196 » alaric

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okay let's just for one second appreciate


2) the fact that i've updated every day for three days now ok hopefully i'll continue like this



Imagine being angry so Alaric trains you to get your rage out and you end up making out

  "Ugh, I'm so done with everything."

  A not-so-subtle groan rose from your throat and it echoed through the hallway as you dragged yourself towards the kitchen where you aimed to pour yourself something to drink, depending on what would reach your hand first, whether it'd be a bottle of bourbon or some orange juice, you wouldn't say no. It had been a long, frustrating day, and things had went downhill since you got up from bed.

  You had to wake up without your fiancé Alaric next to you, all that you found was a note where he apologized for leaving so early but that wasn't even the worst. Maybe your boss yelling at you was the worst, or perhaps the fact that you lost some papers that you needed for studying was it, or then it was how you were late for your extra shift at the Grill and ended up bumping into some random dude which caused you to pour your hot coffee down your shirt. It had not been a great day for you, and it had killed your mood and loaded you up with anger and frustration.

  You were sipping on a glass of water, since you couldn't find anything better - and that only irritated you more - when your phone buzzed and you took it out only to find out that you would have to go to work two hours earlier tomorrow and work for two extra hours because of a busy day. You groaned again, and after finishing your water, you threw the glass on the other side of the room and it hit the wall, shattering to tiny bits and pieces and scattering all over the floor.

  "For fuck's sake, I swear to god I will--", you began, but didn't finish when you had covered your face with your palms and slid down to the floor. You rested your back against the counter and banged your head against it out of pure anger. It was the little things that got you annoyed, and today had been full of flaws that grinded your gears and made you want to both scream and cry at the same fucking time. But instead, you just sat there, groaning, cursing and complaining.

  In fact, you did it to the point where Alaric heard it all the way to the bedroom and he woke up from his nap and had to walk over to the kitchen with confusion on his face. He didn't want to hear you in such distress, and it made him grimace in discomfort but he tried to radiate support and fondness as he kneeled down next to you and took your hand. You were startled, as you were so deep in your thoughts you hadn't heard him arrive but you were glad to see him when you dropped your hand from your face. A heavy sigh left your mouth, and you wrapped your arms around Alaric while nuzzling your face against his chest and just wanting to feel his warmth and love.

  "Love me", you pouted, and made your beloved chuckle as he took you into his hold and sat down on the floor before placing you on his lap. Alaric rested his jaw on the top of your head, and slowly moved from side to side to comfort you, and the peace you finally achieved made you close your eyes while your head fell against his shoulder.

  "I do love you", Alaric smiled, and placed a finger under your jaw to lift it and to lock his gaze with yours. "What is it?", he asked, and made you groan at the thought of the crappy day you had been having. It made you angry just to think about it, and the rush of frustration got you jumping onto your feet and somehow you ended up pacing back and forth in the kitchen while moving your hands in the air and ranting about each terrible minute you had fought through.

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