237 » klaus

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Imagine being best friends with Klaus and doing everything together, and on one day he gets stuck in his wolf form so you take care of him

  "I knew that something like this would happen sooner or later."

  You smiled sadly at the werewolf by your side, your hand touching the warm fur while your eyes closed and a single tear fell to your cheek, followed by some more. You chuckled, and inhaled sharply as you opened your eyes again and looked around, your teeth taking your bottom lip in between to stop yourself from crying. But, you weren't sure if there was way to not be sad - after all, your best friend did get a witch on his ass, and now he was stuck in his wolf form, for an unknown amount of time. Perhaps forever.

  At this point, Klaus usually would've wrapped his arms around you, held you close and breathed in your scent while you wept against his chest, but instead, he was as a wolf next to you, nudging you slightly with his head to offer some kind of comfort but there wasn't much he could do. You sighed then, giving him another faint smile, and tried to focus on the positive. Even though he was more of a werewolf than a vampire now, at least he didn't try to kill you, and that was good. He still felt drawn to you, and the bond of best friends still remained between you, which was something.

  "I'll help you through this. And I'll find a way to bring you back", you sighed, and knelt down to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing the animal closer to you. The fur tickled your face as you buried it against him, and tears continued to roll down on your cheeks, but although you were sad and sorrowful outside, you were the complete opposite inside.

  There was a raging storm inside you. You were going to kill the witches, with Klaus, once you'd get him back. You were craving for vengeance, and that you would surely get. The witches had messed with the most powerful being in existence, and his best friend and partner in crime, which was actually the same thing as a massive mistake.


  You and Klaus had been best friends for so many years, you could barely remember where and how the wonderful friendship began. You and him had created incredible memories together, from an awkward drunk kiss, followed by a simultaneous "Ew!", to slaughtering a bar full of people together. You and him bonded over the strangest things, yet found shared affection towards some TV shows, books or ways to gouge out someone's eyes.

  You were a dangerous mixture, a team that everyone in their right mind feared, especially after the two of you built yourself a reputation in Mystic Falls. Eventually you, and his family, fled the small town and went to New Orleans, which was a city you both loved and adored, so it was easy to build a home there. Although you did have to fight a vampire army on the side, but nonetheless, you found happiness there, and you were more than glad to share it all with your best friend.

  Everyone knew who Y/N Y/L/N was. No one messed with you, partly because people were aware of how badass and cold you could be towards those who threatened you or your loved ones, and partly because you were living with the scariest family in existence and especially Klaus would no doubt break every bone in some random guy's body after treating you with the slightest bit of disrespect. But, even if you were considered some kind of a villain, and connected to the Mikaelson family which honestly put you in a bad light, you were happy.

  That was, until one of the witches in town decided it would be a good idea to force Klaus into turning into a wolf and then locking him in that form, making it impossible for him to turn back. Now the amount of people who had the nerve to challenge you, had went from zero, to one, and you didn't enjoy it. Of course, you would enjoy tearing the bitch's liver out, but you didn't enjoy having to watch your best friend live miserably in the bayou, while the witches showered in fame and fortune for getting rid of the evil hybrid.

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