242 » elijah

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i was happy to see all the comments, but i won't do a part 2, and i won't make a book about it either. hope you like this one though, because i definitely did !!

++ i also won't do a part 2 to this one, or any other, so please don't ask for those !! 


Imagine Elijah being in love with you and only finding the courage to tell you when you're moving away

  Elijah Mikaelson never really figured out what about you specifically intrigued him, but he was in fact head over heels in love with you. Perhaps it was your kind personality, which was really only one side of the coin, whereas the other hid a badass lady who had all the ingredients to becoming a villain, yet stayed with her loved ones loyally.

  Perhaps it was your charming looks, from the breathtaking smile to the happily sparkling eyes. And, despite your occasional insecurity, you happened to be the most beautiful woman he had ever set his eyes on. But perhaps, it was your way to sneak out of your bedroom for a midnight snack, or your undying love towards fictional characters or your inappropriate but nonetheless amusing jokes.

  There were many things about you that made you absolutely priceless to Elijah, the definite love of his everlasting life, yet he simply couldn't find the necessary confidence and courage within himself. He ached to hold you during the nights, make sure you slept well and feel your warm body against his, and he longed to taste your lip balm in the midst of a passionate kiss - but whenever he approached you with the plan of confessing his feelings to you, he ended up being rather dazed and confused at the sight of you dancing to a song you knew all the lyrics to, whilst wearing nothing but underwear and a large sweater with the title of your favorite TV series on it.

  Most people had caught up on his massive crush on you, all except you. You were a clumsy, awkward girl with lots of quirks and flaws, and although you were close with all the Mikaelsons, and many more people, you by no means expected your favorite one to fall in love with you. In your opinion, there was nothing lovable about the way you could cry over a book for two days straight, but all these things that you did, just made Elijah fall in love more and more. You were flawless, but you didn't even bother to consider the possibility of him thinking that way.

  He was afraid of telling you, because he was convinced you would only reject him. He wasn't the perfect boyfriend, he was aware of this, and he didn't want to put you in any more danger or make things awkward between you and him, so he swallowed his feelings and held them deep down in his heart where he aimed to hide them until the end of times.

  But, the end was nearer than he expected.

  The life in Mystic Falls, nor New Orleans, simply wasn't for you anymore. You aimed to do more with your life than save the world occasionally, even if you did love the thrill, but after so many years, you just wanted to leave the endless messes behind and see the new Captain America movie. You were just a human, and you knew that Mystic Falls had a shortage of those, which meant that they always got turned into something else or killed. Eventually, you'd be doomed as well, so you decided to run from the fate, considering it wasn't yet set in a stone or anything.

  People tried to be happy for you, but as soon as the news reached Elijah Mikaelson's ears, he was heartbroken. The love of his life was going to drive away, leave behind the memories you had created together, and he hadn't even gotten the chance to tell you how he truly felt. He would never again find you in your bed binge-watching some TV series for the eighth hour, and he would never again see your gorgeous smile or hear your adorable giggles. Unless, he'd do something to stop you from leaving.

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