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Imagine kissing Kol under the mistletoe

"For the love of God, you are not putting the mistletoe up this year. End of discussion."

"But how can you end a discussion when there hasn't even been a discussion?"

Your feet erupted into a sprint and you started to run towards the door of your bedroom in panic. "Kol, leave me alone!", you screamed and slammed the door shut just in time, nearly closing it on his fingers but nonetheless he stayed on the other side, banging the door with both fists.

Ever since December arrived, Kol Mikaelson had been trying to talk you into hanging a mistletoe somewhere in the house like he had done in the past three years but you and his siblings had quite enough. Last year, Kol had been hiding the mistletoe in the strangest places and spent the whole month trying to get you and Rebekah kiss, but you refused to give even a kiss on the cheek just to annoy Kol to a breaking point. And now, he and the same freaking mistletoe were back, and he aimed to get you to kiss him. He hadn't told anyone, but he had seriously fallen for you, and he wanted to taste your irresistible lips on his, and underneath the mistletoe - it was the perfect plan, but without even knowing it, you killed it.

"Please, Y/N, pretty pretty please? As pretty as you?", he tried, hoping you'd give in. You loved him, okay, you had been great friends for years and after living with the Mikaelsons for a long time, you and him shared a certainly special bond, but this whole thing on the mistletoe was a huge no. Not only you, but everyone else in the house hated Kol's way to surprise you with the damn thing, seeing he always had it somewhere, and you couldn't even sleep in peace when he'd wake you up and insist on a kiss because of the mistletoe which he hung above you two seconds ago. It was a drag, and all of you hated it.

Yet you couldn't say no.

"Okay", you let out and swung open the door, causing Kol to fall onto his face after having his ear stuck to the door. Whilst he remained on the floor, groaning and rubbing his forehead, you continued, "I have one condition though. You can only put it in one place and you can't move it. You have one shot at this, Kol, better make it worth all this whining", which earned a disapproving glare from him.

But he was satisfied, and determined. He had one shot at kissing you and he wasn't going to waste it. He was going to work for it, plan it thoroughly and make sure no one else could kiss you. It had to be him. Him and you.

That December was full of fear, and each day was spent with a nervous atmosphere lingering in the house. Everyone became a bit wary, more careful, and it was like Kol had hid a bomb in the house that would go off the second it'd be seen. No one wanted to be the target nor the victim. Klaus started to spend an obviously bigger amount of time elsewhere, and Elijah tried to remain in one place while Rebekah used her inhuman speed to avoid getting caught underneath the mistletoe. You tried your best to avoid it, but it didn't turn out to be so hard. In fact, after days, no one could find it even if you tried to look for it. It was as if Kol never even hung it.

He swore he did, though. And all of you quickly grew restless and frustrated, wanting to just get rid of the bloody thing but with it being kind of missing, no one knew what to do. You just remained in the mixture of fear and relief, not wanting to be the one who fails to avoid the mistletoe, but at the same time craving to just kiss someone so the tension would break apart.

"Where is it, Kol?", you asked on Christmas Eve, out of nowhere while the two of you were sitting on the living room couch. It was just you and him in the whole house, and since you were the closest with him, you assumed you could get out some spoilers or hints about the mistletoe's location.

Kol chuckled and lifted his head from his phone which Elijah had gotten him as an early Christmas present. As if Kol was a little boy with his first phone - and he was, except for the little boy part - he couldn't put it down. Except now. "Well, well, darling. Are you saying that even though you're the one who most insisted against this whole thing, you now want to know where it is? Are you, perhaps, hoping for a sweet little kiss?", Kol grinned, and nudged you with your elbow. You just rolled your eyes and shook your head - god, sometimes you wanted to smack him. Other times, you wanted to smack him with your lips. On his lips. So perhaps you were hoping for a kiss, after all.

"You wish. I just want to know where it is. No big deal. So... Why don't you give me a little hint, Kol?", you smirked, and leaned closer to him, so close he could easily feel your body radiating with warmth, smell your perfume and need your kiss all the more. His breath got stuck in his throat and he struggled to remain under control, so he knew he had to get out of the situation and that was why he grabbed your hand and led you towards the door in the back of the house.

"Very well, as you wish, darling", he spoke, in the knowledge that now or never he had to grab the chance you were offering on a silver platter and just give you the fucking kiss.

Hand in hand, you walked outside, to the balcony where Kol pointed above your heads. You looked up, and there it was, the nightmarish yet at the same time oh so innocent mistletoe. You sighed, and gave Kol a look, grinning, until you realized who was under the mistletoe now. Your smile faded away, but you didn't have time to say anything when Kol placed his hand on the back of your head, an arm around your waist and pulled your body against his so he could kiss you.

Your lips were perfect against his. It was like they were made to meet. You melted into the intense connection, and your fingers went through Kol's soft hair while pressing against him a bit harder. Your lips danced with each other until you were both breathless and needed a moment to comprehend the magic of the moment. You placed a hand on your chest, and glanced down only to look back into Kol's eyes again, and after catching your breath you stuttered out what was supposed to be a proper sentence but came out as unclear words.

"I-- wow, that was... Uh-- wow-- how long had you been holding that back?", you breathed out, earning a fond sigh from Kol.

"Since I first saw you", he replied, before catching your body again and closing you in an embrace whilst your lips reconnected. It was intense, yet so caring you knew that it wasn't just any kiss for Kol, but it wasn't for you either. It meant something.

And you couldn't help but admit that maybe hanging the mistletoe was a pretty good idea after all.

"What the bloody hell happened here?!", you heard a shocked voice which you recognized as Rebekah's. You broke the kiss and turned to the entrance of the balcony where the Original stood with a stunned look on her features, blushing, whereas Kol grinned proudly.

"We, uh, I found the mistletoe."

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