Dating Tyler would include...

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↳ helping him with full moons before he is turned into a hybrid

↳ being the one person he doesn't try to attack in his werewolf form

↳ hot sex every day, every night

↳ him coming up with dirty, sexy nicknames for you

↳ him protecting you from everyone and everything that could put you in the slightest bit of danger

↳ teasing him about things that usually annoy him but he only wants to kiss you

↳ you feeling insecure sometimes because of caroline or hayley but he'll always promise you're the only one for him and make you feel beautiful and amazing

↳ traveling around the world with him

↳ lots and lots of pda, everywhere, around everyone

↳ him keeping you safe no matter what

↳ never leaving each other

↳ the best kisses ever, so intense and loving and mind-blowing it makes no sense

↳ him making his friends jealous by explaining how you're the best girlfriend ever

↳ him giving and getting you whatever you want, from concert tickets to cuddling, from expensive jewelry to chocolate

↳ feeling like the luckiest girl in the whole world

↳ him turning you whenever you're ready

↳ you calling him alpha which is a major turn on for him

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