108 » klaus

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i'm in such halloween vibes tbh i love halloween,,, finland fuck u for not celebrating it

butbutbut here's the imagine that was so much fun to write omg, i loved it, here you go !!


Imagine going to a Halloween party with Klaus, who is your best friend but turns out to be in love with you

When Halloween came nearby, just around the corner, you spent your days jumping up and down and squealing. You were also planning the perfect matching outfits for you and Niklaus Mikaelson, your best friend, and you had a couple of ideas and you knew that he would not like any of them. Which made it even better, yet harder for you to choose from all the great options. You loved Halloween though, and when Damon announced that he was throwing a party with the specific theme, you promised to show up with Klaus.

Klaus had celebrated Halloween many times before, with many different ways, but you had vowed that this one would be something he had never before experienced. While it excited you, Klaus was scared, and tried to prepare himself for the worst, but with you picking the outfits and deciding about the whole night at the party, there was nothing he could do to be entirely ready. You were an evil young woman at times like these - you absolutely loved Halloween and you were going to make this epic. There was no doubt of it.

While the outfits you had chosen weren't very scary, they were legendary nonetheless. Klaus was going to hate it, but only the thought of him in what you had picked made you laugh. So when Damon sent you a text where he said to show up in a few hours, you in excitement took out the costumes but before showing them to Klaus, you forced him to promise you one thing.

"Whatever it is that I'm going to give you, you must wear it. Just for tonight, Nik - promise me", you insisted, and truly against his will, Niklaus managed to nod, delighting you. You gave him the costume, and Klaus rolled his eyes so hard you feared they'd drop but before they could, he shot you a mean glare.

"I sincerely hate you, dear", he smiled sarcastically before yanking off his shirt and tossing it onto your face.

Tonight was going to be fabulous.


You and Klaus arrived at the Salvatore house, where Damon, or Stefan who had been forced by his brother, had decorated the house and surroundings nicely. Some classic pumpkins, with vampire fangs carved into them - you were convinced that was all Damon's work - sat on the stairs leading to the front door where the Salvatores hadn't gone easy. The door was open, and purple smoke crawled on the floor while the indoors flickered with green and orange lights. There was loud rock music playing inside, and the walls were covered in basic decorations, like skeletons, that you honestly feared to be real. You never knew about Damon, really.

It was overall beautiful and you got the vibes you came looking for, while all Klaus could concentrate on was the laughter he was the target of. People pointed at you and him and sneered and snickered, not bothering to hide their mockery. You knew that you had been evil this year, while last year you and Klaus went with something a little bit more tame. Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf - you were the wolf and you shoved him into the sexy girly outfit. Sometimes he really hated you, but the ultimate truth was that he loved you. And tonight, he would confess it to you.

"I have never felt so ashamed, Y/N. Last year's costume was awful, but this is worse. You are truly despicable", Klaus muttered, wanting to add a proud smile but he was far too irritated at the moment to do that.

"Hey", you chuckled, "don't give me that shit."

You and Klaus entered the spooky house, you in the full Owen Grady mode with your blue shirt, brown vest, boots, and a rifle hanging from your shoulder. And of course, your buddy, Blue next to you. Alright, you knew you were the worst when you insisted on Klaus dressing up as a velociraptor but it was too great to pass. So there you were, you and him, pulling off the Jurassic Word look even though Klaus absolutely hated it.

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