66 » damon and klaus

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Imagine being in love with Damon, but you used to date Klaus who still loves you and wants you back

"Hey babe, movie night or drinks at the Grill?"

Your arms wrapped themselves around Damon's waist from behind, and you set your jaw on his shoulder, pondering on the choices your boyfriend gave you, but it wasn't a challenge, really. How could you say no to watching one of your favorite movies and cuddling with Damon?

"Movie. I'll make the popcorn, you pick one", you mumbled, and turned him around so you could press a kiss on his soft lips. He smiled, and nodded before fleeing the kitchen where you were left alone to make the popcorn. Damon, as a vampire, did not enjoy the kind of food you did, but he had softened to the taste of popcorn and didn't mind eating some while the two of you watched movies. Which you did quite often.

To be honest, you and Damon were as happy as you could only be. You were totally in love with him, even if he could be a bit of an asshole sometimes but mostly he was all caring and cute, towards you at least. And after months of living happily together, you had learned to live with the sarcastic comments and cheeky remarks. After all, they were quite lovable, as well. Damon felt the same way about you - he loved all of you, from your lovely habits to silly quirks, from your weird selfies you spammed him with, to the seductive pictures you teased him with. You were overall perfect in his eyes, and wouldn't have changed a thing.

Except, maybe one.

You were the ex-girlfriend of none other than Niklaus Mikaelson, and it didn't only keep you awake at night, but it also bothered Damon quite deeply. He often complained about how the hybrid wouldn't leave you alone, and it was true - for the first couple of months after your break-up, Klaus appeared at your front door, trying to win you back. You didn't dislike him, though, but you broke up with him to be with Damon, as bitchy as it sounded, but the heart wants what it wants, and there was nothing you could do about it. Sometimes the way you left Klaus like that made you upset, especially with him still being absolutely in love with you, but Damon kept you happy and you knew you wanted to be with him.

You couldn't deny the fact that sometimes you'd miss Klaus and his big warm hugs or his stubble tickling you as he kissed you, or the way he'd wake you up in the middle of the night to get hot and heavy... He was a wonderful guy, to you especially, but the truth was, you were in love with Damon now. It was much more real than what you felt towards Klaus, you kept telling yourself that, and Damon's out-of-nowhere comments and gestures reminded you of it too.

"Y/N, I picked Y/F/M, now get in here with the popcorn before I eat you", he yelled from the living room, his tone seductive and teasing, and it caused you to bit your lower lip as you set the popcorn into a bowl. You quickly made your way to the living room where you found Damon impatiently tapping his finger against his knee, and his usual smirk dancing on those kissable lips. You smiled at him, happy that he had chosen your favorite movie, and then flopped onto the couch, placing the popcorn bowl on your stomach after resting your head on Damon's lap.

You and him only had seen the first fifteen minutes of the movie, when there was a knock on your front door. You groaned, and told Damon to stay put, before you jumped up and swiftly moved to the door which you opened with a bored swing. Your eyes widened, your heart missed a beat and your breathing hitched in your aching, dry throat when you found yourself looking into the eyes of Klaus Mikaelson.

"Nik?", you breathed out, shocked to see him. It had been months since his last visit or even the last time you spoke to each other, and he had left to New Orleans with his family - so why was he there? You leaned against the doorway, trying to keep your balance, and he noticed your weak state and it earned a wide grin from him.

"Hello, love. I vowed to win your heart back, did I not? Just because I visit my favorite place on Earth, you should not take it as me giving up, because I would never leave you in the hands of the my least favorite Salvatore brother", Klaus said, and looked into the house, "May I come in, love?" You swallowed thickly, and glanced back, happy to see that Damon hadn't appeared yet but you were sure he was listening to the conversation with his vampire hearing. You turned back to Klaus, and shook your head, assuming it was the best option to not invite him in, though a part of you - your heart - disagreed. Your brain told you otherwise though, and you knew to trust that little bastard more.

"I have come to get you to myself, Y/N. You must be aware that I am undeniably in love with you, while all this bastard wants is-- Y/N, please listen to common sense, you belong with me! After all we were through, you are willing to throw our relationship away for this-- this-", Klaus protested, turning more serious, and his voice rising with each word. You bit your lip, and raised a finger to his face, interrupting him before he could enrage Damon any more.

"Nik, stop. I know what I did. You don't need to tell me every time! I know you love me, but... I-- I love Damon, and you need to stop thinking you can change my mind. Please, leave, Klaus", you ordered, and got ready to close the door, but he stopped you by putting his foot between it and the wall.

"One day, you will realize that you love me more than you love Damon Salvatore, and on that day, I will be waiting with open arms. I love you, Y/N, and I want you back. I have all the time in the world to wait, and if I have to - I will", Klaus promised, and then left, fury radiating off of his every step. You looked at him sadly, but then closed the door to get back to the living room where Damon waited. The popcorn bowl was on the floor, it was obvious that he had heard the conversation between you and Klaus, and his knuckles were white, and his face red as he spoke through gritted teeth.

"I hate him", he stated, and you sighed as you sat down next to him and put your hand on his shoulder. "But I love you. Please tell me you won't leave me, baby girl, please", Damon added, and you rapidly nodded your head.

"I promise", you whispered, and intertwined your fingers with his. After all, you loved him, not Klaus.



whoop my babies awaw
so as you can see this was more of a damon imagine which is why i ended it like thattt ++ i won't do a part 2 because tho even if it seems like a great idea to you guys i have no idea what to write about so yeah

thanks for all the reads tho omg i swear to god you are the best readers eveRRRRRRR

also lately i've been asked to do teen wolf preferences and/or imagines and although i lovelovelove teen wolf i don't know, i'm strongly thinking that i will not do imagines or preferences for the ((unbelievably hot)) teen wolf guys because i'd like to concentrate more on the books i have planned but haven't yet published because this book is taking the last of my time. hope you're all cool with thattt, stay fab babes (((:

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