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Imagine living in Mystic Falls and having to help your friends deal with a new special group in town ((PART 2 of 3))

"Wait-- The Avengers?"

Disbelief was written on many faces, including the Mikaelsons, Bonnie and Damon, while some people, like Stefan and Elena were just confused. You on the other hand, were excited, and there was the biggest smile ever on your lips, pulling them up until it hurt. You loved superheroes, and having these people, these legends in your hometown was just amazing.

"Okay, but who are you?", Stefan asked, and lifted an eyebrow. One of the men, the one in the colorful tights, let go of the cuffed man and took a step closer to you and Stefan who was standing beside you, causing you to inhale sharply. He was so handsome, with the blonde hair and blue eyes and a body you wouldn't taking a better look at.

"Captain Steve Rogers. And here is Thor Odinson, Dr. Bruce Banner, agents Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, and finally, Tony Stark", the blondie introduced the group, only to be corrected by Tony.

"You mean the Tony Stark", he teased and grinned. He was like Damon in so many ways, it actually kind of scared you.

Elijah chuckled, "looks like Damon finally has a doppelgänger as well", succeeding on making you do so too. Damon shot him a glare, but then looked back at Tony in interest. He had to admit, he did sport a fairly handsome look - since it was so similar to Damon's - and he didn't mind his sarcastic comments or cocky behavior. Although Damon found it proper if there was only one guy like that in Mystic Falls.

"And who's this, then?", you asked, pointing at the guy who hadn't been introduced yet. He looked at you with a mischievous smirk, and you felt a pang in your chest. While his looks didn't match Klaus', he was a lot like him, and it made you bite your lip. Looked like you stumbled upon a bunch of potential friends. Or they stumbled upon you and your town, whatever.

"My brother, Loki. We are of Asgard, and I will take him back as soon as we find the Tesseract and put an end to Loki's schemes", Thor explained, his voice booming through the streets. You had to admit that you didn't understand half the words he said, so you opened your mouth to question his way to speak and refer to things and places you had never heard of, but Bruce stopped you.

"Don't", he softly whispered, shaking his head and moving his hand to keep you quiet. You shut your mouth, and looked at them all, wondering what to do. It was a bit of an odd situation, but luckily Caroline was always prepared for everything and everyone and with a bright smile, took a step closer to them.

"Well, how about you guys come in Mystic Grill and we can get you people something to eat. If-- If you even eat", Caroline suggested, and earned approving nods from all around.

"Great, give me a drink. I'm starving."


The group of superheroes were sitting at one of the booths in Mystic Grill, with you sitting in the middle since you in excitement had forced yourself between the hot guys, and a hot woman. Your friends, especially the men looked in disapproval at you sitting tightly between Thor and Clint, but there was nothing they could do about it. You were already in love with them all.

"So, basically we need to get the Quinjet to work again and then we can fly back to the Helicarrier and lock Loki up", Tony announced after a long while of silence. He started to explain his plan to the fellow Avengers, and the rest listened with concentration, including those who the matter didn't concern. Like Kol.

"Can't you just call for some bloody help?", he asked, irritated with the new people in town. He didn't get along too well, especially not with a second version of Damon. While Damon was all smiles and grins, agreeing with everything Stark said just because finally someone shared his opinions and thoughts.

"We could, but we are entirely capable of fixing it by ourselves. At least Tony is. And I don't think director Fury would like to hear the news - this is the third jet we've broken in the past two months", Bruce said, scratching the back of his neck. Tony snorted, and looked over to Steve who awkwardly poked the burger on his plate.

"Yeah, grandpa here has obviously forgotten how to fly one of those things", Tony commented, and Damon was the first one to burst into laughter. You had learned a lot about the team so far, including Steve's past and how he fought in the second world war. You very also aware of how Bruce was not to be messed with.

"Don't tease him. Remind me again which one of you is the man in the can, love?", Rebekah called from another booth, earning a smile from you, and Steve, and some laughter while Tony just shook his head unhappily.

"And what did Loki do exactly to earn a fate such as being, and I quote, locked up?", Klaus asked, changing the subject back to the villain. It was no big of a surprise, but it spark concern in many hearts, like yours and Elijah's who was always taking care and worrying about the evil hybrid.

"He killed eighty people in two days", Natasha spoke up, only for Thor to quickly add,

"He's adopted!"

You chuckled, and suggested splitting into groups to search for the stuff they - Tony - needed to fix the jet. After fifteen minutes of arguing, you ended up going with Elijah, Stefan and Steve, going after some tools and what not. Damon, Rebekah and Kol went with Tony and Natasha to find other necessary things to put in the plane, and Bonnie, Caroline and Elena went with Bruce and Thor to make some plans and drawings for the new jet. Clint, Jeremy and Klaus who also promised to babysit Loki made it their mission to deal with the entertainment side, though only Barton and Jer took the task seriously, Klaus just tagged along to bond with Loki.

But Clint wouldn't be able to survive without some Doritos in the jet. And it was also a fabulous way to annoy Steve.


You, Stefan, Elijah and Steve walked into a hardware store to buy some tools. Tony had given orders on what to buy and what kind of, but you had forgotten most of it already and counted on the smart guys to deal with it. You just went along to spend some time with the hot men. You were after all pretty sure you had hit the jackpot when you got put into a group with Stefan and Elijah, and then the Captain on top of it all. It was perfect.

"I can't remember what we were supposed to buy so I hope you guys do. But what are we doing here anyway, doesn't Thor already have--", you started, hoping to make a great joke out of it but Steve stopped you while looking around.

"Not that kind of a hammer, ma'am", Steve replied, making Elijah wildly. It had been ages since the Mikaelson had someone as safe and reliable - he was sad to realize how men acted nowadays. But Steve, he was a good guy, and because of that Elijah seemed to enjoy the time with him.

"Y/N and Steve, you should go find wrenches and stuff. We can look around for something else useful", Stefan suggested, and you nodded, trying to hold back your excitement but as Captain Rogers stood there with all his grace, you wanted to squeal.

"He's beauty, he's grace, he's Mr. United States", you sang in your head, hoping no one would be able to read your mind.

"But I want to go with Steve too", Elijah thought, but without arguing, he went with Stefan.

You and Steve didn't get far, when you made a sad attempt at flirting. You cleared your throat, and while Steve reached up to get some wrenches from a high shelf, you leaned against the wall and smiled awkwardly.

"So... Steve, are you free this weekend?", you coughed.

Steve turned to you, and gave you a serious look. "With all the respect, ma'am, I am always free."


*america intensifies*

*eagle screeches in the background*

*bucky sighs loudly in the distance*

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