26 » elijah

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alright so guys basically i have over 80 imagines to write oh my god what the fuck that's so much am i slow or are you constantly giving me new ideas or what ??? anyway i love your requests so i will do them all, obviously, but i am going to close requests on the 11th of this month again, because that is also when school starts ((ugh bye)) and i am going to be so busy because i honestly need to concentrate and study harder or else i will be writing these imagines on a street in a dumpster tbh so send all your requests in now, because they are closing in a few days and will be closed until i get all of the eighty imagines written.

i would love it very much if you guys sent me requests based on songs, and requests for the women, because i really want to do more of them ((: i don't do smut for women, though, sorry, but please don't send me sexual requests for the girls because they will not be doneee (: thank you, love you !

here's an elijah imagine i got inspiration for in the shower where most of my great ideas come lmao haha hope you like it !! ((also yes i know, another elijah imagine but i can't help my feelings omf sorry ! and to the reader who wanted some damon imagines - the 28th imagine will be damon smut ((: ))


Imagine writing fanfiction about Elijah and him finding out

You loved writing. And you loved Elijah Mikaelson. So obviously, the only reasonable thing to do, was writing about him. You were an active writer online, and your stories, fanfictions, were truly liked and you lived for the amazing comments and support you received with each chapter. Many people wrote about people like Evan Peters, or Dylan O'Brien, or Harry Styles, and as much as you loved and admired all three, your heart was burning hot for the Original vampire, the noble one. He was Mystic Falls' own little celebrity, and your story about him was very liked.

Obviously no one thought it'd be based on true stuff, no one thought there would be vampires in some little town and no one thought, though did hope, that this suave, gentlemanish sexy vampire actually existed.

Because of all the comments you had gotten, you had considered admitting your feelings for him but so far, the only kisses you were having with him were just fiction. You loved Elijah, you were sure of it, especially after you wrote three pages of just his jawline. But you were also sure that he was too good for you, too fancy and charming to date someone like you.

You kept your fanfictions secret, but with all the reads and votes and comments, it was only expected that one of your friends would stumble upon it. Your biggest fear. And coming very true.

"Oh. My. God", Caroline on one day said and stood up from her seat. You, Bonnie and Elena were at her place, spending some time, and you were all looking for some easy recipes for something quick and delicious but Caroline had found something very different. Her words caught the attention of you all, and you lifted your eyebrow, wondering what got her so shocked, though amused and excited.

A wide smile covered her lips, as she shot a meaningful look to you, "Listen to this", she started, "I looked into his deep eyes as our fingers intertwined and he pulled me closer to him. He looked so handsome in that suit he's always wearing, and his dark hair was so fluffy, and his lips irresistible. I wanted to kiss the life out of him, but he was already dead, since he was a vampire. An Original vampire."

Your eyes widened as you recognized the text, and you blushed heavily, kind of wanting to attack Caroline but that would only make you guilty for the intense fanfiction that would only get sexier with each sentence. Caroline looked at you, and then at Bonnie and Elena, and giggled

"That was amazing. Can you guess who it was about?", Caroline asked, and both Elena and Bonnie reply instantly.


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