135 » klaus

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apparently there's been some trouble with my imagines, some of you had trouble with reading and or commenting, and i'm sorry but i have no clue why that happened and i don't have anything to fix it with, but i hope it's over now !

i'm also very happy to announce that this, and the next imagine ((which is also a klaus imagine)) both include smut so read with warning or don't, up to you haha. enjoy xx


Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Klaus

"I hate Niklaus Mikaelson."

Your words made your friends laugh, so hard they had to wipe tears from their eyes. While in your opinion, your and Klaus Mikaelson's relationship was just negative, full of hatred and not so suffocated loathing towards each other, your friends completely disagreed. Ever since the Original hybrid found his way to Mystic Falls alongside his family, you and him had been playing with each other, some sparks obviously igniting between you but you were certain that they were just angry, vicious sparks.

"No you don't", Caroline stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "I mean, even I can admit that I had a little crush on him but you and him? You're made for each other", still laughing at your face. You raised an eyebrow, and crossed your arms while leaning back on your seat and scoffing.

"Well, good for you, Care. But me? I couldn't care less about him and his hybrid ass. He is a pain in mine", you rolled your eyes. The girls snickered, not capable of believing your words. They all kind of supported the thought of you, the sarcastic, sassy, female version of Damon dating the malicious, devilish Original - you could either be the scariest, most dangerous team ever, or the cutest. Whatever the outcome would be, they wanted to see you and him together, and they all knew that there was something between you even if you didn't admit it.

While you and your best friends argued about your nonexistent, yet somehow very evident feelings for Klaus, on the other side of the town, Klaus was teased about his crush on you by Rebekah. He was painting, he had said how someone lovely had inspired him to it, only to be accompanied by his sister who was being, lightly put, a bitchy brat.

"Is this supposed to be Y/N? That girl you've spending so much time with. The girl you have oh, so deeply, fallen for. Don't play with me, Nik, you dream of her all day long, don't you?", Rebekah spoke while sitting on the couch from where she could perfectly see Klaus' hand moving the brush against the canvas with some lovely colors on it. The hybrid laughed, and gave his sister a look to tell her that he couldn't take her seriously.

"You amuse me, dear Rebekah. Y/N is nothing but a rather mean young woman. Particularly annoying, too, but not nearly enough. She thinks she can get underneath my skin but I have lived with you, haven't I? If she aims to annoy me, she needs to reach a whole new level, sweetheart", Klaus grinned, earning a glass tossed at him but he dodged it with ease and it crashed into the wall. Rebekah gave him a sarcastic look and a fake smile before standing up and continuing to push Klaus towards the edge.

"I don't think I can believe you, Nik. Y/N is quite the charmer, I admit, and you clearly like her. Perhaps you should stop lying to us and ask her out. I'm sure she'll say, well, no, but knowing you, you are quite persistent and I'm convinced that eventually you and her could fall in love like people in the movies do", Rebekah explained, teasing Klaus who swallowed thickly. He did have some kind of feelings for you, but your relationship wasn't open to confessing feelings or first kisses. It was negative, it was aggressive and with you, he couldn't let his guard down. With you, he had to be ready for everything and anything and he couldn't let you get to him.

"I have seen the way you look at her", Rebekah said then, which was enough to anger Klaus. In frustration, he threw the brush onto the carpet and Rebekah groaned at the sight of paint on it. "Really, Nik, the carpet? How low--", she began but didn't have time to finish when Klaus already waved his finger angrily and growled at her.

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