134 » matt

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this was so awful omg

and i mean like i'm pretty happy with the result and i loved this request, but IT WAS SO AWFUL i love matt and i kept going all ""poor matt poor matttyyyy i'm so sorry i love you i swear i'm so sORRY"" and sigh

also sorry for killing you off but

but hey on a very very much lighter note - I HAVE ONLY THIRTY MORE IMAGINES TO DO ! so requests will be open soon, but i will not keep them open for a very long while because i have so many own ideas that i want to make and i will most likely end this book after the 250th imagine or something like that. i was thinking about 200, but when i'm done with these requests, i'm already at the 164th and i'm sure you guys have so many requests it goes way past 200 already.

but anyway, get your requests ready because i'll ask for them NEXT MONTH !


Imagine dying on Matt's arms

"Matt, behind you!"

You lunged towards your best friend and secret crush, and shoved him down onto the ground to disappoint the bloodthirsty ripper vampire behind him. Matt gave you a grateful look, and then shielded your body with his large arms when he saw Damon punching his hand through the vampire's heart. Blood splattered out of the now very dead body, and Matt covered you up to save you from the red liquid - therefore all of the stains ended up on his face and clothes.

When the literally heartless vampire fell next to you and Matt on the ground, he finally decided it was safe enough to get up and helped you to your feet. Damon gave you a smug look and you could sense the silent sarcasm with ease, even when he sprinted away to help his brother with the other vampires. A bunch of rippers had spread out to Mystic Falls and obviously, you and your friends had to deal with them even if you and Matt were both just human. It was dangerous, and you knew your life was at risk but for them, and for Matt, you'd do anything.

You and him protected each other at all costs, until it just got out of hand. Damon's neck was snapped and Stefan lost the upper hand and with the lack of vampires on your side, you quickly started to lose and in no time Matt's life was in serious danger. And for him, you'd indeed do anything - so you ran to him and to save him for death, you let one of the vampires pierce your stomach with a stake.

You inhaled sharply and your eyes widened while you slowly looked down to your stomach where blood began spreading outrageously quickly. Your legs failed underneath your body that suddenly felt too heavy to hold up, and you slumped down to the ground but your landing was softened by Matt who grabbed you and went down with you. He cradled your body, while Stefan killed the last of the vampires so you could have your peace on the ground that started to collect blood on it because of your heavy bleeding. Matt's eyes glistened with tears that eventually rolled onto his cheeks, making you do the same because so far, you had never seen a sight as heart-breaking as the one you loved, crying.

"I love you, Matt. I'm sorry-- sorry that I didn't tell you before. But I love you. Promise me you'll move on, that you won't give up and that you'll keep on going on even if it hurts first. Promise me you'll live your life, and stay safe or else I'll come back to haunt you and to kick your ass", you spoke, managing to crack a joke even though you were on the brink of death. Matt chuckled, but then he started to feel bad for finding such black humor amusing and it caused him to shake his head while holding you tightly. And what you just confessed to him, it stuck around in his mind and it made him smile through the tears.

"I-- Y/N, I love you too. I do, I'm sorry for being such a coward and not telling you. But Stefan will give you his blood so you'll heal, Stefan will--", Matt explained, but he was interrupted when he heard a crack. You both looked to Stefan's direction, where you saw two bodies fall onto the ground - Stefan's, and one of the vampires'. Stefan had a heart in his hand, but he had barely killed the vampire when his neck was already snapped, leaving him dead for the moment and unable to feed you his blood. Matt let out a frustrated groan, and then turned back to you, sobbing as his eyes met yours.

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