156 » stefan

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i changed the request just a little bit, so sorry but i hope it's still ok ! 

and guys omg i have only like ten more imagines to do aND I'MSO HAPPY



Imagine being at a ball and Stefan keeps teasing you with little touches and comments which leads to him confessing his feelings to you

 Nervous butterflies swarmed in your stomach as you stood in front of a mirror, looking at your reflection happily, but still, an uncomfortable tingle remained in your heart. You had been invited to a ball, thrown by Rebekah to celebrate a recently made peace between the Mikaelsons and the other residents of Mystic Falls, and Stefan had asked you to go with him, and obviously you had agreed. You and him had something going on definitely, but you didn't know what it was, though you wanted a lot out of the hint of a relationship but still, around him, you were nervous and awkward. But tonight, you hoped to get some clarification and answers. The game had been going on for too long, and it was killing you slowly to know that you were both falling for each other but neither made the first move.

 So there you stood, in a gorgeous, flawless dress that was perfect on you, your hair styled beautifully and your make-up done wonderfully. You felt stunning, but you still didn't know if Stefan would like it. You hated how you wanted to make every decision based on his opinions and feelings, but you couldn't help it. It was quite obvious that you had fallen for him, and it was only a matter of time when you'd awkwardly blurt out the truth, to which he'd hopefully reply in a similar way. And if things would go right, like you had imagined, tonight would end in a first kiss.

 There was a knock on your front door, and you drew in a sharp breath before picking up your dress and walking out of your room. You were ready, physically, but your heart and mind kept telling you everything else. Still, you managed to find your way to the front door which you bravely opened while smiling, expecting to see Stefan but you were a bit disappointed to see the other brother.

 "Is the lady ready to go?", Damon asked with his usual smirk, and you rolled your eyes but nodded, taking his arm so he could walk you to the car. "You look stunning, Y/N", the Salvatore complimented, and you thanked him with a chuckle but couldn't deny that you were confused. You should have been with Stefan by now, but instead your arm was linked with Damon's and he opened you the door of his car, in which you sat of course, but you still demanded answers.

 "Where's Stefan?", you asked while Damon sat in the car as well. He laughed and started the vehicle, and while driving away from your house, he opened his mouth to give you a shady explanation but it offered you a slight amount of comfort to know that at least Stefan was coming.

 "Thanks, I think I look sexy too", Damon teased, "I can't tell you, but he'll show up eventually. Baby bro decided to go big this time. Don't worry, I'll entertain you with my awesome personality and epic jokes in the meanwhile. And we can even dance." You rolled your eyes again, but thanked him for telling you before leaning your head against the window and looking at the surroundings while Damon drove to the Mikaelson house.


 "We're here", Damon then let out after stopping the car as soon as he reached the residence. You nodded, and reached to open your door, but with his vampire speed Damon had already left the car and arrived to your side to open the door for you. "I promised Stef I'd take good care of you before he shows up", he winked, and offered you his hand which you took while a wide smile danced on your flawless lips. You liked Damon, maybe spending the beginning of the night with him wouldn't be so awful. You didn't love him the way you loved Stefan, but you and Damon were still friends and he was your second choice for events like these, when Stefan was out of reach.

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