167 » kol

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so it's kind of like,, 1 am and i'm writing kol smut but is there even another way to spend a winter break tbh ??

this is dedicated to my great friend, who gave me this incredible idea and who i love very much ((yes i said the l word omg deal with it lovely)) for being always so sweet and supportive and awesome and who made me a freaking manip like i will never forget that,, thank you for being yourself, really. i don't usually do dedications, but this goes to you mar, you deserve it. i hope this imagine is what you hoped and expected xx ((ps,, you should all go follow her because she's awesome, ok @-ronweasley !!))


Imagine being jealous when Kol flirts with random girls so you show him no one can pleasure him like you can

Us Mikaelsons hereby invite you to join us on the last Friday of December at 6 to celebrate a successful year in Mystic Falls in peace. We wish to see you then, amongst other loved ones xx

When you first heard that the Mikaelsons were going to throw a party, you were fairly excited.

Little did you know - your boyfriend of one sort was going to be in a rather annoying, bipolar mood and irritate you to a breaking point but before you got to witness that, you were given the opportunity to feel happy and beautiful in the dress Rebekah got you. You and the Mikaelsons were close to say the least - you and Rebekah were the best of friends, while both Niklaus and Elijah adored, but not as much as Kol, the irresistible flirtatious brat, did. He and you had been in an undefined relationship for the past half a year, where you both remained in the belief of belonging to each other yet in the end of the day, nothing was too certain.

Your relationship with Kol was everything you could expect from him - something fun and sexy, nothing too serious.

But that didn't mean you still didn't get jealous. And that jealous badass side was going to be seen in action, witnessed live, at the party this very evening even if you didn't expect it yourself.

"You look lovely, Y/N, believe me. This dress is far more flawless on you than it ever was on me. My brother will love it!", Rebekah smiled - the two of you were getting ready for the party. Everyone else was already downstairs, while you two ladies decided to show up fashionably late which was only another reason for Kol to love you. You had a confident side, and when you felt like acting like a queen, you didn't hesitate, you took the crown and made him kneel before you.

"Oh I know", you stated as if it was obvious, and then shrugged, "I was just wondering if I look too pretty", with a grin on your lips as you turned over to Rebekah. "I'm just kidding", you then added, but knew in your mind that perhaps you didn't. You weren't cocky or selfish, not in an annoying way at least, but you definitely put people in their places and made sure everyone knew how to treat you. You had a sweet side too, in fact you were one of the kindest people ever seen in Mystic Falls, not so overly friendly you'd reach the Elena Gilbert level but enough to be respected and loved by many.

"Oh, Y/N, you're the best. C'mon now, before Elijah will drag us out by our ears. He doesn't understand style like we do", Rebekah rolled her eyes, and flashed you a fond smile. Elijah was, in your opinion, one of the most stylish men in existence but instead of sparking an argument, you linked arms with Rebekah and began your way to downstairs where you expected to find your boyfriend, or whatever he wanted to be called.

You and Rebekah turned many heads as you entered the room, you wearing a gorgeous dress in your favorite color, and Rebekah in her own stunning one. For sure many women felt jealous and insecure as you two strutted down the stairs, as if it was a slow-motion scene from a movie, especially when you wiped your hair over your shoulder and winked at your beloved boyfriends. You whispered a grateful thank you to Rebekah, before looking around, searching for Kol. You did in fact spot him, but where and with who, it didn't please you.

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