20 » kol

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heyyyyyy i just want to quickly thank you all for almost 30K reads, and 1.5K votes, god i love you all so much thank you thank yoUUU !!


Imagine Kol being jealous

You weren't a cheater. You loved your boyfriend Kol very deeply, and he was your everything and honestly, you could not imagine a life without him anymore. He had been yours and you had been his for about a year and a half now, and things were going great for you guys. You would never break his heart, you would never cheat on him or do anything to hurt him even the tiniest bit.

But whenever you saw a hot guy, you did give him a look that sometimes lingered and continued on for longer than you originally meant it to. Those looks meant nothing, you never thought about actually doing anything, but sometimes you did kind of want to kiss someone's face off or ride him to the sunset. It was just something you couldn't help, and quite natural too.

Who wouldn't look at a guy who looks like Channing Tatum and drool and try to walk near him so they can smell him and have a piece of the dream life you suddenly start to grow in your mind? Well, you would.

As much as you loved Kol, and adored his appearance and that sexy face and glorious body, he wasn't the only hot guy in the world, although maybe he was the most perfect one to you. But still, you knew that on one day he'd eventually catch you giving the dreamy eyes to another man, even if it was all innocent. But Kol, he wasn't the kind of guy to let it slide.

You and him were strolling around the streets of New Orleans where he had taken you for the weekend, hand in hand and enjoying the sunshine and warm air. July was burning hot, and the both of you were loving it. Kol was rocking some sunglasses, and he did look good in them.

But so did a muscular, tall man, on the other side of the street, with brown hair and an eagerly growing stubble. He too had some shades hanging on top of his nose, so his eyes were hidden, but when he happened to take them off and hang them from the collar of his tight white shirt - which succeeded on showing off those gorgeous abs, biceps and just everything -, the sun hit a pair of shining, stunning blue eyes that made your knees go weak. He caught you staring, and probably drooling too, and immediately flashed you a sexy, crooked grin and you let out a dreamy breath that drew Kol's attention to the situation.

"Love, what are you- Oh", he started, but stopped talking when he saw the stranger looking at you quite intensely. Kol glared at him, and as soon as he spotted the two of you holding hands, he scooted away, much to your disappointment, but Kol's delight.

You turned to Kol, who was now much happier, but still irritated by the thought of you giving the heart eyes to someone else and that someone else returning that look to you. You pecked his lips softly, but he turned it into something much more passionate, he bent down your body and held you tightly while pressing his mouth to yours so intensely, a specific kind of spark ignited in you.

When Kol finally let go, you stumbled around and wiped your mouth. You gave him a surprised look, but didn't mind, though didn't really understand either. Kol was always cheeky and not afraid of PDA, but he had never before kissed you like that in public, in front of dozens of people. With unsteady steps, and his hand tightly grasping your waist, you entered a bar, in the need of some drinks.

You went to sit down, while Kol ordered something for you both. He stood by the bar, and you looked around the place, only to notice something very fortunate to you, but unfortunate to Kol. Yay, more eye candy, you thought to yourself as you saw the same hot guy you had spotted outside, and smiled shyly when his eyes met yours. His smile widened, and he got up from his seat, and started to approach you. You didn't know what to do - you weren't used to being approached, you usually just looked at guys, usually they didn't even look back but this one seemed much more eager and confident.

"Did your boyfriend ditch you? What an awful way to treat such a gorgeous woman like you. Would you like a drink? My name is-", he started, but before he could finish, Kol showed up and pushed the man away. He put down the drinks, and crossed his arms then, angry and jealousy burning bright in his chest because of some random guy flirting with his girl.

"Her boyfriend is right here, mate. You can leave now", Kol said, and smiled smugly. He didn't bother to fight, instead he just turned around to enjoy the drinks he bought with you, alone, but the guy wasn't all done yet.

"I'll leave, and with your girl, buddy. I'm much more fun than you", he said to Kol, who closed his eyes and smiled devilishly while tilting his head to the side. You tried to smile too, in the hopes of Kol just dropping the matter, but that was far from his style.

He turned around, and his fist connected with the mouth that dared to threaten and underestimate Kol Mikaelson, and think of his very own girlfriend as some kind of a slut, which you were not. Kol punched the guy straight in the face, and he stumbled backwards but had the balance to stay on his feet. He attacked Kol, but he was a vampire, an Original one too, so he was quickly behind the flirtatious guy, who was now very confused.

He turned on his feet, only to be punched by Kol again, and this time he fell to his back and all you could do was let out a loud 'Oh shit' and follow from aside. You had no clue Kol was this type of jealous, a part of you always knew he'd make sure everyone knew you were his but not on a level this high. Something about it was kind of turning on, though, but you were far too concerned for the other guy, since Kol had better skills and would have no problem at beating him to his death.

"Kol, please, stop...", you begged. You weren't going to look at this guy, or any other guy, ever again, but you didn't want Kol to kill anyone there either. He gave you a look, and breathed in and out heavily, but then nodded in submission and grabbed the guy from his collar.

"You will leave, and never again even look at my Y/N", he swiftly compelled the man who stayed as a stranger to you. Some kind of sadness was in you as you watched him leave the bar, but when you turned to Kol, your heart fluttered and you smiled and threw your arms over his shoulders.

"I like it when you're jealous", you muttered and kissed his lips passionately. It was heated, and to be honest, you were surprised you weren't kicked out yet. First Kol started a fight, and now you were making out like never before.

"I was not jealous, darling", he said, and you chuckled but didn't fight back. "I was just making it clear to everyone who's girlfriend you are. Mine", he continued, and kissed you again, leaving you blissful and turned on.

You did love Kol, and from now on, he was the only guy you'd look at so intensely.


HEY GUYS i'm extremely sorry, but i have deleted all the threesomes that have been requested. i couldn't write them, i've grown extremely uncomfortable with them, i have no idea what i'm doing and i really don't feel like writing them, it feels like something i need to do and force from myself instead of wanting, so i thought the best thing to do would be just not do them, at all.

if you requested a threesome, i'm very sorry, but if you'd like me to do other kind of smut then don't be afraid to send me a message or comment ((:

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