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Imagine introducing Kol to new modern technology when he's undaggered after decades

  You never thought you'd find yourself being the one an Original vampire relied on, the one from whom he seeked safety and support, but after a particularly cheeky, flirtatious Mikaelson was undaggered after decades, that was exactly what you became.

  He was quite lost, and confused. Like a little puppy, and he had the flawless eyes to perfect that thought, so when he appeared at your front door on one boring evening, standing at your porch with a warm, yet somewhat sad look on his gorgeous features, you just had to let him in. Apparently he had heard from Rebekah, his sister, that there was a lovely girl in town who knew lots of the present, from modern technology to the latest breakthrough artists, and therefore, you were Kol's go-to-person when he realized he seriously needed an update on everything.

  That was how you ended up on your couch, your legs crossed and your hands guiding Kol's as he tried to learn how to use an iPhone he had stolen - alright, he claimed compelling wasn't the same as stealing, but you saw no difference between the two, although didn't feel like arguing so dropped the matter - but it was quite hopeless. After sleeping in a box for over a century with a magical silver dagger jammed into his chest, it was obviously hard to learn everything in one night, and you understood that, so you held your patience and tried to teach Kol better every time he asked you to, as if he was a small child who needed help with homework.

  He was adorable, though, so you didn't even mind holding his hand and teaching him how to take a proper selfie. In no time, he already had an Instagram account put up, and you were proud to be included in his first post. But, the main point was, he was absolutely cute, and your heart just melted at the fact that he came to you like a lost puppy, begging for your assistance on getting updated on the present day.

  "Are you hungry?", you asked after hours of studying the miraculous iPhone, which still remained as a mystery to Kol, but he was slowly catching up and you knew that one day he'd be a master at all the features the phone offered. Your question made the Original lift his eyebrows, pondering on the possibility of you cracking a joke but your kind expression caused him to give you a look of disbelief, unable to believe you were being absolutely serious.

  It took you a while to put two and two together, but eventually your mouth opened and you let out an awkward, "Oh, right", as you understood that Kol was a vampire, and therefore only blood could satisfy him. You shrugged, and decided to break the boundaries, so you took his hand and after standing up from the couch, you led him to your kitchen where you turned the lights on. "Vampire or not, you have to try pizza. I have some leftovers in the fridge", you smiled, and offered Kol a seat before walking to your refrigerator.

  His eyes were glued to you and he smiled happily as you yanked open the fridge, took out a box of pizza and set it out on the table. Sure, he was interested in learning all about modern technology, but nothing quite intrigued him like you did. You were beautiful, one he would gladly spent the night with, and your personality happened to be one of the best he had ever had the pleasure to witness. He was glad that the girl who could teach him everything, was you, because he never wanted to leave your side. And only the sight of you, made him smile like crazy, twisted those pink lips into a cheeky grin while his wild eyes roamed your body shamelessly.

  He only snapped out of his daydream when you opened a device he had never before seen, and it caused him to draw his head back, confused and in a way, scared of the unknown. His animalistic instincts kicked in, and the urge to protect and fight wrapped him up, causing his fangs to grow out while his eyes changed shade from a warm brown to a beastly red, the little veins running underneath as a deep growl rose from his throat. Then you dared to put your hand inside the unidentified device, setting the plate down, which made Kol clench his strong jaw as he followed your every movement sternly.

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