210 » kol

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wOW okay i loved writing this,, i made a few fake iphone texts and tbh they look fake indeed and i forgot to change the time in them whoops but anyway i included them there and i really liked this whole imagine ((: i kind of didn't make the song such a big part in this, but it's still there !! hope you like this one as much as i do xx

also, a confession: i googled how to write a kiss scene lmaooo and that's why it's so on point in this one



Imagine Kol confessing his feelings to you through a song he sends you

Kol Mikaelson was sitting by the kitchen table in the abattoir where he and his siblings resided, on a lovely street in the magical city that went by the name New Orleans. In his hands, was a phone that he had been staring at for far too long, pondering whether he should confess his feelings to a girl he had fallen for, or just keep them to himself.

That special girl was you. At first, you were just another chick for Kol to flirt with, someone he aimed to sleep with, but eventually he realized that he grew much fonder of you, and he wanted so much more than just sex. His lust for you didn't go anywhere, but it had to share a space with the utter love he felt for you, a burning affection in his heart that he wanted to quiet down by just feeling his lips on you, or your fingers intertwining with his. He was head over heels in love with you, which was new, weird and different for a heartbreaker like Kol, but it was quite real.

"For god's sakes, are you still staring at the bloody lyrics? Just send them to Y/N! How hard can it be?", Kol's sister's, Rebekah's voice rang through the kitchen, startling the Original vampire. Kol turned to look at the woman who walked across the kitchen, and sit opposite his brother, with her leg thrown the other while a smug smirk pulled up her red lips. Rebekah leaned back on the chair, and waved her foot in the air, causing the high heel to catch Kol's attention while his sister proceeded to rant about the good sides of confessing his love to you.

Rebekah had been following Kol's development for a while now. He could tell, from the first meeting, that you'd be the girl that would change Kol drastically, but to a good direction. Her brother was constantly in danger, he was practically begging for it, thinking he was impossible to beat and always victorious, but he had been killed once already, hadn't he? Rebekah wanted him to see the miracle of love in the same light as she, and she wanted someone to understand her, and she knew that through you, Kol would become a better man. He'd fall in love. And Rebekah was entirely right - you had changed Kol, and he no longer cared about sleeping around or ruining innocent people's lives. He just wanted you.

"If you must tease me, please escort yourself out. You know where the door is, sister", Kol spat, rolling his eyes while taking his soft lip between his teeth and chewing on it thoughtfully. His eyes lowered from Rebekah, who wouldn't stop smirking, to the phone screen where the lyrics of a song remained. It was a song that described his feelings for you quite well, and he wanted to send it to you, thinking it would be romantic but somehow he just couldn't push himself to it. He had never understood love like this, or what made having a crush so hard, but now, he could relate to every man who ever fell in love.

"I'm not trying to tease you, darling. I'm trying to encourage you, that's all. Really, Kol, I bet my life Y/N loves you just as much as you do, but you're rather intimidating, and she's the sweetest girl ever, so obviously she won't tell you how she feels. You need to man up, and send her a message. This ship needs to sail", Rebekah explained and gave her brother a stern look as she leaned over the table. "Send the message", she added, and smacked her palm against the table before jumping up from her seat and strutting out of the kitchen, leaving a surprised Kol behind. He had no clue that his sister supported the thought of him and you being together so strongly, but it gave him a confidence boost and Kol found himself opening the chat between you and him.

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