145 » klaus and damon

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Imagine being Klaus' sister and Damon's girlfriend, and when your brother finds out about who you're dating he's very unhappy

 Being a Mikaelson was quite interesting. Being a Mikaelson, it included tons of violence, betrayals, but still at the end of the day, an unbreakable bond between you, Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah. While the other members of family had long ago ceased to walk amongst the living, you four remained, stronger than ever even if you bickered on a daily basis. You knew you loved each other, even when Elijah and Rebekah took off to New Orleans where Klaus and you should soon head as well, but he had unfinished business in Mystic Falls and in the belief of him needing someone to keep him on the right track, you stayed with him.

 Klaus and you were always the closest. You loved Rebekah, she was after all your only sister, and you loved Elijah for being so understanding, kind and protective towards you. But you and Klaus had a special bond - you always protected him from your father and you never stopped loving or caring when others gave up on him. You never let him slip away from you, and while you often joined him on his mischiefs, you were the one to talk sense to him and it always worked. Klaus loved you more than he loved the other siblings and the same worked the other way around.

 So you felt horrible about the love you grew for Damon Salvatore, a man you knew to be on bad terms with Niklaus. But nevertheless you did fall for him, and quite hard, one might add. You and Damon had a love/hate relationship to begin with but it ended up with you both within the same sheets and thus a passionate flame in your hearts ignited and burned hot. At first you attempted to hide your relationship with him from Klaus, but your brother always had a way to find out things you tried to bury deep in the darkness and therefore you just gave up on the hiding and decided to confess.

 "You do know that he'll probably smack my head off, right?", Damon asked nervously as you walked towards your house hand in hand. You chuckled, and gave him a reassuring look, begging for him to pick up all of his courage and confidence and come inside with you. You knew that the longer you'd hide with Damon, the angrier Klaus would be when he'd find out and you didn't want that. But you had to admit that certain kind of fear kept your heart going fast - quite like with Rebekah, Klaus never approved of the men you claimed to be in love with. You loved Klaus with all your heart, and he loved you back, which was precisely why he felt the need to protect you and give you only the best.

 And for sure Damon Salvatore would not be the best for you in Klaus' opinion.

 "Don't worry, Damon. Nik may be the big bad wolf, but I am after all also an Original. And he loves me to death", you smiled confidently, but as the last words left your mouth you uttered out a sigh. Sometimes, Klaus loved his siblings to death more literally than one would think.

 "If you say so", Damon shrugged. "I love you, Y/N, and if you want us to tell Klaus that we're dating, fine. I'd do it a million times for you", he added and kissed your cheek briefly before you knocked on the front door of the house you shared with Klaus. You had to admit to yourself, as you knocked, stress and fear came to you stronger than you had been expecting and you felt like hiding Damon and not telling Klaus. But that would be a worse option, instead of facing your brother's rage, and therefore you stood proudly, bravely, confidently and waited for Klaus to open the damn door.

 "Y/N, finally. I've been wondering where you--", Klaus began after swinging open the front door, but then he saw you holding hands with his least favorite Salvatore brother and his usual smirk dropped from his pink lips. Tension built up quickly, and you could feel your hand sweating as you shuffled on the spot uncomfortably, but you tried to smile and convince Klaus to let you two in. "Well, do come in, sister", he eventually said through gritted teeth and it was obvious to you and Damon that he was struggling. He was struggling with seeing his enemy hold hands with his beloved sister - he was struggling with not tearing Damon's heart out of his chest.

 "Nik, I have something important to tell you. Damon and I have fallen in love, brother, and I hope to get your acceptance", you announced, scared to see how your brother would react. He looked at you, then at Damon, but then his lips curved up and he broke into a laughter you couldn't quite read. You felt relieved though, and even Damon let out a happy sigh, but then Klaus grabbed Damon from his throat and smacked him against a wall, growling at his face.

 You shrieked, and flashed to Klaus, attempting to tear him away from your boyfriend but he was just a bit stronger. "Nik!", you begged, "let him go!", but he just ignored your wishes.

 "How dare you even look at my sister?", Klaus spat to Damon's face, who just couldn't hold back the sarcastic remarks that you certain would one day be the death of him. Hopefully not today, but it was potential - Klaus was furious and on the brink of snapping and hearing Damon be his own jerk of a self didn't help.

 "She's hot. And awesome. And the sex is amazing", Damon let out and smirked, earning nearly a hybrid bite but in time you yanked Klaus off of him and the Salvatore fell onto his ass on the floor where he groaned at the sudden sharp pain in his behind. You gave him a warning look, and he nodded as if promising to shut up, and then you turned to Klaus but before you could yell at him, he began doing so at you.

 "Y/N! I thought you'd know better than to fall for this absolute arse! You could have at least chosen the better Salvatore that I know would treat you well, but Damon? Sister, please tell me this is a prank of some kind! Out of all the men in Mystic Falls, out of everyone you could have, you go for this blockhead?", Klaus shouted, but his voice wasn't angry anymore. It was genuinely hurt, and you could see his eyes turning watery while he flailed his arms around in the air in utter disbelief. Your heart broke at the sight - your boyfriend on the floor, your brother nearly crying because he didn't want you to end up with the wrong guy.

 Instead of yelling back at him, you walked to him and pulled him into a hug, holding his head and body as you kissed his cheek. "I love him, Nik. I'm serious. You don't need to worry, I know how to take care of myself. I promise I'll be fine, okay? I love Damon, and he loves me", you assured your brother who kept trembling on your arms. "I appreciate you taking care of me, but like you, Elijah, and Rebekah, I'm a thousand years old and I know how to look out for myself. I won't leave you, I will never leave you, Nik, you don't need to be afraid of that", you continued, and kissed your brother's cheek again before letting him go. You gave him a warm smile, hoping it'd melt his armored heart, and somehow, you succeeded. Klaus nodded slowly, and then turned to Damon who picked himself up from the floor, still a bit wary but he relaxed when he saw the look on Klaus' face. Not so scary after all.

 "If you break Y/N's heart, I will gouge out your eyes and feed them to you, do you understand me? I will show you things worse than death, Damon Salvatore", Klaus warned, "but if you do in fact make my sister happy then you shall do so. Keep her smiling when I can't", earning a wide smile from you. Klaus seemed so tough but when it came to you, or your other siblings, he was actually quite the softie.

 "Cool", Damon said, but after you gave him a strict look he lifted his hands and nodded at Klaus. "I promise. I'll take good care of her", he added and walked to you, putting an arm around you. Damon kissed your temple and you smiled while placing your hand on his chest, and giving Klaus one last look.

 "We're gonna go now, but I'll come back later, Klaus. I always do, for you, I always do", you then stated, and took Damon's hand to walk away with him.

 All well in the end, after all.

 "Well, that went just great. He didn't even kill me", Damon said when you were outside. You laughed, and placed a soft, loving kiss on his lips before you continued your way.

 "Still should have chosen Stefan", Klaus muttered from the front door, which you could both hear very well. And he knew, and he did not care. But neither did you - you were in love with Damon, and you were going to be for a long, long time. 


klaus is such a little sinnamon roll i love him sm omg 



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