92 » kai

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Imagine being in love with Kai who feels the same way but he wants to stay away from you to keep you safe

You'd think that when you're in love with someone, and they're in love with you, you could have a happy ending and be together. In a lovely relationship, full of cuddling, sex every time there's a chance, making cute surprises for each other and being as happy as one could only be.

But this was not how it always went.

Not in your case, anyway. You were utterly in love with Kai Parker, and dreamed of him all day all night, and after two weeks of feeling this way, you were lucky enough to find out that he felt the same way about you. At that point, you were sure that eventually you and him would find yourselves making out on a daily basis and living a happy life, by each other's sides, but that all turned out to be just a dream. In reality, Kai did love you, but he didn't want to get involved.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I do love you, but I don't think we should get too close... I don't want to jeopardize you, and I'm pretty sure that dating you would do exactly that. There are people out there, who want to kill me, and if they'd find out how much I love you-- Y/N, they'd kill you too. Or torture you, at least. Dating me would be too risky and dangerous, and I won't allow you to risk your life just to be with me. I'm sorry", were his exact words. It was a long explanation, but it was heart-breaking with each word and they were burned into your memory, scratching your heart like little wooden splinters and threatening to kill you from inside. You hated it, you hated being so pathetic and weak that you couldn't even be with the man of your dreams.

At one point, you seriously considered asking Damon to turn you into a vampire. You knew he'd do it, and if you'd be a supernatural being, killing you wouldn't be so easy. Maybe then you could be with Kai.

Despite his words and promise to stay away, you and him did end up kissing, which led to something more intimate. You didn't mind, in fact you loved every second, from the beginning to the end. Secretly, you and Kai met for a few times and sometimes you'd cuddle and talk through the night to the morning, and sometimes you'd get hot and heavy in your bedroom. You were quite happy. Until he found a way to cause heartache for you, again. You knew it wasn't his intention, he just wanted to keep you safe but it felt like he was in fact trying to break your heart.

And oh boy, he did succeed. Quite well, too.

"I love you, Y/N, believe me, I do. Which is why I think we should stop this. I don't want to see you anymore. We'd be caught one day, and everyone would know my biggest weakness. I don't want to lose you, Y/N", Kai then explained, his forehead against yours, followed by his lips on yours. It was a bittersweet moment, but you tried to convince yourself it was for the best.

But how could it be, if that was the thing killing you instead of one of Kai's enemies?

"I have to protect the one thing I can't live without", Kai muttered sadly before walking away, "that's you."

After Kai left you, he kept his word. He disappeared from your presence for weeks, and the only times you saw him when you spent time with the Salvatores or someone else, and they happened to plot revenge against Kai who had ruined the town and its residents. Which happened before Kai met you. If only they knew that with you, Kai wasn't so evil. Maybe you and him should be together after all. You clung onto the shreds of hope, praying that one day you and him could have your happy ending, but before you reached that point, you swam in sadness and low spirits.

It was ruining you. Being without Kai. You stopped eating as often as usually, you could barely sleep without his warmth and manly, sexy scent lingering in the room. You couldn't concentrate without him around you, soothing you down and blessing your day with just his presence. Kai was all you could think about, and as much as you loved it, it was also breaking you, tearing you apart piece by piece until the agony reached your heart and crushed it to small pieces. Living without the one person you loved was hard, especially when you knew he loved you back.

"Imagine this. Me and Kai are in a relationship, and we're really happy. Kai stops murdering people and acting like a total psycho, and I'm feeling better than ever. How would you react?", you began asking from your friends.

And surprising you, many of them said they wouldn't mind who you'd date as long as you'd be happy and safe. And hearing those answers from Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, Matt, Jeremy... just everyone - it made you realize that you didn't want to wait any longer. You wanted Kai, and this time, you were going to have him.

So you ran to his apartment, arms wide, lips ready to meet his. You opened his front door, but much to your shock, you were stopped by Damon holding a gun in his hands. And it was pointed at Kai. Kai's face drained from color, and he stared at you sadly, while Damon looked more confused, but like he wanted answers.

"What the hell are you doing here? Y/N, get out!", Damon insisted, the gun moving in his hands as he took a step closer to you. You swallowed down the lump rising in your throat, and confidently shook your head, not wanting to go anywhere. You wanted Kai.

"I'm here because I love Kai. And Kai loves me", you said, your voice shaky and scared. Damon's eyebrows knitted together and he gave you a look of disgust and disbelief. He shook his head, not wanting to believe it, but you just nodded to convince him that you were for real, as were your feelings.

"We'll talk about it once I get rid of this son of a--", Damon started, and pointed the gun back at Kai who took a step back. Tears filled Kai's eyes, but before Damon could trigger the gun, you screamed and ran to him, pushing Kai away and risking your life.

You knew that taking a bullet for him wouldn't hurt nearly as much as it would to watch him die and then cope with the loss.

So you took the bullet. Damon launched the gun, and as if in slow-motion, the bullet darted out and split the air before piercing your flesh with a thud. You looked down at your now bleeding stomach, and collapsed onto the floor, ready to go. At least what you did as your final act was kind and the right thing to do. You could go happily, now.

Damon's eyes widened and in shock, he realized what he had done, causing him to take off and run with full speed out of the apartment, while Kai fell onto his knees and sobbed as he pulled you onto his lap. Everything was so slow and so mellow, and you barely felt any pain, you just had to smile. You looked into Kai's eyes, while he cupped your face and rocked back and forth, praying for you to get through but you both knew you wouldn't.

"I love you, Kai", you whispered, and smiled, "I just guess not all I love you's lead to happy endings."


lol i'm not crying i swear i'm not

i'M NOT CRying

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