127 » enzo

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Imagine having a snowball fight with Enzo

When you had lived one half of November in 2015, you woke up to snow. The ground, and streets of Mystic Falls were coated with white and you could only smile as you watched the snow fall from the sky quickly, building up on the ground and making winter official. You loved winter, and Christmas, and snow was one thing that definitely put you in the mood. You were ready. You had already listened to your favorite Christmas songs and put on some lights, and you had baked gingerbread men and prune tarts. You were ready.

"Enzo! Wake up! It's snowing!", you yelled as you ran to the living room where your boyfriend had slept. You had caught a bad flu, and you had forced him to sleep on the couch so he wouldn't get it too, but right now you couldn't care about anything except the snow and Christmas that was getting closer with each day.

Enzo woke up groggily and gave you a tired look after rubbing his eyes and sitting up. You jumped on his lap, and placed your hands on his cheeks, and after giving him a big smooch on the lips, you stood up and dragged him to the front door with you. You were only wearing your fuzzy socks, a pair of Christmas themed pajama pants and a red sweater but you couldn't care less. You took your mittens, beanie and scarf and put them on before running outside with screams leaving your mouth.

"Bloody hell, Y/N, you're sick!", Enzo let out and quickly put on some shoes and a jacket to cover his bare upper body and then ran after you. While he followed you, he cursed quietly and shook his head - his girlfriend was insane. But as he looked at you, jumping in the snow while squealing in excitement, he couldn't help but smile and understand how much he truly loved you.

"It's snowing, Enzo! Do you understand? Snowing!", you giggled and collected some of it from the ground. With your reindeer mittens, you turned the snow into a ball, and when it was firm and solid enough, you aimed at your boyfriend and tossed it at his direction. The snowball landed on his naked chest underneath the jacket, and he groaned at the cold snow on his skin but instead of starting an argument, he made a snowball himself and threw it at you. You dodged it perfectly, but as you concentrated on building another snowball for yourself, Enzo had already chucked a new one at you and it hit you in the face.

You gasped, and gave him a disappointed look. "Lorenzo. I cannot believe you--", you began, but before you could finish, another snowball hit you in the face. You let out a frustrated sound, and wiped your face before making a huge, perfect snowball and throwing it to Enzo's face, succeeding on reaching him.

"What! I just happen to have a wonderful aim, gorgeous", he teased, and when you saw him kneeling to get more snow, you ran away while giggling. You hid behind your mail box when Enzo threw another snowball at you, and this time, he didn't hit you and it caused you to laugh victoriously.

"Ha! I guess you're not that good after all!", you exclaimed, only for your boyfriend to shut you up with a ball of snow straight to your mouth. You spat the snow out, and gave him a challenging look, before making a new one with your hands.

So the two of you began a snowball fight, and nearly every time, Enzo hit you or dodged you with his vampire reflexes which was just unfair, but you still managed to get a few good hits at him. It was quite cold outside, but you didn't realize that or care about it, you were loving the situation too much anyway. You loved snow, and winter, and Christmas, and the first snow of the year was something you weren't going to miss. You were going to take all the fun out of it and with Enzo, it was just perfect.

"Looks like you have lost, lovely", Enzo pointed out when you were on your back on the snow, in defeat. You nodded your head, but laughed, capable of having fun even if Enzo totally kicked your butt in the snowball fight. You tossed some snow at him, but instead of moving out of the way, he went through it and then came on top of you, his face near yours.

"I love you", you giggled, and he replied the same way before placing his lips on yours. It was a soft kiss, and cold too because of all the snow you had thrown at each other's faces. Enzo's hand cupped your cheek, while he tilted his head to the side to meet your lips perfectly. You closed your eyes, and felt the snowflakes falling onto your face as you and Enzo stayed in the snow. Your fingers went through his dark hair and your other hand grabbed some snow from the ground, seeing your chance coming up. Enzo was so focused on the kiss, he didn't notice you taking all the snow, so you shoved it against his chest which earned a groan from him. The kiss broke, but you only laughed again.

"You didn't see that coming? I guess I win after all", you teased then, making your boyfriend squint his eyes disapprovingly, but you were too happy for him to begin an argument.

"I suppose you do, gorgeous."


you guys have no idea how much i love christmas

i just made some finnish prune tarts and they are perfection okay and also i've been blasting christmas songs for the past two hours ((and made in the a.m tbh)) and while i wrote this i watched mickey's christmas carol which is the best omg i just want to cry i'm so excited

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