211 » kai

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"This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you've ever had. Of course I'm in."

  If there was something that made you and Malachai Parker the perfect team, it was your shared, undeniable insanity. You were both just as deranged and twisted, and whilst it meant a terrible threat to all of the residents in Mystic Falls, it also meant the perfect chance for Damon to come up with matching nicknames for you two.

  Although, once Kai merged with his sibling and got all the power he wanted, he kind of calmed down and started to apologize to people. For a moment, you feared he had gone soft, but you could feel the effects of being free from worries and the goddamned prison world kicking in as well. You were somewhat happy, and you managed to live in some kind of peace. Nothing had been set to stone, but for the moment, you and Kai stayed away from breaking havoc into the small town, and you let everyone move on with their lives.

  That was, until Bonnie Bennett screwed up.

  She locked your boyfriend, trusted ally and partner in crime away in the prison world of 1903, and saying you were angry, would be an understatement. You were infuriated, and heartbroken, who wouldn't be when losing their soulmate? You weren't one of those people who handled grief very well though, and you aimed to burn the whole damn town to ashes, until you remembered what Kai had told you.

  He had known that trouble would come around eventually, and he had promised to kick through alive somehow. He had also known that if someone rose against him, it would be the plucky Bennett witch, and he wasn't wrong. He told you to not kill Bonnie, though, because he wanted to do it himself, and therefore you tried to remain calm as you patiently waited for your not so sane lover to return from 1903.

  You didn't know what to expect. You weren't prepared for anything, but knowing Kai, you were aware that he'd come back with a bang. He was one for dramatic entrances and being in the spotlight, he was a public villain, not one to hide his actions or feel ashamed. He was pure evil, and you knew that what Bonnie did to him, would drive him over the edge and give him the boost you hadn't seen in a long time. And it would do the same to you - seeing Kai so crazy only meant the same fate for you, and you couldn't wait.

  "It's been too long since we last went on a murderous rampage", as you had said not too long ago, to Kai who only smirked and told you to wait. As if he knew what would happen eventually, and who could tell - maybe he did.

  Whilst Kai was tucked away in the prison world with a bunch of Heretics as you had heard, you had to deal with Damon, which was a drag but not as much as his mother or his pathetic girlfriend. You felt nothing but hatred for the lot of them, but you knew that Kai used to have some of his own deranged fun with Damon, so you sucked it up and tried to replace Kai with jokes that only amused you, endless teasing and the occasional pick-up lines, just to annoy Elena.

  "What's up, American Beauty? Still without your American Psycho?", you heard the usual greeting from the front door as Damon walked in the Salvatore boarding house where you had taken residence more or less without his agreement. You rolled your eyes, and threw a couch pillow at him, and just for fun he didn't even bother to dodge. He let it hit him in the face, and he chuckled with a sarcastic ow that made you roll your eyes again.

  "Yes, I am, thanks to your precious little Bon Bon", you spoke with sarcasm dripping in your voice. It was Damon's turn to roll his eyes as he flopped onto the couch, sitting next to you and earning a kick on the side from you but he just ignored it and continued to slouch. "Where's Elena?", you asked then and dropped your gaze to the phone you now owned, though could barely use. Damon lifted an eyebrow at you, surprised that you didn't come up with a nickname for his girlfriend, but you didn't notice, and he dropped the matter, not sure if he even wanted to hear your alternatives.

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