39 » kai

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tbh this goes from badass motherfucker to cute little puppy in like 0.003 seconds just warning u

also a lot of bad "LANGUAGE" and stuff so


Imagine Kai finding out you have an abusive boyfriend

To be honest, you thought you should have been with Kai Parker instead of the guy you were dating currently. To be honest, you thought you should have been with anyone but your current boyfriend. But Kai just happened to be special to you. You really cared about him, and you were the one person who could see through everything awful everyone else hated him for, and he loved you for it. You stayed with him through thick and thin. And he did the same for you, but he didn't know how seriously wrong things were at your home.

Maybe he should have understood that something was going on when you, despite everything you had been through together, refused to take him to your place. Maybe he should have understood, that something had happened when he spotted bruises and cuts and nasty marks on you. And it was something much more than just the result of being the clumsy girl you always said you were. It was so much more. But Kai had no idea.

When your boyfriend, who did not treat you well, found out that you had been growing a strong bond with another man, even if it was just friendship, or at least you hadn't cheated, he didn't react too nicely. That night, when you told him about your friend Kai, you earned a few fairly big, aching bruises. You were in a horrible situation, and had no clue how to get out of it.

But luckily, Kai started to gather facts and put pieces together and in a blink of an eye he had the whole picture clear as glass in front of him. All the bruises, and marks, like you had been in a fight, and all the sadness in you and all those fake smiles and looks that begged for help. And he hadn't seen it from the beginning, and he hated himself for that. When he figured it out, he couldn't stop yelling at himself, and broke stuff in his apartment out of pure rage and disappointment towards himself, but most of all, your boyfriend.

You weren't the one to blame though, of course not. Kai loved you, and you deserved only happiness and smiles and sunshines, but you had to live in a cage, in a prison and deal with unhappiness, waiting for someone to realize and hold you and help you.

And finally, he had understood, and after the little situation he had with anger in his house, he quickly went to your place, not afraid of your boyfriend because hell, he was a mega-powerful mighty witch and would have no problem whatsoever with kicking his ass. He wanted to do it, and he needed to it. At least then the bastard who claimed he loved you would get a taste of his own medicine.

"Fuck. Shit, what the actual fuck? What a fucking piece of shit. Son of a bitch. I'm gonna beat that motherfucker until he's begging for me to kill him - I swear to fucking god", Kai muttered to himself as he cracked his knuckles and knocked on your front door.

In no time, you opened it, with a smile on your face but it disappeared as soon as you saw Kai. But he wasn't there to talk to you, either. He was convinced that your boyfriend was abusive, or at least treated you horribly and that was why he didn't even greet you, he just pushed through the doorway and walked up to your boyfriend who was sitting in the kitchen.

Kai grabbed him from his collar, and his fist connected with the bastard's jaw and then his nose. After several punches, Kai let go of him because you begged him to do so, but as soon as your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend fell to the floor, Kai kicked his side and then the other. He wasn't wasting anger, he was channeling it all to the jerk who had dared to touch you in such a negative way.

You followed the situation uncomfortably, and tried to make Kai stop but he was furious, more than ever. So you just hugged yourself and avoided the two with your eyes, but you did feel kind of glad Kai was there to save you from him now. You just didn't like the idea of killing your boyfriend, or whatever he was to you. A chain in your ankle - that's what.

"Y/N, this fucker doesn't give a shit about you. Clearly, because he's abusive, isn't he? He hurts you. He hits you, and pushes you around and makes you feel worthless. Well guess what, you're not worthless, you're the most perfect person to ever exist and I can't allow this asshat treat you like that and ruin you", Kai shouted, and although his voice was booming and scary, you knew he didn't want anything bad for you.

He just happened to be very, very, very angry at the man who had done exactly what Kai had talked about.

So you allowed him to continue, because there was no stopping him anyway. Kai continued to bash the guy around, and cursed and called him with awful names and made him feel really bad about himself. But after all, he had made you feel worthless, and that made Kai see red. He was not going to let anyone or anything hurt you in this whole wide wicked world. He was going to take care of you, and make you happy.

When he had enough, Kai called the cops to get him out of his sight, and away from you. Whenever he was taken, after your explanation about what he had done to you and so on, Kai softened and pulled you into a hug. His bad boy attitude crashed down completely as he broke to tears and sniffled while his hands held you tightly against his shaking body. You cried too, but you felt a certain kind of relief wrap you up as you breathed in Kai's scent, felt his warmth and knew that you were loved.

"I'm so sorry because of everything you have been through. I'm sorry it took me so long to understand. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm so sorry. I love you, I'm so fucking in love with you it's insane, it makes no sense and I feel like I'm going to fall apart, but believe me, everything is just fine now... I'll always make sure everything is fine. I love you", Kai stammered.

He was panicking, you knew it and to calm him down you caressed his cheeks with both hands and pressed your lips to his softly. Kai took in a sharp quick breath, and you smiled into the kiss but it didn't matter. What mattered, that Kai had saved you from your boyfriend and beaten him up just for you, and that you could now be happy together. You could do and be so much. There was nothing, or no one to stop you.

"Stop worrying, Kai. I love you too, and I'm very grateful to you for all you've done for me. I really, really, really love you", you said when you finally let go of his lips, and left a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose which made him smile.

"How are you so calm? I mean... He... You...", Kai stuttered. He had went from angry and badass to weak and fragile quickly, and it made you feel all warm and happy in your heart. You really loved Kai.

And now, you didn't have to be ashamed of it, feel bad because of it, and hope for it to be untrue. You didn't have to be scared.

"Because it's all over now, Kai. A new chapter for me, for us, is beginning and I want you to live it with me...", you said and looked down at your fingers that intertwined with his, "I don't want to think about... him. And the stuff I had to go through. Because you're here now, aren't you? And I bet we'll be really happy together."

Kai smiled, and nodded his head. He kissed you once more, it was fond and sweet and loving, not too passionate or sexy at all. It was perfect, a little bit shy and vulnerable, but perfect nevertheless.

"Sounds good to me."


ok let's be real i'm thinking about writing a kai book ++ own character how does that sound

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