116 » klaus

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okay to be honest i don't think this is my best work, but this was such a heavy topic it was challenging for me to write about it, but can i just say,

dear reader who requested this, i wish you all the best and as much happiness and love as one can carry. i was honored to write this, okay, that sounds weird but you've been through a lot ((and i'm happy you've been so brave and strong !!)) and the fact that you asked me to write this, something like this, it makes me feel quite nice, because this is obviously a sensitive, heavy subject. i tried my best with this, i hope you like it ! please continue to be as amazing and strong as you've been so far xx

to the rest of you, i also wish nothing but happiness. if you have had to deal, or still do, with something like the stuff described in this imagine then please know that there's people out there who love you, including me, i care about every single one of you even if i don't personally know you all. but i do know that you're all special and beautiful and shouldn't let one, or two, or even ten people bring you down. also, if you ever want to talk about stuff and need a shoulder to lean on, then i'm always here. i will always find time to make you smile and stop you from hurting yourself. you're all perfect in your own ways, please stay strong x

also, i absolutely love demi lovato, so although this was a bit of a challenge for me as a writer, i was happy this song was asked to be included in the imagine. i added it on this chapter, please listen to it, it's beautiful and amazing and worth the while (:


Imagine telling Klaus about your and your dad's bad relationship and he makes you feel better

You woke up at three in the morning in the bed you shared with your boyfriend of one happy year, Niklaus, and sat up while wiping sweat from your forehead and trying to control your body from shaking so wildly. The nightmares were old, familiar and usual to you. Nothing new. They were always about the same thing - your childhood, and how you had to grew up with a father that was verbally, though never physically, abusive and capable of making you feel awful and sad on every day with the slightest bit of effort. It was tough for you to grow up with him, not even your mother could entirely help you and save you from the sadness, and still, with him now gone, you saw nightmares of him.

You glanced at the clock on your nightstand, and then at Klaus, disappointed with both sights. It was early, so obviously your boyfriend was still asleep, and you didn't want to wake him up so you quietly got up and tiptoed to the kitchen by yourself. You poured yourself a glass of cold water, and let it slide down your sore throat while remembering the worst parts of your childhood. The thoughts wouldn't leave you alone, they forced their way to your head, and you knew only one way, not out, but to ease the pain.

You picked up your phone from the kitchen counter where you had left it last night, and opened Spotify and put on your most played song, Father by Demi Lovato. You sat on the kitchen floor, your back resting against the counter as you let tears slide down on your cheeks. The lyrics hit you straight in the heart, and although it kind of hurt to feel them and relate to them, listening to the song always helped. It helped to know someone else struggled with the things you did. It helped to have words put into your mouth, formed for you. In your case, they were more accurate than any lyrics before, and you knew them by your broken heart. It was easy for you to move your lips along the words.

The powerful voice Demi had managed to take down your walls you had put up ever since you were a little girl. The song was perfect for you, and for your father. It hurt like hell, but you bit your lip and like the warrior you had grown up to be, you let the memories in your head and went through them all while repeating the song over and over again. It was a circle you had used to do quite often - it was true that your father had damaged you from the inside and even if the worst was way behind with several years, there was nothing you could do to forget about it.

With your father being often drunk, you were constantly scared. Scared of what he'd do to you when he comes home. You'd hide, and tell your mother to do the same. The two of you lived in eternal fear, really. Not only was your father a drunk, but addicted to drugs, too. With the money he was supposed to keep you happy and healthy, he bought drugs for himself and so your household was dragged into even a lower level. The memories of him coming home, wasted and high, they were one of the worst. Nowadays, you saw many teenagers adoring the lifestyle of drinking and getting high, but you knew it was a way to being ruined. You knew better. You had experienced it, watched from aside as one destroys himself and the loved ones surrounding him.

You couldn't go through more memories, when your name was called out. You turned to look at Klaus who had appeared to the kitchen, woken up by the music playing from your phone quite loudly. You wiped your eyes, but more tears just fell out and there was no way to stop the crying. You wanted to pause the music, but instead of doing so, you put your phone down and crawled to Klaus who went to his knees and pulled you into a hug. Without saying a word, he just held you, rocked back and forth to comfort you. You had never told him about your past or your father, but you knew he knew the feeling. And it was easy for him to pick up the pieces from the song lyrics playing from the phone.

"Your father... Y/N...", Klaus mumbled, trying to start a conversation but he wasn't sure if there was a right way to do it. You nodded, not sure why, but it was all you could do. For the next twenty minutes, you cried, and Klaus held you. Then you felt like talking. Klaus was the love of your life after all, he understood you, he completed you and he shared many feelings with you so you knew he was worth your trust and the while. You pressed your head against his chest, and opened your mouth, ready to revive some memories of your father.

You told him everything. From how your dad used to come home, intoxicated, calling you and your mother with names you hated hearing still to this day, to how he threatened to hit you but just stuck with the verbal abusing. Many of his words still remained in your mind and heart, like a knive impossible to extract, just going deeper, hurting every day.

You told Klaus how you tried to pray for your father, hope that he'd get better and learn to love. Even if he sent you on a dangerous, dark path. You became depressed, and you let Klaus know, how you dealt with a lot of suicidal thoughts and did many actions you now regretted but couldn't run from. Your skin reminded you every day of what you fell into. And as much as you tried not to, your mind blamed your father. You tried to wish all the best for him, though, you knew he was a troubled man, but he did so much wrong to you.

But Klaus didn't judge you. He understood. He listened. He cared.

"Oh, love. Please know that I love you no matter what, and that I am here for you. Unfortunately I know many of these feelings you have been going through. As you know, my father was not the ideal kind, either. I know your pain, love. And I am not afraid of sharing it with you, or helping you with it. I love you more than anything or anyone, and all I ever want for you is happiness, and I will do my everything to help you through this", Klaus promised. You knew that you wouldn't be able to get through, not very easily at least, but a part of you was convinced that Klaus could make it easier for you.

For years, you had been trying to recover. Since your father passed, it became either easier, or hell of a lot harder for you to try and get back up from the lowest of low he sent you on. But with Klaus, you were a bit happier. And maybe one day, you could entirely move on.

"I like this song", Klaus whispered after a long while of silence. You chuckled, and wiped your eyes, before looking up at him and caressing his cheek.

"Me too", you answered, "I love it."

You and Klaus stayed there, on the kitchen floor for the rest of the night, listening to the same song on repeat until you felt strong enough to live the next day. It wasn't easy, but Klaus helped you with getting through your past that still haunted you, and with his love and constant mending, the memories of your father didn't hurt you so much anymore. You learned to live with it, and with Klaus by your side, you never had to consider hurting yourself again or doing anything you were forced to back then.

With Klaus, you didn't need to worry.

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