168 » elena, caroline and bonnie

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Imagine spending Christmas with Elena, Caroline and Bonnie

Excitement, was honestly the only thing you felt when you woke up on Christmas, in the same room with your best friends Elena, Bonnie and Caroline. After waiting for the special day for months, it was finally here and you were full of joy, hence the jumping and squealing as soon as you got up from the mattress set out on the floor of Elena's bedroom. You woke up the others, while giggling and rushing to the window from where you could see snowflakes falling from the sky, slowly covering the ground in white which was just enough to make you smile widely.

"Guys, it's snowing! This is perfect! C'mon, get up and we'll go to the high school to decorate the Christmas tree with others", you smiled and gave a quick hug to each girl before rushing to your bag and searching for clothes. You didn't have a problem with getting dressed with them around, so that was what you did while the three of them just groaned and tried to wake up properly.

"Y/N is right, though. We can't miss this, we never do, so get dressed and let's go", Elena sighed and cracked a smile for you as she got up from her bed. Somehow, eventually, everyone else managed to drag themselves up from the bed as well and so your Christmas kicked off.

At the high school, an impressive, gorgeous Christmas tree had been set up, waiting to be decorated by the residents. It was one of your favorite events of the whole year, the whole town just coming together to wish each other happy holidays, and to make the tree pretty. The feeling was at its finest, and especially with the snowflakes surrounding you, you couldn't help but feel happy. You were happy to spend the day with your favorite girls, too, and therefore you were all smiles and constantly hugging them.

"Want some hot chocolate?", Bonnie asked, and offered you a mug with a steaming delicious drink. You nodded, gladly taking it in your hand and sipping the warm cocoa while looking around and adoring the Christmas lights, the decorated tree and the people hugging and having a good fun with their loved ones. There was a man dressed up as Santa, walking around and giving out Christmas themed candy and chocolate to kids while a band played usual, popular songs, like Michael Bublé or the epic Mariah Carey tune. It was all just how you wanted it to be.

"Y/N, come on. Mom said we can put on the star!", Caroline grinned, waving for you to join her at the ladder that led to the very top of the tree. You handed your mug to Bonnie, who told you to be careful as you headed over to Caroline who helped you up the ladder after giving you the shiny star.

"Hold on tight", you chuckled at Caroline and Jeremy who were holding the ladder so you wouldn't fall with it. They replied the same way, telling you to be careful like Bonnie did, and you promised to do so while climbing up to reach the tip of the tree.

Many photos were taken as you set the star on the top, and you smiled proudly - it may or may not have been a long dream of yours to one year have the honor of completing the task. The beautiful tree seemed finished as soon as you climbed down, and people erupted into applauses and cheers while the band played another song. You and Caroline walked over to Bonnie and Elena, and while sipping on hot chocolate, the four of you rested your heads together, smiling widely and enjoying the lovely time.

"I love you guys."

Later that night, after a fulfilling, delicious meal at Mystic Grill, you were back at Elena's place, just the four of you. Jeremy and Alaric were elsewhere with Matt, Damon and Stefan and therefore the whole apartment was for you girls. You didn't have big plans, really, just spending time by the Christmas tree, listening to some music and of course, giving out the presents and opening them. There was a plate of light food on the coffee table of living room, where you all remained sprawled out with a bunch of presents surrounding you.

"And this one, goes to... Y/N! Looks like you've been nice this year", Bonnie winked and broke into a laughter which you all joined. You smiled, and gave her a long warm hug after taking the present and placing it next to you. The rest were shared, and then came the time to open them, which was more or less everyone's favorite part. Perhaps it was more exciting when you were little kids, but you were still eager to find out what you had received, and already grinning when you just thought about everyone's reactions when they'd open the presents you got them.

You ended up getting pretty much everything you had wished for. Whether it was only a few, or a long list you had worked on since November, your friends always got you whatever you wanted. Maybe it was the perks of having vampires as friends, or vampires as your friends' friends, or just their golden hearts and pure kindness, but you still got what you wished for.

And the #1 on that list you sent to Santa (actually, for the past two years you had sent it to Klaus which annoyed him incredibly much), was that you'd get to spend Christmas with Elena, Caroline and Bonnie and that they'd be happy, and so far, each year your wish came true. It was the best of presents.

"C'mon. It's not Christmas unless we have a dance party", Elena then chuckled when you had hugged tightly and thanked each other for the presents.

And through the night, you danced, ate and laughed. You had fun, a good time really, until you all fell asleep on the living room floor, on top and next to each other, where it was warm and safe and loving.


i'm so sad pls don't go away christmas i love u,,


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