84 » stefan

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Y/A = your age


Imagine Stefan admitting he's in love with you at a surprise birthday party he arranges for you with your friends

When your birthday came closer and closer, and there were only days to go to your next year, you began thinking if your friends had planned anything for you. They all seemed so very quiet about it, like they didn't even remember - usually they would point out how you'd turn Y/A soon, or something like that. But not even Stefan, your best friend, said anything about it.

On your special day, they all seemed to remember, though. You got many hugs and some gifts too, though the best of them all was Stefan taking you to the movies and for some ice cream afterwards. He and you had been something close for years now, best friends would be a proper definition but you had a serious thing for him and hoped that one day, he'd tell you how deeply he's in love with you. You didn't want to be the one to admit it, but yes, you were head over heels for the Salvatore. And it was no wonder, really.

But him taking you out and some congratulations from your closest friends was all you got. It wasn't that special at all, but you didn't complain. At least you got something. Even if it was small. But you did love your friends - one especially - and they loved you, so you smiled through the day, although you couldn't deny the fact that you were a bit disappointed.

Now, you weren't a dumb girl, but you didn't even consider the possibility of a surprise party. But that was exactly what Stefan had in mind. He had planned the whole thing, and he even sent you a gorgeous dress that he insisted you'd wear at seven in the evening when he'd pick you up with his adorable little red car. As soon as you received the package, you giggled out loud, and knew that he had something in mind and obviously you put on the lovely dress with stunning details.

And just like Stefan had promised, at seven, he was at your front door with a bouquet of red roses, smiling brightly while standing there in his suit, looking more handsome than you thought was possible. He looked absolutely breath-taking, and his hero hair was perfectly styled and it caused your heart to go little faster than usually. You were just as amazing, really, and the silence Stefan stayed in for a long while, was because he had some serious trouble with coping how beautiful you were.

"Y/N... You're gorgeous", he managed to finally breathe out, while his eyes scanned your stunning body, covered by the pretty dress that hugged every curve and every inch of you perfectly. You looked flawless.

You snickered, and took the roses from Stefan and put them in a vase before the two of you could get going. It was getting dark outside, and you couldn't help but sigh in adoration at the dark blue sky, covered with tiny shiny stars. You loved Mystic Falls at night, it was one of the first things you grew fond of when you first moved into the town. Stefan was a close second.

"So, Stefan, where exactly are we going?", you asked with a smile, but he just shook his head.

"Can't tell you", he chuckled, and gave you a happy look, "it's a surprise." You felt his hand on yours, and you had to bit on your lower lip harshly to protect yourself from all the feelings, but it didn't work. Your heart was already going crazy, and your body shaking and you felt like the luckiest girl alive. You were so in love. And later that night, you were going to find out that you weren't the only one from the two of you.

Stefan drove you to his house, where he led you in. You were surprised to see all those faces, but your closest friends were indeed there, jumping up and yelling "Happy birthday!", much to your delight. You covered your mouth with your hand, and felt tears filling your eyes, because even if you had seen it coming, it was still so unbelievably sweet from them. You felt so special. And to them, you really were.

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