179 » elijah and klaus

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words cannot describe how actually happy i am with this imagine,, this is what i aim to do every time but i often fail miserably but oKAY my point is i love this and i hope you do as well xx thank you for over 850K reads, love you all ((:


Imagine Elijah and Klaus being your over-protective brothers ++ Imagine taking your boyfriend home for the first time

  Nervously, your hands trembled as your boyfriend grabbed both of them to hold in his. You shot him a look, fearful and like you wanted to escape but not too long ago you had said something about being brave and proud and therefore he didn't allow himself to give in to your sad puppy eyes. Chewing on his lower lip, he looked away from you, but soon enough his gaze returned and you both sighed while feeling the chilly winter air pinch your cheeks and nose uncomfortably.

  "I'm not sure about this, James. What if they don't like you and do something... something", you sighed and gave him a serious stare, trying to earn his realization. You and him were standing just outside your mansion in New Orleans, where you had aimed to walk confidently with your boyfriend James and introduce him to your brothers proudly. It seemed like a good idea, until you gave a thought to how insanely over-protective Elijah and Klaus were. You didn't bring a boyfriend home too often, but it was always equally nerve-wracking and unhealthy to you and your sanity. You loved your brothers, but they were honestly a pair of pretentious assholes and the chances of them approving and welcoming your boyfriend with open arms were slim.

  "I don't know, I'm pretty lovable. Kinda like Kol", James grinned, and nudged you with his elbow gently. Through the rapidly falling snowflakes, you gave him a horrified look, as if his words were supposed to calm you down but they did the opposite. You grabbed James from his shoulders, and in an instant your slender fingers answered to bring revealed to the freezing air, making you want to push them back in your pockets.

  "Kol was a dick. And Nik locked him up in a box for decades. How is that supposed to help me?", you cried out. James opened his mouth to say something but only a low breath of awkwardness came out, matching his state that now resembled yours with the slightest amount of fear. You looked into his beautiful eyes, and pushed strands of brown hair back under his warm beanie while giving him a kind smile.

  "I love you, but you're being kind of stupid right now", you stated, and kissed his pink lips softly. "It's contagious. Let's go", you then added, knowing that it was now or never, and after grabbing James' hand, you led him inside where you felt somewhat more confident - or at least tried.

  Above you, Klaus and Elijah looked at you two, leaning on the railing and reviewing the man you brought along. Klaus' lips pulled up along a smirk, while Elijah remained calm and cool as he judged the handsome young vampire at your arm. Sipping on a drink, Klaus chuckled, and locked eyes with you but spoke to Elijah.

  "It appears little sister has found yet another Prince Charming to wed", he said, and put down his drink before starting his way to the lower floor where he could officially meet your newest lover. You weren't dating and looking for love as often as Rebekah was, but for your brothers even this one, was enough and more. They had high expectations for the man you dated, even if you were grown enough to take care of yourself but to all of you, family meant the most even if some people - Klaus - didn't always let it show but there would never be a boyfriend you wouldn't eventually introduce to them.

  So, after five months of dating, you asked James if he'd like to meet your more or less crazy family, and he agreed. As a vampire, and a man dating an Original one, he was brave enough to do so and you couldn't be happier. And there you stood, hand in hand, in front of Klaus who was soon enough joined by Elijah to meet this young fellow who held their sister's heart in his hands. Too often they assumed the worst, that he would only crush that heart he had limitless access to, but you had broken up with men more than they had broken up with you. There was nothing to worry about, but they did it anyway.

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