6 » klaus

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Hey, here's an updated author's note:
This imagine is very polarizing and I understand why some of you are unhappy with the way this story ends, so I just wanted to remind you that it's a work of fiction and doesn't mirror real life. If someone cheats on you, you don't need to forgive or forget and it's 100% understandable if you react differently from this one shot. I did write this many years ago so a lot in my own life has changed since then and I wouldn't write this the same way I did then.

The imagine also has a slutshaming tone which I'm deeply sorry for. That's not what I believe in anymore and I'm relieved to see the many comments speaking against it. I know now that was not the right way to go about it.

I'm very much okay with debating and conversating in the comments but please keep it respectful. If you don't agree with someone's views or if this one shot makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to stick around. Thank you for reading ❤️


Imagine that Klaus cheats on you and then begs for your forgiveness

Tears were brimming in your eyes, nearly flowing over but you kept them there, not wanting to cry but how could you stop yourself? How does anyone ever stay calm and not cry after finding out that who you thought was your one true love, the love of your life, had cheated on you? All those years together, all those memories you had created, all those kisses, hugs, intense nights in your shared bedrooms, every sweet moment, every sad moment, he was willing to throw away and burn to ashes for some slut.

It was funny, really, how one act could burn down a strong bond you thought wouldn't break, ever. But it was true, also. And the fact that it had happened to you, your boyfriend had slept with someone else and destroyed all the trust and love between you, it made it a little less funny.

You didn't think Klaus was one to cheat on his girlfriend, but you were proven wrong when you arrived home earlier than you were supposed to. Matt had been kind and let you out of work one hour earlier, because he knew how you were stressed lately, yet you needed and wanted a job and Mystic Grill was quite the perfect place for you. You reached for the front door, which was partly open, causing you to lift an eyebrow. Klaus might have been the greatest, scariest creature in Mystic Falls, but he didn't usually literally leave the door wide open if anyone wanted to kill him or you.

What should have put you on alert next was his belt on the floor. It seemed like he had come home in a rush, and changed clothes on the way to the bedroom, but he wasn't a messy man. He didn't just leave things like this, and it concerned you even more. Deeply in thought, you forgot to announce Klaus of your arrival by yelling a greeting or something, if he was even home, though. You started to make your way up the stairs, and as you stepped on the third one, you noticed something very odd. Something you were certain Klaus would never, ever, use.

A tube of crimson red lipstick.

By now you had realized what must be going on upstairs in the bedroom, and it caused those salty tears in your eyes. You were afraid of going there and witnessing the happening with your own eyes, so instead, you returned downstairs, made your way to the kitchen and prepared yourself some coffee, though quietly so you wouldn't draw any attention to yourself. You were quite sure, though, that Klaus and whoever he was spending time with, were both too busy to pay attention to anything else than each other.

Twenty minutes later, you heard giggling and footsteps, so you put the coffee mug away and wiped your eyes, but they only filled with tears again. You looked at the bottom of the stairs from the kitchen, waiting for them to come down so you could see the cheater you had been dating for two years, and the dumb slut he had taken home with him. You prayed for it to be a random girl, though, because seeing one of your good friends there, would only hurt more.

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