44 » stefan

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i'm tired and bored but i still wanted to write an imagine for you guys ((see how much i love you)) but i didn't know what to write about and i couldn't check out my list of upcoming imagines either so the only reasonable thing to do is write human!stefan

omg i'm not fine i have written so many human stefan imagines it's becoming an obsession and i have noticed that you guys are falling there with me and can i just say i'm glad we're going through this together ok xx

also as always, this imagine is related to my previous human stef imagines but you don't necessarily have to read those ones, this is just a fluffy cute drabble about what it's like to date and live with awkward shy small skinny ste(ve)fan oKAY ENJOY


Imagine dating human!Stefan

"Good morning sunshine."

Although those three words were quite simple, they managed to send Stefan on the daily blushing right away. His eyes were still closed as he stayed positioned on his back on your shared bed, and his lips were twitching, threatening to break into a smile while his perfect cheekbones were shadowed by a coat of pink. He just couldn't fight it, it was as if it was a part of personality by now.

Stefan pulled the covers on top of his naked upper body, he was very aware that you were staring at his small skinny, though perfect frame and he hated it. Although you showered him with love and affection each and every day, he disliked his small body but he didn't know what to do to it either.

There wasn't some magical serum he could use to make him all muscular and sexy, right?

You loved him anyway, but he struggled with being the way he was, he felt like he was stuck in that body and knowing that you were looking at his scrawny figure made him so uncomfortable it could not described with words.

"Y/N", he whined, his voice quiet and shy and laced with a hint of I just woke up, "You're staring again." You chuckled, and lifted your head enough to press a kiss on his soft skin, causing his eyes to fly open at the sudden touch. Even though you were dating, he had trouble with believing you were his and that you would randomly kiss him, and that he had the permission to do that to you too.

"'M not. I'm just... adoring. C'mon, let's get up and I'll make us some pancakes", you suggested, and threw the covers off of you. After you had put on some clothes, you moved towards the kitchen, and thinking you couldn't hear him, Stefan started to mumble sleepily.

"I love you, doll."


"Woah, Stef, you look dreamy. I could kiss the life out of you", you breathed out when your boyfriend arrived to the kitchen, dressed and his hair nicely combed. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and as always, blushed while sliding onto a chair at the table you had prepared for breakfast.

"U-uh, thanks? You look, um, you look se-- uh, stunn-- beaut-- great too", Stefan stuttered, earning a fond chuckle from you as you sat down as well after giving him a plateful of pancakes.

The two of you ate together, and when you were done, you placed your hand on Stefan's, which made him look up and his eyes widened as his hands started to tremble. Still, every day, no matter how long you had been dating, you made him weak and shy and nervous.

"I was thinking that maybe we could go dancing later tonight", you suggested, and received a horrified look from Stefan.

"D-dancing? I-I don't know doll, I'm...", he began, but drifted off, never really finishing his sentence. You knew what was up though, and you didn't mind. Stefan was your precious little angel, and you would never judge him or be mad at him or cause him pain of any kind. How could anyone do that? He was like a puppy. So adorable and easy to love.

"You've never went dancing, have you?", you asked and gave him a loving smile. Stefan shook his head, and bit his lower lip awkwardly. You knew what was going around in his mind - he was sure you were amused by him and wanted to laugh at his face. He knew you weren't mean or a bad person, but he was just so shy and nervous and awkward all the time he kept imagining the worst.

"Women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on", Stefan mumbled, making you laugh but it was so sweet and lovely, he couldn't help but smile.

"Well, I'm taking you dancing tonight, and I promise it'll be great", you told him, and kissed his hand softly.


It took some time, but eventually you and Stefan managed to make the dancing work and it didn't even look that silly even if you were taller than Stefan and could close him into an embrace easily, until only soft fluffy hair peeked out. It was cute and wonderful nevertheless, and Stefan caught the magic of dancing quite quickly. It wasn't so hard, and despite the laughs and fingers pointed at you, it was perfect.

After a couple of dances, Stefan went to get you something to drink. You sat alone, waiting for him to come, until after fifteen minutes you understood he wasn't going to. You knew something had happened, so you got up and quickly walked to the bar, hoping to find him there, but you got no results.

You made your way outside, and yelled his name a few times, and luckily you got an answer. Which was a low, painful cry for help from an alley. Your face lost it's color and your heart sank, you knew what had happened and you hated the thought. You hated the sight you would have to witness.

You walked to Stefan, you found him leaning against a dumpster behind the bar, his shirt ripped, his left eye swollen, red and yellow, and his lip cut and his skin bruised all around. Angry tears filled your eyes as you rushed to his side, and went down to your knees before taking his hand and pulling him into a hug. A whimper left his mouth, but he felt comfort take him over, and his shaky hand found it's way to your back where it clung to your dress, begging for you to help him and heal him.

"Don't worry, Stefan. I'm here now, and I'm going to take you home and make sure you'll be fine. And I love you, and that is the truth no matter what anyone tries to tell you. I will never leave you. Except when I go to kick the asses of whoever did this to you", you said, and wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. Your lips pressed into his cheek gently, and you tasted not only your own, but his tears too.

God, you hated when this happened. It was too familiar to him, to you, and you felt nothing but hatred for the men of Mystic Falls that dared to treat your angel like this.

Stefan cried, and it became especially loud when you lifted his tiny, light body from the ground. You cried too, it hurt you so deeply to see him in pain like this, but you had to stay strong for him. So you fought the tears, and forced yourself to be brave as you started to walk him towards your house.

Oh, if only you could count all the looks you were given while you dragged your beaten boyfriend from the back of an alley to home.

"They-- I... They said... You-- and I just... I'm sorry, doll, I tried-- I-I love you", Stefan stuttered as you set his body down on your big bed. You nodded, and told him lovely things to calm him down while caressing his hair. You took his hand gently, and he squeezed yours like a little child while breathing heavily and shaking roughly. You smiled weakly, and went next to him, cuddling him and sheltering him with love and warmth.

"I know, Stefan, I know. And I love you too. So much..."

Dating Stefan Salvatore was definitely hard, you were constantly judged and he was beaten up, but the two of you always got up and proudly showed everyone your scars from the battle you had to go through just to be happy with each other. And you loved him, and he loved you, and nothing else mattered.





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