8 » kai and klaus

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I AM SO UNHAPPY WITH THIS uhghhhghgh i think writing these imagines should be fun for me and come easily instead of being something i HAVE to do and force myself into but i also try to update every day and it's been two days since i last published a new imagine so i did this and it kind of sucks but idk i hope you like it


Imagine Kai saving you after Klaus has captured you

Living in Mystic Falls was dangerous, honestly. If the fact that most of your friends lived there didn't count, you had no clue why you lived there. You had been dreaming of moving away for a long while now, just like Matt, but you never did it. And when Kai Parker found his way to the town - the current version of it - , your plans were officially ruined. You fell in love, quickly, and there was no way you could ever leave as long he was there. You wanted to be around him as often as possible, and luckily to you, he felt the same way.

And when you were in love, and he was in love, you obviously started to date - why not enjoy the happiness that was right in front of your faces? He protected you, took good care of you and showed you the affection you needed and wanted, and was really everything you could ask for.

But not even the perfect boyfriends could always be there for you, could they? So when Kai on one day left you alone for a while, obviously someone saw it as their chance to bring darkness to your oh so perfect lives. Except that this someone, wasn't just someone.

You were taken by the one and only Niklaus Mikaelson. You had kind of always feared him, but with a certain kind of allure and attraction towards him, and the interest grew bigger and bigger each day but you knew getting too close to him would be dangerous - possibly fatal. And when he left Mystic Falls to go to New Orleans, you thought you would never have to be afraid of him again, but you were proven wrong when your lovely boyfriend left the town for a couple of days.

A scream rose from your throat when you felt a pair of strong arms grab you, but the cries for help you let out were suffocated by the large hand Klaus placed on your mouth as he started to drag you down the street. You wouldn't stop struggling though, so to end your fighting, Klaus hit you in the head, causing you to fall unconscious much to his delight.

When you woke up, you found yourself in his house, tied to a wall. It was extremely painful, the chains rubbed on your flesh uncomfortably and you had to grimace while looking around tiredly, trying to look for Klaus, or anyone, honestly. You had no clue why he was doing this, but it was Niklaus - he always had something evil in his mind, and you knew that asking for an explanation would be worthless. He had his reasons, and you weren't interested in them, all you were interested in was getting out, alive.

"Klaus!", you yelled, and ended up coughing. Only then you realized how awfully your throat ached, and your own voice scared you because of how hoarse and deep it was. You coughed roughly, and threw your head to the side in exhaustion, closing your eyes, only to open them when you heard footsteps approach you. Klaus had heard your scream, apparently, and was now standing in front of you with a smirk shining on his face, growing an angry feeling inside you. You hated that look, you wanted to slap it off, but the chains around your wrists and ankles stopped you from attacking him.

"Evening, love. My apologies for interrupting whatever you were up to, but you must understand I have to have my way. And it seems you people respond best to displays of violence", Klaus said, and held his hands behind his back while approaching you slowly. Disgust was painted on your face as you looked at the evil hybrid in front of you - you had felt interest towards him before but right now you felt only negative things. He was out of his mind, for sure.

"I've been watching you for a while, Y/N. I'm quite interested in this young witch boy you have spent so much time with. I believe this is a way to get his attention. I'm sure he will make an appearance some time soon", Niklaus continued, earning a chuckle and an over-exaggerated roll of eyes from you. He lifted an eyebrow, and started to make his way away from you, while you decided to open your mouth.

"He's not that young, actually! And Klaus, this is pathetic, even from you. If you think that this will-", you started, but you were interrupted by a sudden bang coming from the front door which was thrown to the wall. You looked into the direction of the noise in shock, and groaned when you realized that Kai was standing there. Klaus shot you a grin, a victorious one, and you looked away as your boyfriend made your way to the Original hybrid and used his magic to slam him into a wall.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?", Kai asked angrily. He had never met Klaus before, but he sure as hell had heard stories of him, plenty of them, and he was pretty aware of every strength, weakness, relationship, issue and ability in Klaus. Kai dropped Klaus to the floor, but before the growling monster could sprint to him, he held him down and twisted his bones, causing him to shout out in agony.

"Aren't you a powerful one", Klaus laughed, his accent thick and his lips curved into a mean smile. Kai laughed as well, and nodded, and started to brag about the way he was so powerful, but then remembered why he was here so he got more serious and made sure Klaus was suffering.

"You should have never touched my Y/N", he growled, and snapped Klaus' neck, and watched how he slumped lifelessly on the floor. You both knew he'd wake up, but when he would, you wouldn't be there anymore. Kai made his way to you quickly, and set you free easily. You squealed as you dropped from the wall, but Kai caught you with his strong arms, and started to carry you away with a smile.

You felt happy, your boyfriend, your perfect boyfriend had saved you of course and it made you delighted. He was truly the best, and you just had to kiss him, softly, while smiling with affection and fondness. Kai always protected you and did his best to keep you safe, and you knew you were lucky to have him in your life.

"What he was even trying?", Kai asked, referring to Klaus who was still dead on the floor, as he took you out of his house and towards your shared home. You chuckled, and told him how Klaus apparently wanted to meet him, which caused Kai to laugh as well. He tilted his head back, and smiled that shiny adorable smile of his, while his eyes squinted, making you smile even wider. He was so cute you felt like your heart was going to explode.

"He wanted to meet me? Sounds like I have a fan", he winked, and kissed you gently. That kiss though, it turned into something much more as soon as you got home.

And you showed him, how Klaus wasn't the only fan he had.

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