57 » stefan

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so basically this is kinda trash tbh because my browser is fucking with me and it keeps opening a random website every time i click somewhere or stay on the same one for a while so idk this shizzle is annoying the hell out of me

also i'm sorry i haven't updated in a long while but i've been busy and yesterday i got a killer migraine and i thought i was going to die and ugh yeah it's been a long week but here is this imagine that i hope is somewhat nice


Imagine your and human!Stefan's wedding day

You took in a shaky breath, while wiping your sweaty hands on your arms which turned into a hug for yourself, as your eyes flickered over the mirror where you could see a woman you barely recognized. Your hair was beautifully done and styled, and your face was painted with gorgeous make-up, but the highlight of it all was the beautiful, white, princess-like wedding gown on you. It hugged your body tightly, showing every perfect curve and spreading out towards the end with the long tail. It was truly magnificent, and you could already imagine your soon-to-be-husband's reaction when he'd see you, and the thought made you bite your lower lip to hold in tears.

You had never felt so beautiful. So loved and so amazing. So happy. After all you and Stefan had been through, you were finally getting married, and you knew it was going to be the best day of your life. You loved Stefan more than anything, or anyone, you had never felt so fond of someone and you knew he was the right person for you. He was so often judged, but you had seen him as a little ray of sunshine and the incarnation of happiness and love ever since he finally got the courage to ask you out.

You definitely owed Damon a favor, he started your and Stefan's epic relationship by pushing, literally pushing, his little brother over to you and forcing him to ask you out.

Your train of thought was interrupted when there was a knock on the door of your dressing room, and you quickly turned around, giving the person on the other side the permission to come in. The door opened, and when you saw Damon, you immediately smiled.

"Speak of the devil...", you muttered, and he reacted by raising an eyebrow, not quite understanding but you smiled nevertheless. You loved Damon. Not like you loved Stefan, but you did love him, he was a good friend to you and the two of you were quite close. Stefan liked how you two got along very well, although at times he'd get jealous, to which you'd respond by always telling that you would never date Damon, but you just might turn him into your best friend, and it would always cause the smaller boy to smile widely.

"Is the lady ready to go? Don't want to keep the crowd waiting, Y/N. And I can tell Stefan is losing his mind - he's sure you'll have second thoughts and leave him at the altar", Damon chuckled, and made you do the same. Typical Stefan. You nodded your head, and walked to Damon, who linked arms with you. Because your father wasn't able to attend, the other Salvatore brother was going to walk you down the aisle, and he was very honored that you asked him to do it. He had an important role in the whole wedding from the beginning to the end, and still, from the two of you, you were more stressed out than Damon himself.

Damon took you to the back of the church, and when music started to play, he and you took your first steps. Your hands were shaking as you tried to hold the bouquet still, and you could only pray to god your tears couldn't be seen through the thin veil in front of your face. Damon walked you along the music, until you were at the altar, where Stefan gasped and bent down, his hands meeting his thighs as he tried to comprehend your beauty. You looked like an angel, he had never before witnessed anything so breath-taking, and it took him a while to collect himself before he could stand straight and look up to your eyes.

"How's the weather up there?", he whispered teasingly, trying to crack a joke while wiping his tears. You weren't usually amused by jokes related to his height or body, but this time, you could only giggle and look down while biting your lip. You were so in love with him, it was insane.

The event began, and while holding Stefan's tiny, trembling hand, you tried to concentrate on what was being told but you were taken away by his handsome, unbelievable looks. His hair was nicely combed and it was shining under the lights of the church, and his small frame was covered by a perfectly fitting suit that made him look just incredible. He was so handsome. You couldn't believe he was all yours...

And in just a moment, you would be Mrs. Salvatore.

Your vows were emotional, full of memories you had created together from jealousy to tears and from first kisses to nursing Stefan back to health after a fight in the back of an alley. From awkward situations to comfortable silences and cuddling. Just being together. That was all you needed - being close to Stefan, breathing the same air with him and walking on the same ground with him. You had fallen completely in love, and you couldn't help but cry helplessly when you remembered the time you first met.

It was clear as glass. You were picking up flowers, while Stefan adored you from a safe distance, until Damon shoved him to you and he asked you out. Stefan had always been a shy, awkward, adorable little mess and you made sure to mention that, and how much you loved it, and every single one of his features. He was so gorgeous, not only handsome and sexy, but also so beautiful, with his bright happy eyes and a careful smile and pink cheeks. Flawless skin, sharp jawline, perfectly shaped lips and overall, like a piece of art.

You loved Stefan Salvatore so much. And he loved you even more.

Soon the greatest moment of your life arrived. Stefan was given the permission to kiss you after you had been pronounced as husband and wife. Stefan removed the veil from your face and his lips softly pressed into yours, and his hands held you, until it was time to walk away from the church while people took photos and cried with you two.

As you and Stefan were walking towards the doors, ready to leave the church and drive to the venue of the afterparty, he leaned to your ear, and you bent lower so he could reach you. You squeezed his hand and listened to him whisper to you.

"I love you, Y/N Salvatore."

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