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Imagine telling Kol, and later the others that you're pregnant with his child

  How would a thousand year old Original vampire react to hearing that his not so serious of a girlfriend was pregnant with his child, which was supposed to be impossible?

  This was the question that had taken over your mind, not leaving any space for other thoughts to intervene and stop your worrying, but it was rather reasonable, considering you were pacing back and forth the house you shared with Kol, with a pregnancy test in your hands. A positive pregnancy test.

  You didn't know how it had happened, since vampires weren't supposed to be able to procreate, but the symptoms were quite real and so was the - third - test you had done to get certainty. And it seemed very damn certain now, you were pregnant with Kol Mikaelson's child, and you were having a serious case of mixed feelings. A big part of you wanted to keep the baby, just because merely the thought of an abortion sent chills down your spine, and because starting a family had been your dream, one that you just gave up hope on when you began dating a vampire. But, if Kol wouldn't want it, that meant being a single mother and that was evidently a challenge and you weren't sure if you could do it.

  There was tons of pressure on you, and fear was building up in you, your heart growing restless in your chest and pounding fast as you rubbed your temples and continued to walk back and forth in the living room. Your train of thought was interrupted, when you heard the front door shut, and you realized that Kol had arrived so you stopped moving and quickly shoved the test in your backpocket, hoping that the Mikaelson wouldn't grab your ass right now.

  "Evening, darling. Fancy a movie night?", Kol asked, wiggling his eyebrows and you sighed, knowing very well what a movie night meant. It always ended with the two of you all over each other, and you started to fear that Kol didn't want anything deeper than good fun without serious commitment, but that was kind of inevitable now that you had a bun in the oven. Which was big news, so big that you had to tell him, so you sighed and shook your head, disappointing Kol with your reaction, but he could tell something had upset you so he strided over to you and cupped your cheeks with his large hands.

  "What is it, darling? Has Nik done something?", Kol asked, looking into your eyes sternly, only wanting your best and you couldn't help but smile at the affection he showed towards you. Obviously you were something more than just daily sex, and it gave you a boost of confidence as you inhaled sharply and figured now was just as good of a time to tell as any. After shaking your hand, you took his hands, and guided him to the couch where the both of you sat down, whilst your eyes tried to frantically search for something else to look at than him, and his gazed at you with genuine concern in them.

  He easily made your relationship seem light and fun, but there was so much more it. He had no intentions to lose you, and whenever he found you upset like this, his heart filled with worry and he couldn't help but let his smile turn upside down while looking at you. He didn't declare his feelings too often, he was used to playing the part of a flirtatious, cheeky boy but he did in fact love you. You were his girlfriend, after all.

  "Well, I'll just get to the point right away", you sighed, squeezing his hand in yours as you slowly brought your gaze to his and you could feel your heart swell in your chest when you saw his worried look. "I don't know how it's possible, but I-I'm, uh, I'm pregnant. It's your child, Kol", you stammered and bit on your bottom lip rather harshly, just because you feared his reaction so much. He could either be happy as hell, or the complete opposite and he kept you waiting by staring at you with a blank look on his face.

  Kol's smile disappeared, but he looked rather confused instead of angry or disappointed, so it was all good for the moment. You let go of his hands though, not sure if he wanted you to be so close to him anymore, and you had already turned away, ready to leave him alone to think about for a while, but he placed his large hand on your shoulder and pulled you back towards him. His hand went to your lower back, and he brought you closer with ease, so he could crash lips onto yours while his other hand went in your hair. You gasped, and closed your eyes when most of the shock died down, and you found yourself smiling against his soft mouth, feeling rather relieved.

  It was a passionate kiss, though not a long one, but enjoyable nonetheless. Your hands went to his cheeks, and you pulled him closer, happiness and love taking control over you as you kissed lovingly on the couch. He felt like safety, he smelled like heaven, and he looked so fond, you couldn't hold back a giggle when your lips separated from each other. Your smile turned out to be quite contagious, and he mirrored it while resting his forehead against yours carefully.

  "A baby, huh? Never thought parenthood would be a part of my life, but the thought does make me happy. I only a few days ago thought about how I'd do anything and everything for you, darling. I love you, Y/N, and although this scares me quite the bit, and it's not really my style to start a family, you are the girl I would absolutely do it with", Kol explained, pulling you onto his lap, his hands resting on your hips and your eyes gazing into each other's happily. You giggled quietly, and placed a kiss on his forehead, while happiness took you in its incredibly satisfying hold. You had been so afraid of telling Kol, but things worked out well for you.

  "So, you're not leaving me?", you asked just to be sure, and the Mikaelson laughed while shaking his head. You broke into a smile, and took his hand, interlocking your fingers as you looked into his eyes, feeling nothing but affection towards this unbelievable man. You were definitely with the right guy, no doubt of it.

  "Never, darling."


  For a couple of weeks, you and Kol kept the pregnancy hidden, as a secret, but you knew that eventually, you'd have to tell the friends you had in Mystic Falls. Just like you had told Kol, bravely, except this time you had him by your side and it was much less scary. It didn't really even matter what your friends thought, considering you had Kol and he would gladly have this baby with you, but you knew your friends were going to be supportive and happy for you anyway. You had great friends, the best, and you only kept it secret to avoid unnecessary fuss and to figure out how to tell them and how to do everything.

  You also wanted to be sure that you'd keep the baby, which you would, and as soon as things were clear between the two of you, you were ready to go to Mystic Grill where you had invited your closest friends to announce the pregnancy. You wanted to let them know in a fun way, a picture with a pregnancy pun or something, but Kol insisted on being proper and telling everyone in person, so you agreed. It wasn't a bad idea.

  "Are you certain you want to do this, love?", Kol whispered in your ear, his hand protectively on your waist as you entered the Grill. You nodded, and gave him a convincing smile - it almost seemed like he was more scared and worried than you. You leaned against him slightly, and together you walked to the booth where all of your friends were, even the not-so-close ones, just because it was such a huge deal.

  "Are you guys engaged?!", Caroline squealed as soon as she saw you and Kol, and you rolled your eyes, but it wasn't that far from the truth. You still had big news to tell, and engagement would probably be the next step, but right now, you still had to shake your head to the question. You knew Caroline was going to be the most excited, and you really had no idea what to expect from her, but it would certainly be loud and happy.

  "Brother", Elijah spoke with a smile as he straightened his jacket, offering Kol a smile, and then turning over to you. "What has happened?", the Original continued, and glanced around, knowing it had to be something massive, since even their so called enemies were there. Everyone was there, like you had asked them to, from Rebekah to Alaric, and that alone meant serious business.

  You glanced at Kol and held his hand tighter as you turned back to the others. "I'm pregnant", was all you had to say for them to go absolutely crazy. Caroline started to yell, Stefan gave Damon some money which meant they had a bet, and Elena looked shocked as all hell. The Mikaelsons were surprised, but they all broke into happy smiles, and soon enough you and Kol were surrounded with friends and loved ones who hugged and congratulated you.

  You smiled, and kissed Kol's cheek softly, knowing that although Mystic Falls was a dangerous place, the baby would be born into a happy family, and have people taking care of him or her at all times.

  "I love you", Kol whispered in your ear, and you replied the same way, meaning it now more than ever. And, you repeated those three words, as you glanced down at your stomach with a wide smile on your red lips.

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