170 » alaric

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wow alaric is so under-appreciated it honestly annoys me,, i think it might be because he's ""the teacher"" and ""elena's guardian"" and stuff like that and it makes him seem so old and undesirable but like look at that gif he is hOT and you can't tell me otherwise

also matt davis aka alaric is actually two years younger than the loml aka daniel gillies aka the loml aka elijah

i love alaric ok he's a great character and deserves more recognition and hAPPINESS TF STOP KILLING HIS LOVE INTERESTS WYD


Imagine being pregnant with Alaric's baby and feeling depressed so he cheers you up for Christmas

Being pregnant was a ride you still hadn't solved to be either a negative or a positive experience of a lifetime. Carrying a child in your belly, it was certainly stressing, frustrating - what not, but there was lots of good to balance it. Whenever you craved the strangest food, you felt somewhat disgusted and disgusting, but then there were the days you'd go shopping for baby clothes or furniture. And those kind of days kept you going.

So did your husband-to-be, Alaric. He motivated you, made you smile, kept you happy and gave you reasons to get up and survive through another day if you needed a push. Being engaged, soon married, with Alaric was something that reminded you of how lucky you were. His handsome smile, stupid jokes, addicting kisses... You loved all of it - you loved him. And he loved you back, and therefore he would always do his everything to bring a smile to your face. Especially on the worst days of your pregnancy.

"Everything hurts and everything sucks!", you complained on another day of being stuck at home. You loved evenings on which you could just relax, sit by the fireside with Alaric and look at the snow outside while cuddling and making out, but the ache on your whole body and the frustrating worthless feeling in the back of your head was taking a serious toll on you. You were tired and in pain, and you felt stupid for not doing anything except just lying around all day long. Usually you would have loved it, but right now you were sick of it.

Your hand smacked a bowl off of the counter that you leaned against, gripping the edge tightly until your knuckles turned white. You closed your eyes and let your head fall low as you groaned, right after the bowl had hit the floor and created a sound that alerted Alaric to the spot. He looked at you from the doorway that led into the kitchen, where you stood and quietly broke into sobs. Saying that you were emotional during the pregnancy would be a sole understatement. 

"Y/N?", Alaric carefully asked, and rushed to your side. He placed a hand on what had grown from a cute baby bump to a huge belly that was always in the way, and another on your back before pulling you closer and closing you in a warm embrace as well as he only could. You rested your head on his shoulder, and kept your eyes shut while Alaric wiped your tears away with his thumb. "Whatever it is, I'm here for you. Don't worry, please?", he spoke softly in your ear, calming you down and moving gently as if to rock you back and forth in a soothing manner. And damn, it certainly worked.

"Thanks, baby, but you don't need to be like this. I know, I'm annoying when I complain so much, but god, sometimes I hate this. I hate how I can't do anything, I hate how I want to eat everything I see and I hate how I'm this literal ball of tears and angst", you groaned and pulled away from Alaric while wiping your eyes and heading towards your bedroom. You couldn't even make it out of the kitchen, when Alaric had stopped you by taking your hand and standing in your way with determination, but still a fond loving look in his lovely eyes.

"Of course I'll be like this, sweetheart. You're carrying my child, the least I can do is show you some compassion and make you feel pretty and loved. 'Cause that's what you are, too, okay? And you're not annoying, and you most definitely shouldn't hate yourself, darling. You're gorgeous, beautiful, amazing... You always will be", Alaric smiled, causing you to do the same. You placed a hand on his cheek, and kissed his forehead softly, before pulling away and shaking your head.

"Okay, but, no", you disagreed, and left the kitchen to pout in your room for the rest of the evening.

And in that moment, Alaric made it his mission to make you feel beautiful and awesome again. He wanted to cheer you up, and with Christmas coming, it should be easy. Right?


You loved Christmas. But this year, not so much. You were feeling miserable, depressed even, and you hated to ruin the holiday mood like that but you couldn't help it. Luckily, Alaric aimed to make the day all about you.

"Morning, beautiful. C'mon, I made breakfast", were the words you woke up to on Christmas, and after a few groans, you did as had been told. You dragged yourself up, and after pulling on a pair of leggings and a red sweater in the holiday spirits, you stumbled to the kitchen where Alaric waited with a plate of chocolate pancakes and in his other hand, a mistletoe that he held above his head.

"Merry Christmas, baby", he whispered, and handed you the plate which you took. Then he leaned closer to you, and wrapped an arm around your waist before passionately connecting your lips underneath the mistletoe.

It was a lovely beginning to the day. And the mistletoe tagged along, too, until the very end of the day.

"I love you", he told you all the time, to make sure you knew and remembered. Your sadness started to wash away, but it wasn't such a big of a miracle, it was Alaric after all - the one person who'd always make you smile no matter what.

He rubbed your back, lit up some candles, showered you with love and fondness until you felt so spoiled you couldn't help but smile. He even danced to some Christmas songs to make you laugh - obviously he succeeded - and later you danced together, after eating well and opening presents that he had gotten you, tons of them.

In the evening, you were cuddling on the floor, your head on his lap and his fingers caressing your hair while you enjoyed the warm fireplace. It was all very lovely - your body didn't hurt, you felt relaxed and happy and you got to be with the love of your life. Things were great.

"Are you okay?", Alaric asked, breaking the silence in the room.

"More than just okay. Thanks for doing all of this for me. I love you, Ric", you mumbled and took his hand to intertwine your fingers. He chuckled softly, and kissed the top of your head while squeezing your hand tightly, happy that you were happy.

"I'm glad, princess. You deserve all the love", he muttered. You lifted your body and went on your knees, placed your hand on his cheek and pushed your lips onto his. His hand went to the back of your head, and he held you close to him while leaning on one hand on the floor, as you both closed your eyes and enjoyed the intense kiss. His kisses were always the best, so addicting and always left you wanting another, more.

Then you felt a bump in your stomach. You pulled away, broke the kiss but still remained close to him while looking down and trying to comprehend the situation. In a moment or two you understood what it was, and you looked up at Alaric while a wide smile appeared on your lips. You chuckled, and it turned into lots of giggling as you grabbed Alaric's hand and placed it on your stomach so he'd feel it too.

"Kicking", you giggled, "the baby's kicking."

Alaric laughed, and it only broke out louder when he felt it too. "I assume being pregnant isn't so bad when you get to live moments like these", he smiled, and kissed you again. And he was absolutely right.

And with Alaric by your side, you got through it even if there were days when you thought you wouldn't. In the end, it was worth it all.


so i still suck at endings what

we keep getting closer and closer to 800K and i'm so sure we can reach 1M before this book ends,, okay yay i love you all xx

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