34 » klaus

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so basically guys i reached 1M yesterday on my first preference & imagine book and i did write a note which i hope you read, but i want to thank you guys again. so THANK YOU. i'm very grateful and i love you all, thank you so so so much ((:


Imagine Klaus being daggered by his siblings and you're compelled to not undagger him, but the compulsion breaks eventually and you wake him up

Everyone believed that the infamous Niklaus Mikaelson was impossible to get rid of, but his siblings held a way to keep him locked in a box where he couldn't get his hands on anyone. He was always plotting multiple deaths or the new attempt to rule the world, and to be honest, every was getting sick of it. Everyone, but you.

But your opinion was a shout into the void when the rest of Mystic Falls agreed that he had to be taken down. Maybe he couldn't be killed for good, but Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Finn had a plan and with time, they would take care of their brother, which was a huge stress-reliever for the whole small town.

You loved Klaus though, while everyone else despised him. You thought he was incredibly attractive, and unbelievably charming and he actually cared about you instead of just using you. You knew that what he felt for you was genuine, and the same went the other way around but no one bothered to care about you when the chance to get rid of Klaus was at hands.

And you understood that finally, when you looked at your love in a box, with a dagger sticking out from his chest, his face gray and covered in veins and his eyes closed for a time you feared would go past your life. For a vampire, a century wouldn't be so odd or hard, but you weren't a vampire. You were a normal human being, and you knew that this could end with Klaus still in that coffin when you are put to yours.

Obviously you wanted to undagger him, pull that mean stick out of his chest, but the Mikaelsons had considered that and prepared for your want and need to save Klaus.

"Y/N, he's a monster, you have to believe us. He'll do no good for you, he would just destroy you, wreck you like he did to us, to me. This is for the best, love", Rebekah explained, trying to get to your good side but as you cried and shook your head and trembled with fury and sadness both, everyone around you knew that nothing Rebekah would say would get you to feel something else about the situation.

But none of them wanted you to live in misery for your life, either.

So, Kol took action. "Y/N, you will not wake Nik up. He belongs in that box, and your silly feelings won't get in the way. You will deal with it and not miss him or feel the need to undagger him. You deserve better, darling, so I need you to stop crying, and move on, and never step a foot in this place", he compelled you. Your crying died down instantly, and glances and looks were shared a fair amount as you nodded your head, and repeated some of Kol's words. The compulsion had worked, obviously, and so you were forced to leave your love all alone in the dark dungeon that was considered the perfect place for a body that should never be found nor woken.


"Kol is dead."

The words hit you straight in the heart, and your mind kept repeating them, incapable of not thinking about the fact that Kol Mikaelson was dead. Although you loved Kol as a friend, you couldn't feel sad about it because it made you remember something. It made you feel something. It made you want to do something.

"Kol is... dead?", you repeated, and looked at Stefan nod. You had went to his and Damon's house a few hours ago just to have a peaceful evening on your own, but it was going to have an abrupt turn, though to something much better.

It had been one year since Klaus was daggered and your feelings were put to rest with him, but now that Kol was dead, so was the compulsion. You felt all the feelings, all the love flood into you and you hopped up from the couch. You looked at Stefan, your hands trembled, your heart was beating faster than ever and your lips were curved into a happy, wide smile.

"I have to go", was all you said to Stefan, before storming out of the house and making your way to where you could remember Klaus being. In that stupid coffin. You drove there, and as you ran out of the car, you left the door open, the radio playing, the keys hanging in. But you didn't care, you couldn't care. The only thing that mattered was that Klaus could be undaggered now, and you wanted it badly. You loved Klaus, you always did, but Kol just suffocated it like it was a switch to flip.

But it was all okay now. Kol was gone, which was sad of course, but love was a much stronger feeling and your heart felt like it was going to burst out of joy when you ran down to Klaus' box and yanked it open. Seeing his body brought tears to your eyes, and you shook as you wrapped your hand around the handle of the dagger. With a swift movement, it was out of Klaus' chest, and you threw it into the wall joyfully. Klaus would be awake in just some time.

You sat down, and waited, for some hours but eventually you did hear a gasp, a deep one and you looked inside the box to see Klaus opening his eyes. His skin was at it's finest again, glowing like new and his lips in that pink shade again, and his eyes sparkling with the usual evil, though charming glisten. He was so beautiful, and you placed your hand on your mouth as you cried and felt the love fill you.

"Klaus", you breathed out, not able to say anything else. He looked at you, after sitting up, and his lips pulled up until he was smiling a bright smile. Your heart left out a beat, you were sure of it, as you looked into his eyes and let the happiness flood through your veins. It was like a drug, intoxicating you, when you just saw him, and heard him, and knew he was there and alive. Being in love with him, was wrong, but it felt so good. And even though you would be judged, you knew you wanted and needed it and wouldn't let anyone's opinions get in your way.

"Y/N, love", he said, and got out of the coffin quickly. His hand was placed on your cheek, and his thumb softly wiped away the tears rolling down on your skin, "I have missed you", he spoke and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. But feeling your skin on his lips, it made him realize that he was indeed an entire year in that coffin.

His fangs grew out and they grazed your flesh, which made you shiver but you didn't pull back. You knew Klaus loved you and he needed to drink too, but he would never hurt you. Even though that was kind of a habit for him, and being with him was a huge risk, you knew, in your heart and in your soul and in your mind that he would not hurt you, and you believed into it with your whole existence. When you looked up, you saw his eyes turning dark and his skin being covered with small, hungry veins. You had seen this face before, so it didn't scare or startle you. In fact, you kind of adored it.

"Do you mind if I...?", he began, but didn't have to finish. You shook your head, and gave him the permission to have a drink from your neck, so he leaned down and pierced your skin with his sharp fangs. It only stung a bit, but it wasn't unbearable. You stiffened, and held your breath while Klaus drank from you thirstily, and held you in his arms, cradling you softly.

Whenever he was satisfied, he pulled his teeth out and panted heavily. He gave you a grateful look, and was about to wipe the corners of his mouth, but before he could, you pulled his face down to yours and your lips met in a passionate, loving kiss. Your fingers dug into his back muscles through his shirt, and your other hand moved up to his tangled hair where it went through the soft curls gently and tugged on them. Your eyes closed, and he did the same while your lips continued to dance in the dark place.

After the kiss, Klaus took your hand and threw you up to his arms, ready to carry you out of there.

"Let's go, love. I believe I have some catching up to do with my siblings", he spoke, and kissed your forehead, before speeding out of the dungeon.

And that was only the beginning of your epic love.

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