Dating Hayley would include...

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i honestly don't like hayley at all so this was hard idk

i love phoebe tho but hayley annoys me on 29294482920 levels tbh

also tell me which girls i should do next with this dating would include thingy because my mind is empty and i'm running out of women oops,, also i don't know which girls you'd like to see and if you don't tell me who you'd prefer then i'll probably end up doing esther or something

lmao just kidding no i won't don't worry


↳ her protecting you with her entire existence and being always in danger for kicking the asses of someone who even looked at you the wrong way

↳ making everyone, every girl and every guy jealous, when they see you kissing or holding hands

↳ sharing clothes

↳ bickering about little things but in the end she'll always kiss you and tell you how hot you are when you get angry

↳ having lots of inside jokes and annoying everyone else with your constant giggling

↳ coming up with nicknames for your friends / the people you know, that only you'll understand

↳ getting wasted together and partying hard until you end up home and in the bedroom

↳ hot supernatural sex

↳ buying each other the sweetest gifts ever

↳ comforting each other when the other needs it even a bit

↳ lots of dates, and being able to find time for each other even in places like mystic falls or new orleans

↳ her being easily jealous and whenever someone dares to flirt with you, she'll just wrap an arm around your waist and kiss you hard and then say something sassy at whoever was hitting on you

↳ her being also the kind of jealous where she just might shove her thumbs through the eyes of whoever even looks at you

↳ helping her with finding her family

↳ so, so much cuddling

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