18 » stefan

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so basically i think all my stefan imagines like this kind of connect so this could be once again considered as the next part ttt tt tt t


Imagine human!Stefan wanting you to meet his brother Damon for the first time

After several dates and multiple fights Stefan had gotten into for fancying and defending you, you finally decided to take the next step and go official. It wasn't very appreciated, how a woman like you, settled down with a skinny, shy guy like Stefan Salvatore when the town was packed with beefy, rich men. But you were quite happy with your life the way it was - shared with Stefan, just like your heart.

Somehow he had never taken you to meet his brother, though. He seemed to be very important to Stefan and a big part of his life, naturally, so it was a tad surprising but it just never came up in a conversation between the two of you. Of course you had met Damon, you knew what he looked like and sounded like, but you didn't know him the way you thought you should as his brother's girlfriend.

"How come you haven't let me meet this girlfriend of yours yet? I was the one who pushed you to her, literally, so I think you should give me and Y/N the chance to really get to know each other. Over dinner, maybe? I've heard she's a great cook", Damon winked on one Friday, though, when he had taken his brother to a small bar in Mystic Falls where they caught up on things over a beer or two. Stefan had been staying at your house for a while, since it was so peaceful and nice there, so he and Damon had a lot to talk about. The word of you and Stefan dating had reached everyone's ears though.

"S-she's not my... She, uh, she's a wonderful cook, yeah... Um, yeah, I think you should kind of meet her, and get to know her, you know? I'll talk about it to Y/N later tonight", Stefan stuttered, all blushed and flustered because of the word girlfriend. He was incurably shy, but it was one of the things in him that you very deeply and sincerely adored and loved so you didn't mind.

Damon chuckled, "So you're spending the night with her again? I see. Have the two of you... You know", causing a deep red cover Stefan's already pink cheeks whenever he got the hint. He shook his head rapidly, and looked down at his hands which were holding the cold drink he had barely drank.

"Shut up, Damon..."


That night Stefan did suggest a dinner with Damon to you, and you more than gladly agreed. After all he was Stefan's best friend, and meant a lot to him, and you knew he was possible to spend time with so you didn't see a reason to refuse. Although Stefan smiled and thanked you, and shyly kissed you to show you his gratitude and delight, you could see the glistening worry in his bright eyes. He was nervous obviously, and you knew that this did mean a lot to him.

So whenever morning arrived, you informed Damon that he was welcome to come for dinner in the evening, before getting started on the food. You wanted it to look good, taste even better, and make the dessert something worth waiting for. You were impressively talented at cooking and baking, so it wasn't going to be a problem, but you were still slightly nervous.

The sounds you made as you prepared food woke Stefan up, and soon the small young man was standing behind you, shirtless and sleepy. You turned around and greeted him, while mashing some potatoes in a bowl. He was adorable, just so wonderful and perfect in his own way, you had a hard time trying to concentrate on the food instead of him and his appearance.

"Morning sweetheart. I hope you slept well. You do look good", you said with a mischievous smile. You hadn't seen him shirtless like this too often, you and him had never used your large bed for anything but resting, and seeing his upper body bare while cleaning up some wounds and marks from fights wasn't the same. This was new, even a bit strange from Stefan who was definitely not the most confident boy in the world.

He looked down at his body, and blushed. "Sorry. I just- I came here straight from bed so I didn't... Um, what are you making?", he asked then, after stammering and rambling for a while. You flashed him a wild smile, which made his knees wobble, before explaining what you were going to make for Damon.

"He'll love it. Just like he'll love you. But not too much - you're mine", Stefan murmured and started to make his way out of the kitchen, probably to find some clothes. "I mean- unless you're uncomfortable with that. I don't mean to be rude or anything, I just-", he stuttered again then, making you chuckle and shake your head. He was too cute

"I'm all yours, Stef. Now go put on some clothes and prepare the table, please? I want everything to be perfect for your brother!"


The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of someone. In this occasion, it was Damon, and that made you understand that Stefan wasn't the only one nervous. You wiped your sweaty hands against the lovely dress you were wearing, and followed from aside as Stefan opened the front door and hugged Damon brotherly before letting him in.

"Don't like her too much. Because if you steal her from me, I will break your nose", you heard Stefan warn Damon, which earned a light giggle from you.

"Hi, Damon. Good to see you", you greeted the dark-haired man with a smile on your lips, to which he responded in a similar way.

"You too, Y/N. It smells great in here, I can't wait to see and taste what you have cooked!", he replied, and kissed the top of your hand before you led him into the dining room. You could have sworn, that Stefan looked jealous, but being insecure was more his style really, so for the first time, you couldn't read him and his face. He just made his way to the chair opposite of Damon's, sat down and smiled faintly as you gave out the plates of food.

"This looks amazing, Y/N", Damon spoke, and you thanked him with a grateful smile as you sat down next to Stefan. Your hand immediately went to cover his, and his smile widened and his eyes brightened, and a shade of pink reached his cheeks as you intertwined your fingers with his slender ones.

"Yeah... It does", Stefan confirmed his brother's words, and then tasted the food, following the actions of you and Damon.

A nice little conversation was created, and a lot of laughs were let out as the three of you had a lovely dinner. The dessert, a delicious chocolate cake, melted in your mouth and moans of enjoyment could be heard as you all ate the pieces you had cut. It was very nice and comfortable, and you got to know Damon well, just like Stefan hoped. He did love his brother, and he loved you too, so he was happy to see you two getting along.

It was perfect, honestly.



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