176 » damon

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here's quickly summed up how amazing you guys are, from my close friends to those who have never spoken a word to me: i was planning on thanking you for 800K, but now i have to thank you for 820K because somehow, from somewhere, this book got 20,000 more reads in those few days i didn't update on. wtf i love you people so much, thank you so much for everything ! i'm now even more convinced that we can reach one million before this book ends, honestly, thank you xx


Imagine being pregnant with Damon's baby

  The silent house in which you resided echoed with a fairly simple, yet somehow so effective sound as the pregnancy test dropped to the floor. It felt slow-motioned, as if the moment would never end, and all you could do was bring a shaky hand to your mouth and breathe out while tears filled your eyes and covered your cheeks. You stared at the pregnancy test in disbelief and disapproval, not wanting to believe the positive result. Not wanting to go through having a vampire baby, or face your boyfriend with news you feared he'd take in the worst possible way.

  You lifted the test, and held it in your hand, swallowing thickly as you engaged in a staring contest with the plus sign on the small screen - a contest you were destined to lose. You shook your head, but it slowly turned into an unwilling nod. It was true, whether you wanted it or not, and you had to tell Damon. It wasn't that you didn't want to have a child, though it did scare you quite the bit since you were completely unprepared, but you were afraid Damon would walk out and leave you alone with all the responsibility.

  "Oh god", you sighed while getting up and exiting the bathroom to go to your boyfriend. For days now you had suspected that you were pregnant, you had basic symptoms but you just didn't think it'd be real. You weren't prepared or anything, and you were afraid the whole thing would go south on you.

  "Damon?", you called out his name, receiving a response from the kitchen where you slowly walked, your gaze on the floor as you entered the room. You looked up at him, and when he saw the tears in your eyes his expression softened and he immediately rushed to you, dropping the knife onto the counter and leaving the beginning of a dinner alone. He gave you a compassionate smile, but before he could say anything, you dropped the bomb.

  "I'm pregnant."

  Those two words happened to quite powerful. Damon didn't move or say anything, but his warm smile faded and it caused fear to ignite in your heart. You were afraid of losing him, and with each second it seemed more and more like he was going to walk out any moment now. You sniffled, breathing deeply as tears rolled out of your eyes. The both of you stood in silence, Damon so close to you, you could feel his breathing on your skin but that was precisely what scared you. What would he do, say, feel?

  "Damon, please say something", you whispered when it seemed like he wouldn't speak without a push towards it. "Please", you begged, your voice cracking. You hated being desperate and weak, but being confident and brave was hard when the matter was about a baby, and whether you'd have to raise her or him alone or not. It was terrifying, and it caused all of your walls and guards to come down, leaving you fragile and vulnerable, hanging onto the shreds of hope and whatever Damon was willing to give.

  "It shouldn't be possible", he let out, but before you could feel frightened, he continued, "but if you're being serious and honest with me, I can't help but feel happy. Y/N, this is a miracle!", and wrapped his arms around you. You opened your mouth to say something, but only a happy chuckle came out, and it quickly turned into a loud laughter of relief and joy. You hugged Damon tightly, and kissed his cheek, your tears meeting his as your lips connected with his soft skin.

  "I love you, Y/N. And even though I'm definitely shocked, this is a good thing. I'll be here, for you, and with you", Damon promised, and kissed your lips softly.

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