7 » klaus

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I'VE HAD SUCH A FUCKING LONG AND WEIRD DAY I ALMOST FORGOT TO UPDATE jesus christttt i've been playing the sims 3 so much lately i got addicted again oops and i'm currently happily married to harry styles and we have three kids ((((: but on a much sadder note, one of my gerbils died today so :/// and his brother ate his head so um yeah i'm kind of upset and stuff but anyway i loved writing this, once again it's pretty long haha, enjoy !!


Imagine being bullied and going to Klaus and falling asleep on his couch, when he comes home he takes you to his bed and in the morning takes care of you

There was nothing worse than bullies. There was nothing sadder than knowing that each day you'd get yelled at, pushed around and called with names that felt like a punch in your heart, every time. Being bullied was awful, and even you, a bubbly girl, quieted down and shut yourself in your shell and let the bullies do their worst to you. You were afraid of standing up, so you never did, you spent all your days in school walking alone and expecting the worst from everyone.

You did have some friends, though, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, Tyler and Jeremy were usually there for you but the guys were obviously too busy doing their own things and the girls didn't have a single subject with you. They were always on the other side of the school and your schedules didn't match at all, so you had to be alone. Outside the school you always had fun with them, but that was the only time, really.

Though if they'd see you getting pushed and kicked, especially the guys would push in and protect you. Jeremy was often walking around with a black eye or a cut lip just because he had intervened, but he didn't really care. And sometimes, when Stefan would bother to come to school, he'd keep an eye on you, but they couldn't possibly watch over you all the time.

And you always told them everything was fine. You told them it wasn't that serious. But it was.

When the Originals, the Mikaelsons, took place in town you felt happy and lucky for once. The most charming one of the siblings, Niklaus, grew fond of you and felt the need to always be around. He'd arrive to your school and make sure you were doing fine every day, and in the evening he'd often stop by with some flowers or coffee. He was like an angel, yet everyone seemed to hate him. But to you he was the opposite of evil. He was sweet and caring and you quickly realized you were in love with him.

But he didn't know about you being bullied. He could tell that you were sad quite often, but you didn't tell him why, and he didn't want you to be uncomfortable so he didn't squeeze it out of you.

On one day, it got too hard on you, though, and you had to tell Klaus. Your hair had been pulled today and you had been kicked down to the floor when the day was over and everyone had left already, leaving you with a bruised skin and aching sides and thighs. The bullies had called you with the most awful nicknames they could just come up with, and they made their everything to make you feel bad, just horrible.

With tears in your eyes, you started to walk towards Klaus' home, hoping he'd be there. You had never felt so beaten, so sick and hurt, and you needed his comfort and possibly his blood to heal you. The bruises and cuts reminded you of the bullies and their feet kicking you, so you wanted them away. You were so close to snapping and going to the dark side of sadness, but Klaus was the one thing keeping you sane and that was why you made your way to his home as quickly as you only could.

It hurt like hell. Every step sent a shock of pain through you, starting from your toes and touching every inch of your flesh and bones before reaching your head, causing it to ache and you to moan in agony. Eventually you did find your way to the Mikaelson house, though, and your eyes filled with new kind of tears, replacing pain and sadness with relief and joy. It covered some of the pain, but you still struggled to get yourself to the front door and finally inside.

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