224 » elijah

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angst and fluff and elijah omg this is like all of my things combined

the only warnings i have is heartbreak and over 4000 words, oopsy daisy. ((:


Imagine being in a relationship with Elijah but when Hayley confesses her feelings to him, you leave New Orleans and tell him to be with Hayley, but he later he finds you in Mystic Falls and convinces you that he loves you the most

  It was certainly hard to be in a relationship with an Original vampire. But, you could handle bloodthirsty supernatural beings wanting your boyfriend's and his family's heads on a stick, and the inevitable constant danger you were in, just because you lived under the same roof with the Mikaelsons. What you couldn't handle, though, was another woman, thirsty for the same affection you received, from the very same man.

  Ever since you and Elijah moved to New Orleans to follow Niklaus and his intentions, you had been suspicious of Hayley who turned out to be pregnant with Klaus' hybrid baby. You would have been fine with her being a part of the family, if she just hadn't gotten so close with Elijah. You had a reason to be intimidated, you considered her much prettier and greater than yourself, and you knew that love was found in odd places, so you feared that Elijah would find some in the girl who carried his brother's child. Of course it was messed up, but when would an Original vampire's life not be?

  You were threatened, but Elijah tried to convince you there was nothing to worry about. But even if he claimed to only have eyes for you, you could see how affectionate Hayley was towards him, and you couldn't blame her, after all you had the most handsome, wonderful man right by your side, but he was taken, and he was yours, and that bothered you to a whole other level, because the young werewolf didn't seem to have any kind of filter. At times, it almost seemed like she failed to acknowledge your existence, even if you stood in front of her, because you could very well hear the flirtatious shade in her voice as she spoke to Elijah so fondly.

  You hated it - but you tried to remain calm and reasonable. For now, there was nothing to worry about, because Elijah did stay by your side, did he not?

  But, at some point, things were destined to go south on you and that time arrived on a particularly busy, eventful night. Elijah and Klaus were busy with their whole "Rule New Orleans" plan, and they had only returned from running errands concerning the war between the Mikaelsons and Marcel and his army, and you were approaching Elijah's bedroom to give him a kiss and ask about his day, but someone had been quicker than you.

  You stopped at Elijah's door when you heard Hayley's almost too familiar voice, your heart sinking in you as you rested against the wall nearby, your hand meeting your mouth to quiet down the heartbroken sighs and gasps that rose from your throat, tears building up in your eyes as you listened to the wolf speak to your beloved Elijah. She had already slept with one Mikaelson, was that not enough for her?

  "I'm in love with you. It took me a while, but I realized that I do have strong feelings for you, and as much as I want to be sorry, I'm not. I love you, Elijah", you heard Hayley explain, and that was enough for you. You couldn't hear more, your heart had already been shattered to pieces, and you knew that if Elijah would have to make a choice, he would choose Hayley. She had done so much more for the Mikaelson family, she united them with this miracle baby, and she was so flawless compared to you, so you had no doubts - Elijah was out of your reach already. He slipped from your fingertips, and you lost him to Hayley.

  You stormed away from the room, and as you ran down the stairs, Elijah could hear you and your sobs that you let escape your mouth. You tried to be quiet, but you were deeply upset and as soon as Elijah heard you approach the front door and open it to leave, he jumped up and pushed Hayley aside to go after you. You slammed the door shut, wanting to find a bar where you could drown your sorrows in multiple drinks, until you'd find the courage to go back home, though only to pack your stuff and get your car so you could drive back to Mystic Falls, which you now considered more of a home than the Mikaelson mansion that only made you cry as you thought about it.

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