55 » klaus

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this was definitely a challenge because i'm not the biggest fan of taylor swift, but i tried my best! though it made this hard for me to write and that is why this isn't ((in my opinion)) too good, i feel like i kept repeating the same thing through the whole imagine and that's also the explanation to mistakes on the lyrics if there is any idk i just googled i didn't listen to the song on repeat like i usually do while writing a song imagine but i hope the awesome reader who requested this, and the rest of you too, enjoy this !! ((:


Imagine Klaus breaking your heart and making you hate him // Based on Bad Blood by Taylor Swift

"'Cause, baby, now we got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
'Cause, baby, now we got bad blood."

To make things simple, Klaus Mikaelson had broken your heart. And it wasn't a basic kind of heartbreak. He stomped on it, until it shattered to millions of pieces after tearing it from your chest and leaving you hollow and dead. Or at least that was how it felt. He lied to your face, he plotted against you, he used you and treated you like you were his worst enemy. Behind your back, of course. He claimed he was deeply in love with you, and you knew that at first, he was.

You could see it in his eyes. How the love eventually drained from them and was replaced by fierce anger and pure fury, as if he wanted to bury you alive. You didn't know how it happened, how the mad love turned into so much bad blood, but it did. Klaus eventually left you, after yelling at your face and telling all the things he had to done to hurt you in the path you thought was made with love but it appeared Klaus had changed from your boyfriend to a villain, trying to get rid of you.

He hurt you deeply, with words and actions, but you tried to stand strong and brave and show everyone how independent you were. Not dependent on him, or any man, really. You hated Klaus, he had done things that couldn't be forgiven, and for sure you would never say a kind word to him ever again. The friction was real, and everyone around you knew that one day, it'd ignite and start a havoc, a raging fire.

Somehow, you and Klaus changed from lovers to enemies.

"Did you have to do this? I was thinking
that you could be trusted. Did you have
to ruin what was shiny? Now it's all rusted.
Did you have to hit me, where I'm weak?
Baby, I couldn't breathe."

You really trusted Klaus at one point. You devoted all your time and all your love to him, shared your darkest secrets and your biggest sorrows, and all he did was abandon you. You thought he could be trusted and loved, but he himself made you eventually think that he was exactly the bad guy, the villain that you had been told about. All you could think about was that maybe dating him was a mistake all along.

In the beginning, your relationship was in fact quite nice. He treated you like a princess, and seemed to truly love you, but because of unknown reasons he drifted onto a darker path and burned down the great love you two had. He used your weaknesses to get what he wanted, he hit you in your soft spots and tried to make you fall down but you always got up, even if he made your life hard for you to live. You didn't know what happened, but the fire burning between you became more aggressive and turned from passion to wrath.

Klaus was violent, though he never really abused you, but several times you were scared and couldn't breathe because of the tight situations you had to face on a daily basis for a few months before he quit the relationship you thought you had. He made waking up each day for you a challenge, and you couldn't help but feel happy and packed with power when he finally broke up with you. It was something you should have done a long time ago, but what was important, was the fact that you were free from the chains that was Niklaus Mikaelson.

"Did you think we'd be fine? Still got
scars on my back from your knife, so
don't think it's in the past, these kinda
wounds they last and they last."

All the backstabbing and rumors he spread about you, and the way he treated you got to you. But not in a sad way. Sure you were miserable because who you thought was the best person in your life had failed you, let you down and caused scars on you, but you still decided to fight. You decided to show him how brave and strong you really were, and confidently walked around Mystic Falls, laughing and having fun, not caring about what he did.

Seeing you so cheerful and doing so well, it made Klaus think about things. Some tiny, dusty, dark part of him started to feel remorse, he regretted the words he aimed at you, the aggressive touches he threatened to give you - he felt bad. He didn't like being the bad guy to you, but it was far too late for him to even try getting on your better side.

You were living a new chapter of your life, a chapter where you and Klaus would never be fine. He had done some awful things to you, and he would be wrong to think it was all in the past. He had wounded you, and you would never forget about it.

When you and him on one day bumped into each other on the street, you gave him a dirty look, and left after simply making sure he knew how much you hated him.

"You better know that I will never forgive or forget about what happened between us. You scarred me, wounded me, and the scars, they last. Forever. I hate you with my entire broken heart, Klaus Mikaelson."

"Band-aids don't fix bullet holes,
you say sorry just for show."

Klaus sent you flowers, your favorites, and things he knew you loved to try apologizing, but you just laughed. After all he had done, he tried to mend the cracks in you? It was amusing. You hated him, and he would never get anything else from you, and as much as you wanted him to understand that, you enjoyed the endless chocolate and pretty flowers on your porch. Though the person who kept on sending them, he was a lost cause. Meant nothing to you.

His sad attempts at making you forgive him made you feel quite low sometimes, though. He was really trying, and you hated to know that he was weak and vulnerable, but at least now he knew how you felt for the past several months. You knew he expected you to react in some way, but you never really talked to him, you just talked about him, your tongue laced with poison.

But all those gifts, all those letters that he began sending as well, they were band-aids to put on your bullet holes, and it didn't work. Klaus had hurt you deeply, seriously, and gave you serious trust issues, so receiving a few nice lovely gifts from him wasn't going to soften you. You were stronger now, your skin was thicker, you knew better and you weren't going to drop your underwear for the first guy to do something kind to you.

Klaus wasn't a kind person. It was just a show he used to hide. It wasn't real. It was all an act. In reality, he was a bad guy, villainous, violent and cruel and only wanted good for himself. Or at least he hadn't shown you other sides, except the fake ones that you had lost faith in a long time ago.

Your forgiveness was far too impossible for Klaus to reach, so you hoped for him to drop the pathetic tries to get to you, but whatever he did, it didn't move you. You were surrounded by people that loved you now, and Klaus wasn't, and would never be one of them.

"You made a really deep cut,
and, baby, now we got bad blood."

So yes, you hated Klaus, and he did kind of hate you too. In the end, him trying to get you to forgive him, was just to make himself feel better, but he was used to having enemies. At the end of the day, you were still each other's least favorite people, and the image of his face was a nightmare to you - as was yours to him. You stopped talking, you couldn't remember the last time you said anything to him, you barely even looked at him, but it was his own fault.

He made a deep cut, and he had to suffer the consequences. He was to blame, he was the reason behind all the bad blood between you. Bad blood, that would never go away.


omg this was so serious and deep and all that shizzle and here i listened to star spangled man the whole time i wrote ++ read this i'm laUGHING



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