Dating Caroline would include...

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i would love to date caroline just saying. and bonnie. and rebekah. and katherine. and even elena. and tbh let me just list all of the characters...


↳ being awesome bitches together

↳ arranging parties and events together

↳ being the power couple of mystic falls ++ everyone is jealous of your relationship

↳ shameless pda

↳ being the only one she shows her emotional, sensitive side willingly and  being her shoulder to cry on

↳ her being also the greatest at comforting (which she says is because she learns from the best - you)

↳ sending each other flirty messages and dating puns at two a.m

↳ her always worrying and taking care of you

↳ you sending her random pictures and memes, and she's blocked you like a dozen times but always ends up unblocking you because she loves you too damn much

↳ intense making out sessions

↳ her singing to you when you can't sleep

↳ going to concerts and movies and parties together

↳ being the best dressed couple at every event and no one else even bothers to beat you

↳ little arguments that always end up with amazing sex

↳ her protecting you always, after all she is a vampire and you're not, but she likes to take care of you

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