173 » damon

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okay first of all, that gIF AND THAT FACE what even i'm just like melting over here wbu,, omg look at that smirk and his eyes and his lips and his eyelashes and jaW AND WHY IS HE SO ATTRACTIVE IT HURTS

now that that's out of the way, i just want to say that i seriously appreciate all the support and love more than it might seem, honestly, thank you so much. i've been writing on my phone for several days now since my laptop is kinda dying and literally falling apart and i thought i wouldn't get these to be nice at all but they've turned out pretty sweet and you guys seem to agree and that makes me unbelievably happy. my point is,, THANK YOU.

the gif ok i'm still not over it never let it die


Imagine spending Christmas with Damon after your boyfriend breaks up with you

You shut your front door loudly, before sliding down to your behind and bursting into tears right there on the floor. You brought your trembling hands to your face and covered it while breathing in and out shakily, struggling to calm down but in your own defense - your boyfriend did kind of just break up with you, leaving you all alone with tons of food and presents for Christmas.

You had planned it all, and it seemed so great in your mind - spending the day with the love of your life, eating good food you had worked on for days, kissing under the mistletoe, listening to some music and opening presents, on which you had spent most of your savings just to see a smile on his face. But turned out, he had found some slut to make him smile now, and he wasn't too sentimental about your relationship so he just tossed you out of his life. That love of your life, was now the douchebag you hoped to never again see.

Your cheeks were covered with tears, and choked out sobs echoed through the house where you now lived all alone. You didn't want to believe it, but it was the harsh truth and reality from which you couldn't run no matter how much you craved to do so. Your heart shattered again and again, until the bits and pieces were too tiny to mend and all that was left was a broken girl, crying on Christmas after a sudden end to a relationship she had thought and hoped to be forever. You removed your hands from your face, and wiped your eyes quickly after taking out your phone and dialing the number of your best friend, the only person you could really trust and lean onto right now.

Soon your friend answered, and an inevitable smile appeared to your lips.

"Damon? How would you feel about spending Christmas with me this year?"


Only twenty minutes later, your best friend had burst through the door, ready to offer you his comfort and caring which he did. Ever since, you and him had been sitting on the floor together, hugging, him telling you how much he hated your boyfriend and you telling him how much you appreciated him coming to spend Christmas with you. Nothing would be sadder than being left on Christmas and spending the day alone, devouring ice cream and wine but it brought you some kind of comfort to know that you still had friends, and one above all who'd be there for you and make you smile when you needed it.

"Are you okay? Okay enough for some dinner, maybe?", Damon asked when a fair amount of time had passed. You chuckled, but forced a nod and after giving him a tight hug, you lifted yourself from the floor and helped him up. "I'll always be here when you need me, Y/N, alright? I'm only a call away, wherever I am, I'll always come to you when you need me. I love you", Damon smiled, making you do the same while you started your way towards the kitchen. His fond gaze lingered and he couldn't help but feel alive around you despite being actually dead. If only you knew how much he meant those last three words.

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