113 » damon

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YES THAT IS RIGHT A THIRD UPDATE IN ONE DAY WHOOP WHOOP I'M SO PROUD and tbh i have two tests to study for but ???


Imagine being a vampire that can get pregnant and telling it to Damon while you also confess your pregnancy

"Oh my god."

Two minutes flew by, then you repeated those words, while your cold skin drained from color, and painted with horror and fear. At least twice in one minute, you cursed, said "oh my god" and expressed your shock and fear in every possible way. You were pregnant. You knew it could happen, only to you though, but you hadn't expected it to be real. You had heard of it, read of it and found all kinds of information but it felt impossible to actually sit there with a pregnancy test in your hands - a fourth one actually - which showed positive just like the others did.

The vampire who could get pregnant. That was you. A supernatural being one of her kind, and you hadn't told about it to your not-so-serious boyfriend Damon. You and him didn't need or want a baby right now, but one was growing inside of you and you sure as hell weren't going to kill the new life you had successfully created. You were going to tell Damon, but whatever his response would be, you'd keep the baby.

"Babe? Damon?", you called for him as you walked out of the bathroom. You heard him reply from the bedroom, and you inhaled sharply before confidently making your way to him. You closed your eyes for a second and hid the pregnancy test behind your back, away from Damon who climbed off of the bed and sat on the edge of it. He looked up at you, smiling and placing his hands on your waist, and god how you feared that the happiness would quickly disappear from his eyes.

"Uh, you've heard about the vampire who can get pregnant? The legendary one, you know. Well, um, that's me. And I'm pregnant", you let out. "It's-- uh, I don't know how it's possible but somehow I can get pregnant, I once before did but the baby was torn from me and um, here I am now. With a bun in the oven, again", you rambled, your voice cracking as you stood on the verge of tears. Damon's smile faded, and he bit his lower lip, not sure how to react so instead of showing any kind of emotion, he got up.

He got up, and he walked straight out of the front door, leaving you all alone. You began crying and fell onto your knees - you couldn't believe you didn't get his support. You needed it. You couldn't raise a baby alone, but you definitely weren't going to stop the pregnancy or give the child away. You had experienced it before, losing your own little baby, and you weren't going through it again.

Hours passed with you bringing back the awful memories of your first pregnancy. It was in the 1920s, you met a wonderful guy and you ended up with a baby in your belly, only for the not so wonderful guy to turn entirely against the thought of starting a family. He beat you, to death, but as a vampire you naturally came back. The same didn't work on the child, and so you lost the baby you thought would be your first and last one. But there you sat, clutching onto your swollen belly, praying for Damon to come back. You couldn't be a parent all alone, you needed him.

And luckily, he seemed to know.

Damon returned a few hours after leaving, and with red puffy eyes and a weak body, you stumbled to the front door where he waited with flowers and a bottle of alcohol-free champagne. You broke into a smile, and covered your mouth with your hand as you continued to cry and look at your lovely boyfriend.

"I love you, Y/N. We weren't too serious before this but I'm willing to change that. For the baby. I want to raise it with you, and I-- I'm sorry, ok, for leaving like that. I had a moment of weakness, it's my thing, you know how I am", Damon chuckled, making you do the same. You ran to his arms, and he hugged you tightly, and after placing the bottle of champagne on a shelf, he put a hand on your stomach.

"I didn't know I'd need or want this but now I kind of never want to let go", Damon mumbled.

"Then don't", you giggled, and kissed his lips, with passion and love, of course. "I love you", you then added and looked into his eyes that just sparkled with excitement.

"And I love you. And this baby."


so cheesy yuck

jk i'm in tears i love damon

but anyway good night babes, time for me to start sleeping !! ((:

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