51 » jeremy

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this is super short but i also tried to make it super cute and i hope i succeeded at least somehow

also damn son chill with that body and face 


Imagine your first meet with Jeremy

 "Stupid mailman", you muttered to yourself on one Saturday, the greatest day of the week, while tossing a stack of mail onto the kitchen table. You had lived in Mystic Falls for three years now, and the mailman had never, never given you the wrong mail, until now. And now, you needed to go over to the Gilbert house, and give them their stupid bills and magazines. You flickered over the stuff you had received, and scoffed when you saw dirty magazines, clearly for the Gilbert boy. Then there was some girly stuff, probably for Elena.

 You had seen her in school a couple of times, and perhaps her brother too, but you didn't know his name, nor paid attention to either one of them. You liked to be in your own worlds, and whenever you spent time with Bonnie or Caroline, they didn't have Elena with them. So no, you didn't know her, nor the other Gilbert sibling. Which would make things even more odd - just showing up at their front door with their naked girl magazines and bills for shoes and make-up.

 You put on your sneakers and grabbed the mail before leaving the house and locking the door behind you. You started to make your way towards the Gilbert house, it was after all only five minutes away by feet so walking wouldn't be a challenge. Soon you already approached the house you had seen before, and with groans leaving your mouth, you went to the front door and knocked on it.

 It was opened by a handsome young man, and you let out an adoring sigh. Oh, you thought, that's Jeremy Gilbert. He was gorgeous, with his hair messy, clearly he had just gotten out of bed, and only sweatpants hanging low on his waist. His upper body was bare, and you couldn't help but drool at the perfectly shaped muscles, the abs that glistened under the sunlight and the soft, flawless skin and the veins on his arms and strong, huge biceps. He was dreamy, and you felt like a sack of potatoes in front of him.

 "Hey, Y/N, right?", he asked, and flashed a sexy, breath-taking smile at you, while leaning against the doorway. You took in a sharp, sudden breath and thought about what to say, all of your thoughts disappearing because of his attractive face, and a body shaped by angels and God himself. Then you understood you had his mail in your hands, and swallowed thickly before handing them to him.

 "Yeah, Y/N. And I-- uh, I don't remember your name, to be honest, but here's your mail. I guess there's a new mailman in town because after three years, I finally get mail that doesn't belong to me... Have, uh, fun with your magazines", you rambled, and turned around as soon as he had taken them. But he stopped you from leaving though, shocking you, but at least you got more time to adore his flawless, worked body.

 "I'm Jeremy. And thanks, for bringing these. I appreciate it, and I know Elena will too. Anyway, would you like to catch a movie later tonight, or something? I've seen you around in school a couple of times and I've always thought you're really pretty but I didn't know how to approach you. So I'm glad you did it", he grinned, and made your heart skip a beat, or two. You nodded quickly, and licked your dry lips before opening your mouth, hoping some words would come out, and possibly make sense too.

 "Your face is perf-- I mean pretty-- I mean I like your face too", you said, stumbling on the words and managing to make a complete fool of yourself. "I'd love to go to the movies with you. I'll-- uh, I'm gonna give you my number and you can give me a call, maybe?", you suggested, and told him your phone number, before quickly fleeing the situation.

 It was awkward, though cute, and it did lead into a wonderful relationship with Jeremy. Though he never stopped teasing you about your awkwardness, but he absolutely loved it. 


me tbh

"can i lick ur abs ??"

sO ANYWAY we're so close to 100K i'm screaming ily guyss as soon as this book reaches it we're gonna celebrate it by some elijah smut (((: 

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