years, you were utterly happy and you found yourself smiling each and every day. Your bond with them thickened, and you and Klaus even had time to evolve a ghost of a romance, only for it to die down when you understood you weren't meant to be together like that. You were happy, that was all that mattered, and you ruled the city together.

  But, inevitably that good in your lives came to an end at some point. Their father, Mikael, was hunting them down, aiming to kill Niklaus and you couldn't possibly accept such a fate for any of the Mikaelsons, so the lot of you ran, again. It was a tough way to live, but somehow you managed. What mattered the most, was that you were all together. That was always the only thing you cared about - unity. Always and forever, as had been promised to one another.

  In Chicago, you met a charming man that went with the name Stefan Salvatore. You grew quite fond of him, and so did Rebekah, but instead of fighting for his attention, the two of you had your own fun with the man. He turned out to be rather careless, and wonderful to spend some time with - the blood never ceased to flow, the dancing was endless and many nights ended with your face hurting because of smiling so much. Stefan was incredible, and you could have sworn, to this day, that Niklaus was greatly jealous despite insisting otherwise.

  You and Stefan grew close, yes, but Mikael had followed you from New Orleans, and the fun came to a stop, even when you had thought it wouldn't. Stefan fled, since he was a vampire and didn't plan on being slaughtered by a hunter, and so did you, Klaus and Rebekah. Soon enough, Rebekah had been dropped from the count, so it was only you and the bastard child, who despite his evil actions, was the one you liked the most and therefore you continued to roam the world with him.

  The scenery changed, the surroundings and the people, but Klaus never left your side. You and him, you were a dream team that kicked ass all over the world together, but not enough to spark Mikael's attention. You kept the other siblings closeby in their coffins, but eventually, it was time to wake them all up - once you found yourselves standing on the border of the one and only Mystic Falls.

  It had been so long since you went to the town, and it had grown and evolved a lot, yet it still reminded you of the good memories, playing hide and seek with Rebekah and learning how to use a bow and an arrow with Elijah. And as the lot of you stood tall on top of the buildings, your eyes looking down at the town with busy people, you all managed to crack genuinely happy smiles. It had been a rocky road, but now all the siblings were reunited, and one thing was for certain.

  "We're going to be happy here", Elijah stated hopefully, and you nodded.

  "And kick a lot of ass."

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