Dating Kol would include...

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i realized how i should probably do these with the girls too, so yeah, i will. this is the last one like this today, but more will come tomorrow and at some point i'll start to do the girls too (: 


↳ endless flirting, dirty jokes and sexual suggestions

↳ feeling confident because of kol always complimenting you and making you feel like the sexiest girl alive

↳ netflix and chill on a daily basis

↳ partying and clubbing often

↳ being the best, sexiest and most badass couple in town

↳ him kicking the butts of everyone who dares to flirt with you

↳ pranking kol's siblings and acting like little kids and just plain bratty behaviour

↳ having a shared instagram account with lots of adorable selfies and dubsmash videos

↳ getting him hooked on working out just so you can watch him when he gets all sweaty and shirtless

↳ having dozens of otps and shipping them together

↳ constant teasing and making out

↳ mind-blowing sex

↳ public sex

↳ morning sex

↳ literally just sex wherever, whenever

↳ him making you a vampire and teaching you how to be a proper one 

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