67 » elijah

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i'm pretty sure i have used this gif before but yo idgaf it's hot as fuck so deal with it

also i just have to say that when this was requested i almost fainted this is so fantastic guys i hope i wrote this well enoughhhh,,, if i did then y'all are gonna love this shizzle


Imagine being Elijah's wife and dying in the New Orleans fire, and he ends up turning off his humanity and becomes a horrible monster so everyone agrees someone has to bring you back to make Elijah flip his emotions back on // PART 1 of 2 //

When you and your husband Elijah Mikaelson were invited to an opera by his brother Niklaus, you did not expect things to unfold the way they did. You were prepared for a lovely evening full of good proper fun yet some sophisticated time, and excited as hell, you put on your most beautiful dress that Elijah bought for you on your anniversary. You were quite ready to be spend the evening with the Mikaelsons, and couldn't help but smile, starting from Elijah walking you to the fancy car he had arrived with to pick you up.

But things quickly took an abrupt turn to worse. So very worse. You and Elijah were seated on one of the VIP areas, where only you and him sat, while Rebekah and Niklaus were on one, and the opera was halfway through when you heard screams and shouts. Elijah grabbed your hand as you stood up and looked over the edge only to see people running out of the opera house, horrified, and you glanced at Elijah with a worried, but confused look.

"Come, love. We must go. Now", Elijah insisted, and pulled you along. You had missed it, but Elijah immediately noticed the fire burning at the edges of the room, licking the walls and seats, threatening to grow wider and burn down the whole building.

You went with Elijah, obviously, and only stopped when he did, as soon as he spotted his siblings. Catching his breath, your husband demanded to know what was going on, and Rebekah flashed a scared look, and in that moment, you knew it was serious. You had always looked up to Rebekah, and admired her bravery and confidence but if she was terrified, you knew you needed to be too.

"It's father, 'Lijah", Rebekah replied, causing Elijah's eyes to widen. You looked at Klaus, who seemed ashamed, almost sorry, but still equally scared as the rest of you. You reached him with your hand, and gave him a smile, but even you were trembling. You had heard stories of Mikael, the vampire who hunted vampires, and if he was there, the evening wouldn't end in a pretty way.

Elijah pulled you with him, and Klaus and Rebekah followed as you started to escape from the burning opera house. You tried to squeeze answers from Elijah, insisting on knowing what Mikael was doing there, but he didn't reply. He just kept on running, his fingers intertwined with yours.

"He wants me dead, Y/N", Klaus said weakly, and hearing that caused your heart to sink. Still, after all these years, Mikael wanted Niklaus gone? It made you not only sad, but angry.

You were about to reply, but then, a piece of the ceiling dropped and straight on your foot, succeeding on bringing you down to the floor. Elijah stopped when he realized you were stuck, but the fire was reaching them quickly, and although Rebekah and Niklaus knew how it would break their brother's heart, they insisted on leaving you behind. They loved you, but there was no way to save you. You would all just die.

"N-no! Y/N!", Elijah shouted, and you replied by screaming out his name but the smoke and fire was already swallowing you whole. Salty tears dropped on your hands as you understood that you weren't going to survive, that you were currently taking your last breaths and they only caused your lungs to fill with poison.

That was the end of you.


Elijah did not handle your death too well. For days, he used alcohol to numb the raging pain in him, until he understood that blood did the job better. He began feeding on people dangerously often and harshly, and it led into him turning off his emotions after two weeks since the fire in the opera house. He wanted Mikael dead, but he had once again disappeared, leaving Elijah with nothing but sadness and depression, so he assumed shutting off those feelings would be the best thing to do.

But it only turned him into a monster. Or, brought out the monster you had held on chains, but as you died, so did everything holding back Elijah's dark side. He killed people, ruthlessly and for fun, and the ripper got a whole new definition. In 1919, started Elijah Mikaelson's downward spiral.

And it lasted for a good while. For almost a century, his family put up with it. It wasn't like they could do anything about it, though. Klaus found a new dark path to unravel on his own, while Rebekah resided locked in a box with a dagger in her heart. When she was undaggered though, she was shocked to find out that her dear brother was still avoiding feelings, not wanting to accept the facts and facing the truth. Like a coward, he was running away from it all, but Rebekah was determined to do something about it.

Quite frankly, she didn't find other solutions except bringing you back from the dead. And luckily, Mystic Falls where she lived nowadays, had a wonderful, powerful little witch to do that.

While Klaus seeked kingship and worked on an army of hybrids, Rebekah tried to get on Bonnie Bennett's good side, and when that didn't work, it was time to bring up the big guns. As an Original vampire, Rebekah definitely had her ways to either persuade or force the Bennett witch into doing the spell, and in no time, the two women were working on it.

"Rebekah, this is impossible! There's no body to revive or anything, you're asking me to bring back a person who I do not know in any way, from the other side without anything useful", Bonnie always insisted, and every time, Rebekah responded the same way.

"Oh please, Bonnie. You are a Bennett witch and you have unbelievably strong spells in that little book of yours. If you nearly managed to kill Nik, for sure you can bring back our lovely Y/N. It is my fault 'Lijah has went off the rails and it is my duty to bring him back", she said, convincing Bonnie to work harder on the spells, until she finally did a breakthrough.

Somehow, the Bennett girl managed to revive you with nothing but her wit and will, and so you were welcomed to the 2010s.

"Oh, Y/N. Welcome back. We have quite the road ahead", was the first thing you heard since 1919, and although it was confusing, it was damn comforting.


i love bekah++elijah bye my heart
anyway i loved writing this and like you may have noticed, there's a second part coming soon because this would have been pretty damn long tbh haha ((: hope you enjoyed this as much as i did lmao love u guys !!

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