110 » jeremy

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yo omg i loved writing this, but there's a lot of violence and gruesome shizzle so be careful it that kind of stuff makes you uncomfortableee ((: hope you like it !!


Imagine that after the end of Mystic Falls only you and Jeremy, and a bunch of vampires with the ripper virus are alive

"They're right behind us."

Those words sent you off on your feet, running faster than you thought you could even go. Fear was swallowing you whole, devouring your mind and heart but you still kept going further and faster with Jeremy's hand tightly holding yours. For days, maybe even weeks, you didn't know and it didn't even matter anymore, you two had been running, driving, going through the country. Trying to get away from the only people alive with you two. All your loved ones, everyone, had been turned to vampires and the ripper virus created by Wes Maxfield had been used to make the even most friendly people in Mystic Falls eternally hungry, homicidal bloodsuckers.

You were human, and Jeremy as well, though he dug up his weapons from his vampire hunter era and together you started to slay the supernatural and make your way towards a happier future. But it didn't seem like there'd be one. While the infected vampires preferred their own kind, the virus had been worked on and now, they slaughtered whatever came to their way. Including humans all over the states, and so, people like the Salvatores, Mikaelsons, or even innocent little Matt Donovan had successfully murdered most of the country, leaving just you and Jeremy on the run.

"Here. Let's hide here", Jeremy whispered, and pulled you inside the local mall. It was dark, and the escalators and elevators didn't work, which made the situation only creepier. Jeremy dragged you to one of the shops, and you hid between clothes while loading your guns and trembling with panic and fear. Jeremy held your hand, and you tried to smile but all you could do was swallow thickly and pray for your life as you began hearing footsteps and growling near the shop you were in.

"I can smell you...", you heard a deep voice, and you shivered as you recognized, though barely, Stefan. He had always been so kind and loving towards you but here you were now, hiding from him, hoping he wouldn't find you because he wouldn't hesitate to drink you out of all your blood. It was definitely Stefan if there was anyone the virus worked on. He of all people knew the life of a ripper the best, and it affected him in ways it did not with the others. He had so much of it suffocated underneath, just waiting to be released and as soon as the virus flowed in his cold veins, he lost all control and became the most dangerous one in the group of vampires.

"Shit", you mumbled while pressing the wound you had gotten on the way through the woods nearby, and gave Jeremy an apologetic look. Your bleeding had caused the vampires to get a scent and ability follow you. Now, there was no tricking these bastards, you couldn't pull the good old blood-on-shirt plan where you'd leave a scent and then run away, because they weren't just normal vampires. They were so much more, and everything you and Jeremy had tried so far had only made things worse and annoyed the ripper vampires more.

To be honest, you were somewhat afraid, and accepting the fact that you and him possibly wouldn't survive.

"Calm down, Y/N. I won't let them get to you. I love you, okay? I will fight to my last breath to make sure you're safe and well, baby girl", Jeremy promised, and kissed your lips quickly, yet intensely. "I need you to fight with me, though. Grab your gun, we have vampires to kill", he smiled enthusiastically, and loaded his gun before stepping out of the hiding place and firing at the first ripper in sight. You did the same, and following Jeremy's lead, you slaughtered the people around you.

You hated it, but there was no time for feeling bad. You wanted to cry, but you held it back and without remorse, you ripped out a few hearts after shooting people that used to be your friends. As you looked down at the floor where you had to witness the dead bodies of Caroline, Matt, Elena and tons of others, you were distracted. And so, Klaus, who you had forgotten all about, got an upper hand and he attacked you and sank his poisonous teeth into your flesh. You screamed out in pain, horror and fear, and gave him a disgusted look when your body collapsed onto the ground.

While Klaus had not killed you, he had infected you. You were going to turn into a vampire, and not the kind of you would have preferred. Turning into a vampire was a longer process, but for those who were already infected it was easier. All they had to do was give a bite, like werewolves did, and if they didn't feed from their victims to death, the bitten one would eventually turn into a vampire with the ripper virus.

You watched Jeremy kill Klaus, and all you could think about was, that's going to be me soon. Jeremy would have to either kill you, or let you do it to him. And honestly, you preferred the first one, you didn't want to be the one who causes his death. You were going to be a monster, and Jeremy had all the rights to tear your heart out, right?

"Jeremy", you breathed out, as you weakly continued to evolve towards a dark future. Your veins were already being poisoned by the bite on your neck, disgusting not only you, but Jeremy too. He struggled to look at you, but he was so in love with you, he couldn't give up. Not just yet. He pulled you onto his lap, and placed a kiss on your forehead, as if he was saying goodbye but he wasn't willing to do so. Not now, not never.

"C'mon, Y/N. I'll take you away. We'll heal you, together. Okay? Just stay strong", Jeremy insisted, and got up with you on his muscular arms. He carried you out of the building, and because you either fainted, died, or just fell asleep, you entered darkness and couldn't remember what happened next.


You woke up happy, in bliss, feeling better than ever. A smile was on your lips as you pushed yourself up on the bed of a hotel, and looked at Jeremy who was preparing some weapons on the other side of the fairly small room. You moved your hand up to your face to rub your tired eyes, but it hurt like hell and you groaned in pain which reminded you of the infection spreading in you. This was a phase that everyone experienced on the way to the future of being a ripper - happiness. You were happy.

But not for long.

You climbed off of the bed, where supposedly white sheets were covered in black blood. You wanted to vomit, the sight was disgusting, but you just left the bed you had stained, and walked to the long mirror on one of the walls to see your body entirely. And it was awful. Your entire left side looked dead, lifeless, the bones could be seen through and your skin was pale and dry and the bite on your neck had spread out, covering now also your shoulder and some of your chest. It looked like pieces of you had been carved out, like your skin had been peeled off in a rather violent way and it made tears fill your numb eyes as you stared at the horrifying sight.

"The transition is almost done", Jeremy stated, a lump in his throat evident when he spoke. His voice was near cracking, but for you, he stayed strong. You couldn't, so he had to hold you up and keep you going. But you knew you were going to die, one way or another. Maybe you'd kill Jeremy on the way. But eventually you'd die, somehow. And you hated it. You hated what you had become.

"I hate it. I don't want to be this person", you admitted, "Jeremy, please", giving him a sad look. Jeremy knew, Jeremy understood, and because of that he handed you a gun which you immediately wanted to put in your mouth so you could blow yourself up. You wished to die, as horrifying as it sounded, but dying by your own hand was so much better than forcing your boyfriend to do it.

"I know, baby girl. And that's why we're doing this together", Jeremy insisted, and pulled out a gun for himself, placing it on his head. You opened your mouth to protest and disagree, but you couldn't help but admit that you knew very well how Jeremy would just have to live in sadness or depression or fight all alone. Either way he'd end up dead. So you liked the idea of dying with him, together. Together like you always did everything.

"I love you", you whispered.

"I love you, baby girl."

That was the last thing you two ever said. You placed the gun on your head, and Jeremy did the same to himself, and so you shot yourselves. Two dead bodies fell down, right next to each other, in a room with blood all over the walls, floor and furniture. That was the end of you, the end of the residents of Mystic Falls, the end of most of the country.

The end, simply said.

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