19 » klaus

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once again, i want to say a few ((hundred)) words before i let you read the imagine. PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS. sadly many people are suicidal, and if you are one of them, please contact someone who can help, talk to your family or friends or if you have no one else to talk to, then message me if that'll make you feel better because honestly even if i don't know you, i, and everyone should have the time to tell someone how beautiful and amazing they are, and worthy of love and deserve to live.

all of you will find your very own klaus one day, and i swear that someone loves you. i do, i love all of you, you're the best readers ever, so amazing and incredible and i want you all to see another day. i wish you all the best, i hope you like this imagine, but keep in mind that it could be triggering to you, so read with caution or don't read at all. I LOVE YOU.


Imagine that Klaus saves you when you try to kill yourself

As much as you hated to admit it, you were quite fed up with what you thought was supposed to be your life. You were sad and lonely all the time, and although you had a lot of people around you, you considered none of them as your friends. Sure, they knew your favorite songs and the way you'd blush whenever someone complimented you, but they weren't the kind of people you wanted to share secrets or have sleepovers with. They all cared about you though, but since you liked to keep your deepest thoughts and strongest feelings to yourself, they had no clue you were so sad and upset all the time.

You did have a pretty convincing fake smile, though. After years of practice, it seemed very real, but was the complete opposite.

When you found yourself crushing hard on Niklaus Mikaelson, you knew you were fucked. You couldn't tell anyone, because you struggled to share even the tiniest secrets, so admitting you fell in love with Mystic Falls' worst enemy, was the most awful thing you could only imagine. And confessing to him, it was even worse, so you kept your feelings to yourself, but it started to suffocate you from inside, eat you alive and effected every choice, move, thought and thing you did.

Maybe I should go out and buy some food, you'd think, but then again, Klaus might be there.

Maybe I should talk to someone, you'd consider, but what if Klaus is near, or what if they can sense my crush on him?

So you did nothing. You stayed home, where you were running out of food, and other necessary things, and your social skills burned to ashes as it started to seem like the only strong bond you had was with your earphones. Music helped you, but not enough.

And eventually, you felt so helpless and weak and stupid, you walked to your bedroom, and opened your window, ready to move just a few inches for eternal happiness and peace in what people often referred to as a better place. So why not do it?

But luckily to you, Klaus wasn't all clueless. He had seen the way you looked at him, and acted around him, before you shut everyone out and locked yourself in your house. And quite frankly, he fell in love with you. Even if you were a sad, lonely girl, he enjoyed your appearance, your personality, even though it was still a bit of a mystery. But he liked the way you were, and soon, he found himself dealing with feelings he didn't know he still had hiding in himself. He loved you, truly.

He could sense the way you were on the verge of taking a fatal step, too, and that was why he was often looking after you, with the help of his hybrid minions.

As you sat at your window, ready to push yourself off and fall to the ground, you felt a hand on your arm. You turned around, and found yourself staring into the most alluring, beautiful eyes you had ever seen.

"You found me", you whispered, a faint smile teasing your lips as you looked at Klaus, but he was long gone when you blinked and understood that it was just your imagination playing with you. He wasn't there. Why would he? You didn't think he'd care, and the thought of him never doing so was enough to do what you thought was the best.

You had planned this for a while now. You knew that if there was any way you wanted to turn yourself off, it was by jumping and feeling the freedom for a second, before hitting the ground and falling into utter darkness forever. So it wasn't a problem for you to push those hands against the window ledge, hard, until your body was in the air and approaching the ground.

You expected to feel the concrete on you soon, for the shortest amount of time there was, but instead, you fell on a pair of strong arms that flexed under your weight. You opened your closed eyes, and there he was, more beautiful than ever. His shaggy hair just the way it was always, his dark eyes staring into yours, his pink lips curved upwards and his short stubble looking hot as all hell, perfecting the careless sexy look.

"I found you."


"You're so beautiful, love. You are incredible, please do not feel any less, I have never met anyone as marvelous and glorious as you, and to be honest, I'm as evil as evil gets, so hearing that from me should mean something."

A chuckle escaped from Klaus' mouth, "I am hopelessly in love with you, Y/N. I cannot allow you leave me all alone, please? Stay with me. I promise I'll show you what happiness is. In fact, for you, I'd leave this petty little town right away. I could take you to my favorite place on Earth and treat you like a queen", he suggested, and made you smile, which was probably the first time in forever.

"I don't want to sound selfish, my love, but if I don't have you, I'd only be a shell of a man, never able to be at his best... I must have you, I must love you and I want you to feel the same way. I know you feel the same way. So let me love you", he continued, not allowing you to speak. He took a deep breath, and grabbed you gently, before placing his soft lips on yours. His stubble scratched your jaw, but it was kind of nice and you pushed your lips harder against his pink ones, wanting to feel more of them.

He had saved you, and he cared about you, and there was no way you'd waste time thinking about whether you would be his or not. You wanted to be his queen, you wanted him to show you the world and give you happiness and love because frankly, you needed it.

"What's your favorite place on Earth, then?", you breathed out weakly after the intense, loving kiss. Klaus smiled, and looked into your eyes which made your heart flutter and your legs go weak.

"New Orleans", he began, "but I'm beginning to feel like my new favorite place in the whole wicked world is right next to you, love." You blushed, and hid your face, while he pressed a kiss to the top of your head and wrapped an arm around your body.

"I'll protect you from the darkness in the world. I'll never let you fall down again", he promised and hugged you tightly. You smiled, and knew, that he meant those words. He loved you, and you loved him, and with him, you'd be happy.

Very happy.



but honestly, don't feel the need to do anything to hurt yourselves. i am very aware of how i'm not the person to help, but even the tiniest comments can make someone's day and that is why i dare you to send someone a nice message. do it. ((shia mode on)) just do it, okay?

send me, or someone you stalk, or one of your friends on wattpad, on twitter, on somewhere, a nice message because even though this sounds silly, you could be saving someone. i'm serious about this, honestly. i saw something like this on tumblr and it really made me want to start something like this too, so PLEASE, don't be shy or ashamed because you are all worthy ((of thor's hammer)) of love and i want every single one of you to be happy !!

now, i could talk about this for hours, but i don't want to make this too long so - i love you, have a wonderful day (:

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