12 » damon

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REQUESTS ARE CLOSED ! sorry babes, but i have 74 imagines to write and that's a LOT. i will very likely take more when those are done, but right now i have so much to do, and even though i love your ideas, i have my own ones too and i would love to write those for you. hope you understand ! (:

also look at that gif jfc motherfucker chill with that face my heart is about to fail on me


Imagine baking with Damon

Mudcake - god, you loved mudcake. Well, to be honest, anything with even the slightest bit of chocolate in it was utter perfection in your opinion, but you really, really loved mudcake. So when you on one boring Sunday understood you had nothing better to do - god bless the peaceful days in Mystic Falls - you decided to take out some ingredients and bake a cake you would preferably eat all by yourself. It wouldn't be a problem, for sure.

So you dug up some instructions with your phone, it wasn't a hard task to complete, since pretty much everything could be found online nowadays. You read through the recipe, and placed the necessary ingredients on the table and then made sure you had everything, including the bowls and utensils, while rolling up your sleeves and making sure your hair wouldn't get in your way.

When you were all ready, you smiled to yourself, and prepared some butter in the microwave. It had to be soft and melted, so you did so, and then started to mix sugar and two eggs in a bowl with an electric mixer. In no time you had a wonderfully whipped mix in the plastic bowl, and it was time to add the cocoa and vanilla sugar. Before you could so, though, you were interrupted, or scared, really.

"Boo", your boyfriend Damon whispered into your ear, causing you jump up and throw the cocoa in the air, but Damon quickly grabbed the container and managed to get it all back in. You rolled your eyes, and took the delicious powder back from him and gave him a quick glare before returning to the task at hand.

"What are you doing babe? Anything I can help with?", he asked, surprising you with his question. Not only was it weird from him to be so helpful and cheerful, but also a fucking stupid question. You turned around again after adding the ingredients to the mix, and gave him a look that in words, would have been are you kidding me.

"Not baking, that's for sure", you said slowly and earned a chuckle from him. You had always been sarcastic, but he liked to think that he had you taught you well enough and his personality had been contagious after spending so much time with him. "And no, I do not need your help. I'm making this alone, and I am eating this alone", you quickly added and continued to work. But as you continued, so did Damon, with that childish attitude - he had to get what he wanted.

"C'mon, let me help - I'm good at baking, I swear! Besides, I don't want to eat it. Unless you're making 'blood' your magical secret ingredient", Damon winked, and made you shudder at the thought. You weren't a vampire, so the thought of having human blood in your precious mudcake was just awful. You shook your head at Damon, but eventually allowed him to help, because with some extra help, the cake would be done quicker and if you got to eat it all by yourself, everything would be just fine.

Damon began pouring some flour out of the bag after you had asked him to, but as he shook it a tad too aggressively, most of it slumped out and down to the floor. You took in a sharp breath and looked at the mess on the flooring for a good while, before slowly looking up at Damon who was smiling innocently, hoping you'd let him off the hook and not complain. You weren't too strict or anything, you were a fun person and a girlfriend, but this was exactly why you didn't want any help, especially from Damon.

"You'll clean that up soon", you said, and looked back at the mix you were still making, while muttering, "brat", which earned a handful of flour to be thrown at you. You gasped and turned to look at Damon who was pointing his index finger at you, and your face that was now covered with the white flour. You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand and spat out all that had sneaked into your mouth, and then gave a tired look to your boyfriend.

"You called me a brat. I hope this taught you to not do that", he said, and crossed his arms and failed to keep up the strict attitude as he broke into a smile. When he looked away, you grabbed some of the moist chocolate brown dough and smacked it into Damon's cheek, causing him to take a step back and give an amused, shocked look into your direction as you laughed.

"Y/N, you son of a-", Damon started, but didn't finish when he was already throwing more flour at you. You fired back with the dough, though mostly with other ingredients so you wouldn't waste all of the main one on your boyfriend's sexy face.

You giggled and he laughed as the two of you ran around the kitchen, throwing stuff at each other until you were both exhausted and covered in dough, butter, flour and cocoa. It was a mess, and so were the surroundings which made the two of you only more amused. You approached Damon and threw your hands over his shoulder and sneaked them behind his neck while smiling.

"You got a little something there", you told him, and looked at his plump kissable lips, while leaning close enough to shut the space between his and your mouths. You were left in a passionate, intense kiss, just your lips playing with each other and tasting the sweet dough. It was messy and sexy, and when you finally let go of each other, you were both stuck with wide smiles on your faces.

Your cute moment was interrupted by Stefan who cleared his throat from the doorway where he was leaning and looking around the messy kitchen. He looked quite unhappy, but it was no wonder, the place looked like a bomb had exploded in there.

"I am so not in the mood to deal with this right now, or anything like this, so I expect you two little kids to take care of this mess", he said and shot you a smile before leaving the room. You chuckled, and kissed the tip of Damon's nose before going back to the dough from which you had used at least one half to fight with Damon.

"Let's finish this. Then I think we should take a shower. You know, since we're so very messy", you winked, and made Damon grin happily. You put the cake in the oven, cleaned up the room and after begging for Stefan to keep an eye on the mudcake, you made your way to the shower where you two had wonderful twenty-five minutes.


"Gosh, this is so good", you moaned and cut another piece of the cake you and Damon had successfully made. Damon was watching as you ate, but didn't taste it himself, he was too convinced that anything that wasn't alcohol or blood or both mixed into one, sucked. You gave him a look, and pushed the cake to his side. Although you had told him you'd eat it all alone, you wanted to see him taste. Maybe it was his reaction that you craved for, or you just wanted him to have a bite and admit you were an awesome cook.

Damon lifted an eyebrow, but agreed to taste some of the mudcake - it did look delicious although it didn't have any blood in it. He cut a small piece for himself, and took a bite, which you followed tightly with both eyes. You would never forgive yourself if you'd miss Damon's reaction to a fucking mudcake. He chewed on it for a while, but then his face twisted into a nasty expression and he slapped his hand against his mouth as he jumped up and ran towards the trashcan.

You laughed while Damon spat out the piece of cake, and tilted your head back as he groaned. He was just too hilarious to not laugh at. So adorable, too. You watched him in amusement as he slowly dragged his ass back to the chair, and broke into a new series of loud giggles when he glared at you.

"That bad?", you asked, and he nodded.

"That bad."



idk whether to laugh or cry at the fact i get most of my inspiration from my own life like i was baking a mudcake yesterday and i kept thinking about how much cooler it would be with well, for example, damon and then i (did not cry while stuffing my face with cake i swear) understood it would make a great imagine sOOoO hope you enjoyed ittt hehe (:


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